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Monday, December 19, 2016 at 10:12am.
Disposable Infrastructure: you only build me up to tear me down
Paige will introduce the idea of disposable infrastructure, the tools she and her team chose to use for provisioning (Terraform) and configuration management (Ansible) and a walk through of solution they built.
(As seen at DevOpsDays Portland 2017!)
Speaker bio:
Paige Bernier is passionate about efficiency and building great systems that work. Outside of tech she loves all things crafty and cute. Please send her your best cat photos.
TBD (topic: reliable backups)
Speaker bio:
Rachel Kelly is a Devops Engineer for a small healthcare tech company in town and would argue versus the folks that like to say "mleh, devops engineers don't exist!" Her first love is Python and she chaired PyDX, a local Python conference, for a couple years, and was also part of the organizing team for PDX PyLadies for several years. Recently, she's "recovering" from having taught intro to programming at Portland State for a term. If you want to keep up with what Rachel's doing, please give a follow to @wholemilk on Twitter, which is where she mostly lives, these days.
pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops โ join us!