Viewing 1 current event matching “arduino” by Date.

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Feb 10
Dorkbot: September Edition
^H - PDX Hackerspace

People doing strange things with electricity!

DorkbotPDX is a relaxed, informal show-and-tell for electronic artists, circuit designers, microcontroller programmers, retro computing enthusiasts, video game designers, digital archaeologists, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders, monsters, and works-in-progress for others to see, or come see what others have been working on! Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

This is an active, ongoing event with average attendance of 20-50 people. It is free and open to everyone, and newcomers are welcome!


Viewing 47 past events matching “arduino” by Date.

Sort By: Date Event Name, Location , Default
Nov 30, 2008
Making Noise with the Arduino
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

As a part of the ongoing Arduino Cult Induction workshop series, this month we will be focusing on sound.

In particular Don will be going over creating sound using the Arduino's built in Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Direct Digital Synthesis using resistive ladders. We will investigate using the Piezo element as both a simple speaker and an input trigger. We will review the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) from a hardware and software perspective, and look at a couple of useful integrated circuits (the lm324 and the lm368).

The workshop will cost $25 and participants will recieve a complete midi interface board for the dorkboard/arduino and a piezo element which will be used to create a midi drum trigger. Participants will also take with them parts for an r2r ladder, an op amp and an audio amp capable of driving small speakers or headphones.

Participants should leave the workshop with a better understanding of how micro-controllers such as the Arduino can be used to create and control sound, they should have built at least one working musical controller and they should have the foundations for several sound related projects.

Please bring your dorkboard, rbba, or other arduino compatible board, a soldering iron or breadboard, and a laptop. The workshop will be held at PNCA (NW 12th and Johnson) in room 205 from 1-5pm on Sunday, November 30.

To reserve a space you can paypal the workshop fee to [email protected] and you can feel free to email that address with any questions.

The Arduino Cult Induction series of workshops are Sponsored by Tempus Dictum, Inc . in support of DorkbotPDX. (graphic by Jason Plumb )

Feb 22, 2009
DorkbotPDX Focused Workshop: Breadboard a Sanguino
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

PNCA, Room 205 $25 to

As previously announced this months focused workshop is about prototyping and it is intended to go with a second focused workshop on fabrication (in may). We will go over breadboarding, point to point wiring, breakout boards and a variety of techniques to get your projects prototyped. In the process we will build a "Sanguino" on a breadboard, add the core to our arduino environment, and program it. Then we will look at the next step of putting it on a protoboard. For more information on the "Sanguino" you can look at this project was created by the reprap folk who needed more I/O for their projects. I will also be presenting as an example a small (as in tiny) project that I will be doing using breakout boards to make prototyping possible.

The workshop as always will be $25 and participants will walk away with a breadboard and all components necessary to build a bare bones "Sanguino" during the workshop. It will also include other items including a a protoboard and socket to move the design to something more permanent.

It is my hope that in between this months focused workshop and the fabrication workshop people can collectively look at how the hardware design can be improved on (see: similar designs such as laday ada's FuzeBox ( ), and the pre-arduino Number 6 board ( ).

In the fabrication workshop (31May09) we will lay out and etch a board based on this work. Additionally I will follow up the prototyping example from this months workshop by sending the design to be fabricated.

I am sorry that I wasn't able to get this finalized sooner but the extra cult induction kept me busy. Both inductions sessions went extremely well so I think it was worth it..

As usual you can RSVP by paypalling cult /at/

Feb 1, 2010
DorkbotPDX Meeting

Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

Feb 15, 2010
DorkbotPDX Meeting

Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

Mar 1, 2010
DorkbotPDX Meeting

Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

Mar 15, 2010
DorkbotPDX Meeting

Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

Mar 29, 2010
DorkbotPDX Meeting

Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

Apr 12, 2010
DorkbotPDX Meeting

Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

Apr 26, 2010
DorkbotPDX Meeting

Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

Mar 10, 2011
Arduino Meetup
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We'll be:

⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we've finished
⁃ Coding & working on current projects
⁃ Helping debug each others' software and hardware
⁃ Explaining the basics: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc.


⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. 
⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website.


