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Jan 14, 2016
Develop Your Career in Tech: How to Get There
Code Fellows

Join Code Fellows for an evening chat on roles in tech and how to get there. This month we'll get specific on skills you need to land various jobs, and different paths to break into coding.

Beth Adele Long, Web Architect at Planet Argon

Katherine Wu, Developer at New Relic

Jordan Smith, Freelance Interactive Designer

We love to build community, each month we're partnering with FreeGeeks - donate any electronics you no longer use and learn about their internship opportunities in tech.

Please RSVP on EventBrite

Mar 9, 2016
Code Fellows Grads & Their Bosses: What Got Them Hired
Code Fellows

"Will they really hire me??" This is far and away the most common question we get from career-changers considering jumping feet first into immersive training with Code Fellows. Our answer is, "YES," but don't take it from us: Come hear from PDX tech hiring managers and their code school-trained developers! Find out what they were looking for and why they hired these code school grads.

CollegeNET Inc.: Ron Floyd, Web Developer // Tyler Roy-Hart Production Manager & Lead Developer

Nike: Laura Kuhner, Web Developer // Katie Boyd, Web Developer

Nov 3, 2018
Practical, Hands-on Training for Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions

Want to take your career to the next level?

Practical, Hands-on Training for Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions

Microsoft Excel is perhaps the most important computer software program used in business today. That's why so many workers and prospective employees are required to learn Excel to enter or remain in the workplace. Unfortunately many college students, recent grads, and professionals haven’t mastered Excel or have the adequate Excel skills employers are seeking. According to Payscale, “ 80 percent of job openings require spreadsheet and word-processing software skills. Yet so many people never even give Excel a chance because it has an intimidating stigma around it.”

If you walk through the finance or accounting department at any major corporate office, you will see computer screens filled with Excel spreadsheets outlining financial results, budgets, forecasts, and plans used to make big business decisions. Marketing and Product profesionals using Excel to list customer and sales targets; managing thier sales force and planning future marketing plans based on past results. Pivot tables to quickly and easily summarize customer and sales data by category with a quick drag-and drop. HR professionals using giant spreadsheets full of employee data and understand exactly where the costs are coming from and how to best plan and control them for the future. Supply logistic professional to manage inventory and forecasts demand.In essence, you can turn an entire department around just because you know how to manipulate data in order to get an aggregate view.


Advanced functions and formulas

 *Logical functions
 *Conditional functions
 *Financial functions
 *Text functions
 *Date functions
 *Array formulas

Lookups and data tables

 *Using lookup functions
 *Using MATCH and INDEX
 *Creating data tables

Advanced data management

 *Validating cell entries
 *Advanced filtering

Advanced charting

 *Chart formatting options
 *Combination charts
 *Graphical objects

PivotTables and PivotCharts

 *Working with PivotTables
 *Rearranging PivotTables
 *Formatting PivotTables

Exporting and Importing Data

 *Exporting and importing text files
 *Getting external data

Analytical Tools

 *Goal Seek

Macros and Visual Basic

 *Running and recording a macro
 *Working with VBA code


Martin Jetton has 30+ years of advanced supply chain analytics, predictive analytics, and statistical consulting experience. He's currently a Principal at the Liberty Advisor Group, where he works in advanced supply chain analytics. In his previous role, he was the Senior Predictive Consultant at Corios; where he developed predictive models and scorecards, forecast trends, identify uncertainties, and assign the ideal strategies to maximize performance. The firm’s clients are in the banking, brokerage, credit, utilities and healthcare industries.


Not only are many business professionals using Excel to perform everyday functional tasks in the workplace, an increasing number of employers rely on Excel for decision support.The ability to analyze data is a powerful skill that helps you make better decisions. Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool.


They are NOT seeing if you simply have Excel as a skill. They are diving deeping when it comes to determining which candidate to interview and hire. They look for Pivot Table, VLOOKUP, Macros, VBA, Conditional Formatting, Charting and Filtering…These are far more telling of your ability to an employer then writing Excel. Someone who writes VLOOKUP, Pivot Table, Filtering demonstrates an ability to analyse data and so has eliminated a potential barrier in the mind of the hiring manager reviewing your resume. In essence, use actual Excel functions in your Resume!


