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Esri Portland R&D Center
309 SW 6th Ave, Ste. 600
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)



It's time for the May Maptime! Mayptime!

Same Map-time, new Map-place.

Note that we're meeting at the NEW Esri R&D Center office off SW 6th Ave this time around.


  • State of the Map (SOTM) Recap
  • The State of Maptime
  • Develop list of tools and libraries and what they're good at
  • Develop best "recipes" for webmaps
  • Overview of using PostGIS with QGIS
  • Mapping Reed Canyon in OSM
  • Intro to Tilemill 2
  • General map hacking time

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:


Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!