Apr 7, 2011
Arduino Meetup
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We'll be:

⁃ Showing off Arduino-based projects we're working on
⁃ Coding & working on our own things
⁃ Helping debug others' projects
⁃ Explaining the basics and helping people get started: volts, amps, resistance, breadboards, etc.


⁃ Order an Arduino Uno if you don't already have one. 
⁃ Buy some basic components if you don't have them yet. More info on the website.
May 1, 2011
Dorkbot Workshop -- Arduino Cult Induction
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

FEE: $35

Please join us on the last Sunday of the month for one or more of these opportunities to learn. This may change somewhat given schedule conflicts withe PNCA which has graciously hosted these classes for the last 3 years. I will be at the open lab Sunday and would like to discuss what could be done to make the workshops and workshop schedule better serve the community.

The PNCA workshops are at the Pacific Nortwest College of Art (1241 NW Johnson St.) from 1-5 in the afternoon, usually in room 205.

Jul 31, 2011
Dorkbot Workshop -- Arduino Cult Induction
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

FEE: $35

This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Tempus Dictum and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it.

You Bring

-A laptop -A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type) -A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B) -A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers) -$35

You will get

-A duce usb to serial programmer -A Dorkboard! (an Arduino clone) Kit -An introduction to the Arduino and microcontrollers in an artists setting -Help when you need it -To know that what you built worked at least once

How do I rsvp? Via paypal -- Select the session on the TDI Products page: (

Oct 30, 2011
Dorkbot Workshop -- Arduino Cult Induction

During this quarter's induction we are going to try something different.

We are going to build a complete arduino compatible board made entirely of through hole components. Called the TAD (for Through hole Arduino compatible Design) The board uses the same footprint as the arduino but does not require any surface mount components. This workshop will be lite on lecture and heavy on putting the thing together so be prepared to solder.

What: This is a an opportunity for 13 people to build their own TAD , A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Suspect Devices has put together a kit which takes the surface mount out of the arduino. This seminar is to walk you through putting yours together and programming it

Where: ADX -- SE 11th between Oak and Stark

When: Sunday October 30, 2011 from 1 to 5pm

You Bring:

  • A laptop

  • A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type)

  • A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B)

  • A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers)

You will get:

  • An Arduino that you built yourself.

  • A very brief introduction to the Arduino

  • Help when you need it

  • To know that what you built worked at least once

How do I RSVP?

The workshop costs $40 including all kit parts (plus $5 room use fee for ADX).

Via paypal -- Select the session on the TDI Products page: (

-- or --

At the preceding dorkbot-pdx meeting (make checks out to "tempus dictum, inc");

Nov 6, 2011
Dorkbot Workshop -- Arduino Cult Induction
Free Geek

FEE: $35

This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Suspect Devices and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it.

You Bring

-A laptop

-A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type)

-A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B)

-A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers)

You will get

-A duce usb to serial programmer

-A Dorkboard! (an Arduino clone) Kit

-An introduction to the Arduino and microcontrollers in an artists setting

-Help when you need it

-To know that what you built worked at least once

How do I rsvp?

Via paypal -- Select the session on the TDI Products page:

Jan 28, 2012
Arduino Cult Induction
Free Geek

FEE: $35

This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Suspect Devices and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it.

You Bring

  • A laptop
  • A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type)
  • A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B)
  • A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers)

You will get

  • A duce usb to serial programmer
  • A Dorkboard! (an Arduino clone) Kit
  • An introduction to the Arduino and microcontrollers in an artists setting
  • Help when you need it
  • To know that what you built worked at least once

How do I rsvp?

Via paypal:

May 19, 2012
Arduino Cult Induction
Free Geek

FEE: $35

This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Suspect Devices and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it.

You Bring

  • A laptop
  • A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type)
  • A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B)
  • A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers)

You will get

  • A duce usb to serial programmer
  • A Dorkboard! (an Arduino clone) Kit
  • An introduction to the Arduino and microcontrollers in an artists setting
  • Help when you need it
  • To know that what you built worked at least once

How do I rsvp?

Via paypal:

Jul 29, 2012
Women's Arduino Cult Induction
Free Geek

FEE: $35

This is a an opportunity for women lead by women to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard" - a complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Suspect Devices and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it.