Did you know that Excel know-how can instantly increase your job prospects as well as your starting salary? Excel is a transferrable skill that any hiring manager understands is critical. Research shows job applicants who know MS Excel make $22.66 per hour on average compared to the $20.14 per hour their peers make who don’t know the program. That’s roughly an extra $20 per eight-hour workday and $100 per work week, simply for knowing how to use a single computer program. Moreover, full-time employees in certain industries can see a starting salary bump of anywhere from $1,000 to $7,000 per year based on their Excel skills. That’s not chump change you can ignore.


A majority 63 percent of twenty-somethings want to start their own business. How will you stay organized, track data, or forecast your finances if you’re not spreadsheet-savvy? Many millennials simply want their first job. But, what about your performance once someone hires you? The biggest complaint employers have about millennials is that they lack basic hard and soft skills.These skills include things like teamwork and problem solving, but also basic administrative skills like MS Word and Powerpoint. Once you’re hired, you want to meet the basic requirements of your role without stressing.


People whose work is completed through MS Excel; Software Engineers, Finance Professionals, HR Professionals, Marketing Professionals, Project Managers, Technology Professionals.




This is one of our high demand classes. In the case, we sale out; email us at [email protected] and ask when our next course will be in

Nov 10, 2018
Predictive Analytics and Modeling -R Programming

Data Science Is the Future of Everything

Predictive Modeling and Analytics with R

Join us for our Predictive Modeling and Analytics workshop on Saturday, November 10th, 2018; featuring Martin Jetton, with 30+ years of advanced supply chain analytics, predictive analytics, and statistical consulting experience. In his previous role, he was the Senior Predictive Consultant at Corios; where he developed predictive models and scorecards, forecast trends, identify uncertainties, and assign the ideal strategies to maximize performance.

The world has now turned into a digital workspace. Online activity and real-world sensors are generating torrents of data about everything from weather to crime to our buying habits. Increasing computer power and new analytical techniques promise to turn masses of raw data into actionable intelligence—and thereby transform a variety of industries and propel us to a data-driven economy. According to analysts, the Data Analytics market will be almost $50B by 2020. Coupled with the estimation that by 2019 there will nearly 1.2 million open data jobs with no one to fill them, it is clear that understanding and communicating with data will be critical for impact. The skills needed to be a Business Analyst, Data Analyst, or Data Scientist are all about to be in real demand, and our trainings with experience Data Science Practitioners will help you get head start! (International Data Corporation).


Facebook - For behavior analysis related to status updates and profile pictures. Google - For advertising effectiveness and economic forecasting. Twitter - For data visualization and semantic clustering Microsoft - Acquired Revolution R company and use it for a variety of purposes. Xbox uses R for a great gaming experience. Uber - For statistical analysis Airbnb - Scale data science. IBM - To help create IBM Watson, an open, cognitive computing technology platform that represents a new era in computing where systems understand the world like humans do: through senses, learning, and experience.

This course will introduce you to some of the most widely used predictive modeling techniques and their core principles. By taking this course, you will form a solid foundation of predictive analytics, which refers to tools and techniques for building statistical or machine learning models to make predictions based on data. You will learn how to carry out exploratory data analysis to gain insights and prepare data for predictive modeling, an essential skill valued in the business.


R is a programming language originally written for statisticians to do statistical analysis, including predictive analytics. It’s open-source software, used extensively in academia to teach such disciplines as statistics, bioinformatics, and economics. From its humble beginnings, it has since been extended to do data modeling, data mining, and predictive analysis.


Martin Jetton has 30+ years of advanced supply chain analytics, predictive analytics, and statistical consulting experience. He's currently a Principal at the Liberty Advisor Group, where he works in advanced supply chain analytics. In his previous role, he was the Senior Predictive Consultant at Corios; where he developed predictive models and scorecards, forecast trends, identify uncertainties, and assign the ideal strategies to maximize performance. The firm’s clients are in the banking, brokerage, credit, utilities and healthcare industries.


This is one of our high demand classes. In the case, we sale out; email us at [email protected] and ask when our next course will be in.

Dec 12, 2018
Microsoft Excel – Advanced Level Formulas and Functions


Practical, Hands-on Training for Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions

Do you have an intermediate understanding of Excel but are keen to break through to real mastery? Want to finally use the programme with ease and confidence at work and become known as an expert user? Take your Excel skills to the next level with our Advanced Excel course. You’ll soon be crunching data, using advanced formulas, creating impressive graphs and charts like a pro, plus much more.


We all know Excel is essential for any business. When efficiently applied it is a powerful tool, allowing you to manipulate vast amounts of data, automate tasks and present complex information however you see fit. According to Payscale, “80 percent of job openings require spreadsheet and word-processing software skills. Yet so many people never even give Excel a chance because it has an intimidating stigma around it.”


Advanced functions and formulas

 * Logical functions
 * Conditional functions
 * Financial functions
 * Text functions
 * Date functions
 * Array formulas

Lookups and data tables

 * Using lookup functions
 * Using MATCH and INDEX
 * Creating data tables

Advanced data management

 * Validating cell entries
 * Advanced filtering

Advanced charting

 * Chart formatting options
 * Combination charts
 * Graphical objects

PivotTables and PivotCharts

 * Working with PivotTables
 * Rearranging PivotTables
 * Formatting PivotTables
 * PivotCharts

Exporting and Importing Data

 * Exporting and importing text files
 * Getting external data

Analytical Tools

 * Goal Seek
 * Scenarios

Macros and Visual Basic

 * Running and recording a macro
 * Working with VBA code

If you walk through the finance or accounting department at any major corporate office, you will see computer screens filled with Excel spreadsheets outlining financial results, budgets, forecasts, and plans used to make big business decisions. Marketing and Product professionals using Excel to list customer and sales targets; managing thier sales force and planning future marketing plans based on past results. Pivot tables to quickly and easily summarize customer and sales data by category with a quick drag-and drop. HR professionals using giant spreadsheets full of employee data and understand exactly where the costs are coming from and how to best plan and control them for the future. Supply logistic professional to manage inventory and forecasts demand.

In essence, you can turn an entire department around just because you know how to manipulate data in order to get an aggregate view.


Martin Jetton has 30+ years of advanced supply chain analytics, predictive analytics, and statistical consulting experience. He's currently a Principal at the Liberty Advisor Group, where he works in advanced supply chain analytics. In his previous role, he was the Senior Predictive Consultant at Corios; where he developed predictive models and scorecards, forecast trends, identify uncertainties, and assign the ideal strategies to maximize performance. The firm’s clients are in the banking, brokerage, credit, utilities and healthcare industries.



They are NOT seeing if you simply have Excel as a skill. They are diving deeping when it comes to determining which candidate to interview and hire. They look for Pivot Table, VLOOKUP, Macros, VBA, Conditional Formatting, Charting and Filtering…These are far more telling of your ability to an employer then writing Excel. Someone who writes VLOOKUP, Pivot Table, Filtering demonstrates an ability to analyse data and so has eliminated a potential barrier in the mind of the hiring manager reviewing your resume. In essence, use actual Excel functions in your Resume!


People whose work is completed through MS Excel; Software Engineers, Finance Professionals, HR Professionals, Marketing Professionals, Project Managers, Technology Professionals.




This is one of our high demand classes. In the case, we sale out; email us at [email protected] and ask when our next course will be in.

Oct 11, 2019
State of Womxn of Color - Advancing Community, Culture and Careers
The Riveter

The future of work is one with womxn of color at the center.

Join The Riveter and Future for Us for The State of Womxn of Color Roadshow, an evening to tell audacious stories of womxn of color at work, accompanied by an overview of the data, insights and solutions. This collaboration provides a platform for rising and established womxn of color professionals to share their experiences and next step strategies as they build powerful communities to create a future for where womxn of color lead at the highest levels across all sectors.

This is a special roadshow edition of Future for Us’s State of Womxn of Color, featuring a panel of local leaders. Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, Paige Hendrix Buckner and others will share personal experiences, discuss how womxn of color can navigate the world of work, and leave us with insights on negotiation, building community, and true allyship. Portland is one of the fastest growing cities on the West Coast. With its history of racial inequities and increasingly diverse population, it is of critical importance that we are actively working to build community, and ensure that across all sectors, womxn of color are in visible leadership roles across the city and state.

Allies and champions are invited to come together to support womxn of color professionals through community, culture and career development - to create equity of access and opportunities for advancement. Together we can take actions to advance womxn of color and explore what it takes to build intentional communities for and with womxn of color, examine how allies can strengthen their cultural competency muscle, and explore what true workplace collaboration can make possible!

6:00 - 6:30pm Registration and Networking

6:30 - 7:00pm The State of Womxn of Color Presentation with Future for Us Founders

7:00 - 8:00pm Panel + Q&A

8:00 - 8:30pm Networking

Why womxn and not womxn?

The spelling of womxn is meant to show inclusion of trans, nonbinary, womxn of color, womxn with disabilities and all other marginalized genders. Both The Riveter and Future for Us use this spelling to indicate that our spaces and platform are open to anyone who identifies as such. We respect people of all genders, identities, and the use of pronouns that best identify an individual.


Paige Hendrix Buckner is the Program Director of Founders Gym, an online training center that helps underrepresented founders build successful tech startups. In the first six months of operation, FG has trained 70 founders across 7 countries, who've gone on to raise over $10MM. Throughout her career, Paige has operated at the intersection of education, entrepreneurship, and social justice. She is a well-respected leader in the Portland startup scene and has helped cultivate their ecosystem, including co-founding the Xxcelerate Fund for women entrepreneurs.

Commissioner JoAnn Hardesty is also the Principal Partner of Consult Hardesty. She is focused on increasing democracy in low-income communities & communities of color, eliminate barriers to advocacy, public policy deliberations, and public policy improvements that create disparate outcomes in communities of color and low income communities. JoAnn is also the President of the NAACP Portland Chapter.

About Future for Us

Future for Us is a platform dedicated to advancing womxn of color at work through community, culture and career development. We envision a future of work where womxn of color lead at the highest levels of corporate, government, and social sector organizations. We do this through a mix of monthly events, large-scale conferences for both womxn of color professionals and allies, and research. Join the movement and a community dedicated to womxn of color on Slack! Visit for more information.

More speakers to be announced soon!

Ticketing Information: Tickets for this event are on a sliding scale. Nobody will be turned away due to lack of funds. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Host level tickets (25 max) will include individual and/or company name and/or logo in the event program.

Jun 1, 2021
Design Your Life®, Design Your Post-Pandemic Summer

Without question, it takes something for we humans – even in great times – to have a vision and take the right actions to create the success we want in our lives, both personally and professionally.

Whether you want to take on your career, love life, health, fun & adventure, family (yes, even yours), and/or bank account, this workshop will help you wake up to your summer dreams and get into the right actions to realize them. You will walk away with a new perspective, attainable goals, and an inspired personal plan.

Join us for an insightful, thought-provoking workshop to kick off your summer, and not only design your next move but ensure its success.

Jun 14, 2021
Intro to Oregon Startup Community

This free webinar is an orientation to help newcomers to the startup scene get acquainted with the exciting world of startups in Oregon. We will canvas key events/meetups to attend, startups to know, people, companies, VCs, blogs, hot issues, and more. You'll also learn how to participate in the community to advance your startup or startup career.

Jun 16, 2021
Career Wednesday: Networking For Where You Want to Go

Debunk the myths of networking challenges and gain new perspective on how easy and helpful networking can be for helping you to achieve your goals.

Learn how to meet valuable contacts on apps and online Establish and maintain authentic relationships Frame your existing employment situation in a positive light Get the most out of virtual/remote networking events

and More!

Jun 23, 2021
Career Wednesday: How to fast-track your promotion

Your career is an ever-evolving process. How do you get to the next level?

This webinar will help you achieve clarity to create an actionable plan to get your next promotion. We’ll start with the foundation of showcasing your value to the organization.

Next, we’ll dive into effective ways for you to showcase your value to an organization. Regardless of your seniority within an organization or if you’re starting a new gig. Recognize your strengths and speak about them confidently not arrogantly to get noticed.

Lastly, this webinar will teach you how to unpack your networking skills to build relationships that are mutually beneficial. It’s not about swapping business cards it’s about getting to know the person whose name is on that business card.

This webinar is designed for the professional who’s ready to take it to the next level.

Jun 30, 2021
Career Wednesday: How to Find Strength in Your Uniqueness

Life can sometimes present as a sea of constant tug and pull, chaos and flow, change and transitioning individually and sometimes all at once. In the midst of trying to create balance, how do we stand strong in our own uniqueness and how can we find, understand and appreciate what that strength looks like in order to become it more within our lives. This webinar will explore the different concepts and ways of how we can identify and measure how we are living in our unique strength, whilst offering tools and techniques to help maintain that place.

Jul 13, 2021
Tech & Wellness: A Data Driven Approach for Improving Your Sleeping Habits

Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person's overall health and well-being. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day. Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration. Lack of sleep can lead to a higher risk of accidents and productivity losses. Sleep tracking can improve your sleep, providing you with a wealth of data such as how much time you've spent in each stage of sleep. But how do you use this data wisely?

Join experts as they share about Data-Driven approach to sleep during this webinar.

Jul 14, 2021
Career Wednesday: Become Your Own Career Coach

We'd all love to have mentors, but even so you can't rely on them always. What if there was a way to coach yourself out of problems, hold yourself accountable and catalyze growth? This webinar will teach you to be more self-motivated, structured for success and improve your time management skills. Get ready to become the coach you wish you had!

Jul 15, 2021
Women in Tech Breakfast: Oregon edition

We invite you to join us for this interactive breakfast for Women in Technology & Entrepreneurship. We are featuring Oregon women in tech to give their insight on how they reached their level of success, advise on navigating the workplace, and how we can help the next generation of women in tech. This dynamic panel will be moderated by an expert in the field.

Our esteemed panel of speakers are pioneers in their respective fields, representing many facets of international tech industry.

After the panel, we will invite attendees to participate in a Q&A session with our panelists before we continue the rest of our busy day!

Jul 19, 2021
Freelancing: Pricing, Proposals and Payments

The struggle is real when it comes to charging for your freelance services. If you’re like other side-hustlers today, you may be asking yourself one (or more!) of these questions:

What language should a proposal, SOW, or contract include? What is the best price for my services at my level… that my clients won’t fight me on? How do I get paid on time, every time? What do I do when I really want to turn down a potential client, but don’t want to sound like a jerk doing it? How do I keep my invoices, payments, and other numbers organized?

We will share the straightforward answers to these and other questions about freelancing pricing, proposals & payments.

Jul 21, 2021
Career Wednesday: Creating an Authentic Career Vision

We all need a vision to work towards and one of the best ways to start making things happen is by creating your authentic career vision.

This session will take you through the visioning process to help crystallize your career direction, capture your goals, and keep your authentic self fresh in your mind on a daily basis.

We will go through: A framework for planning your authentic career Simple visioning techniques to help you define what's most important to you

Join us for some fun, reflective session.

Jun 23, 2022
Hacking Data Engineering
Online via Google Meet

This free event will show people how to start a career in data engineering, the fastest growing job in the tech field. We'll provide a cheatsheet with resources, and discuss how to learn skills on your own, where to find a data engineering bootcamp, and tips for setting yourself up to land a job.

Jun 28, 2022
Free 2-day Data Engineering workshop
Online via Google Meet

This free 2-day workshop (June 28 & 29th) is sponsored by Data Stack Academy, and will teach beginner-level Python programming skills. We'll also talk about how and why to start a career in data engineering, and how to learn skills on your own or find a data engineering bootcamp. Please register in advance at

Jul 7, 2022
Data Engineering Q&A
Online (Portland)

Interested in breaking into data engineering? This live Q&A, hosted by Data Stack Academy, will give you the chance to get advice from seasoned senior data engineers, and ask junior data engineers about their experience. Please register in advance at, or see for more details.

Jul 12, 2022
Free 2-day Data Engineering Workshop
Online via Google Meet

This free 2-day workshop (July 12th & 13th) is sponsored by Data Stack Academy, and will teach beginner-level Python programming skills. We'll also talk about how and why to start a career in data engineering, and how to learn skills on your own or find a data engineering bootcamp. Please register in advance at See for more details.