You Bring

  • A laptop
  • A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type)
  • A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B)
  • A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers)

You will get

  • A usb to serial programmer
  • A Dorkboard! (an Arduino clone) Kit
  • An introduction to the Arduino and microcontrollers in an artists setting
  • Help when you need it
  • To know that what you built worked at least once

How do I rsvp?

Via paypal:

Nov 10, 2012
Arduino Cult Induction
Free Geek

FEE: $35

This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", a complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Suspect Devices and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it.

You Bring

  • A laptop
  • A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type)
  • A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B)
  • A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers)

You will get

  • An Eisenhower USB to serial programmer
  • A Dorkboard! (an Arduino clone) Kit
  • An introduction to the Arduino and microcontrollers in an artists setting
  • Help when you need it
  • To know that what you built worked at least once

How do I RSVP?

Via PayPal:

Feb 9, 2013
Arduino Cult Induction
Free Geek

FEE: $35

This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", a complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Suspect Devices and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it.

You Bring

  • A laptop
  • A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type)
  • A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B)
  • A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers)

You will get

  • A Duce USB to serial programmer
  • A Dorkboard! (an Arduino clone) Kit
  • An introduction to the Arduino and microcontrollers in an artists setting
  • Help when you need it
  • To know that what you built worked at least once

How do I RSVP?

Via PayPal:

Feb 19, 2013
Internet of Things Meetup - Thing Tuesday

We decided to create our own open meetup to discuss and learn about the Internet of Things. We encourage the curious, the hackers the entrepreneurs and the executives who are engaging in this area to come join us to listen to talks, share in conversation and networking. Each session we will have talks, "show and tells "and space to hack and network with others. Modelled on two phenomenally influential and successful groups, Mobile Monday and the catalytic Silicon Valley Homebrew Computer Club, we hope that we too can enable fun and exploration with this new technology area.

Jul 29, 2013
Dorkbot PDX meeting

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

Aug 10, 2013
BPOW!!! Battery Powered Orchestra Workshop
through CymaSpace

Encompassing two days of workshops, performances and culminating in a DIY public jam session, BPOW!!! wants to show Portland that even the simplest circuit configurations can bring forth unprecedented levels of ROCK.

Tickets and details are here:

Website here:

Hope you can make it! :)

Nov 5, 2013
Robots and Robotic Development
Modern Edge, Inc., 2114 Southeast 9th Avenue, Portland, OR

A tour of robots around the world. We can also touch on the major areas of Ai and discuss what the group wants to focus on. Until we have underwriting, we are asking for donations of $5 per meeting. Depending on the venue and turn-out, non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.

Feb 26, 2014
PSU Physics Society Presents "All about Arduinos"
Portland State University Physics Electronics Lab

Join the PSU Physics society for talks and demos about micro controllers, arduino and other embedded devices like the raspberry pi. This event is aimed serve as an introduction to arduino, so come on by and learn how to get started! If you are already an expert, bring some projects to demo and inspire.

If you have your own hardware, bring it! If you don't we have a number of arduinos you can get your hands on.

Free Pizza and Soda!

Presentations by:

  • Bret Comnes (Slides)
  • Justin Dunlap
Sep 15, 2017
JavaScript and the Internet of Things Meetup - PDX Maker Week: That Maker Show-case

In addition to our meetup this month we're participating in the PDX Maker Week.

Every year makers from all over Portland open their doors for workshops, talks, open houses and more! This year That Maker Show is participating with an event - That Maker Show-case! It will feature a talk by thingsSDK Core Contributor Craig Dennis and co-host of That Maker Show and an extended Show and Tell showing all the projects from the show and some up-coming ones too! Bring your projects too!


6:00 Arrive and Networking

6:30 Talk: Breaking Down the Barriers to the Maker Movement - Craig Dennis 

7:00-8:00 Show and Tell / Networking

Bring your own projects or see a wide range of projects and maker bits and bobs from the show

Community Links

Join the conversation in the JS IoT Slack Channel

Contribute to the JSoT Glossary!

Attendees, sponsors and speakers agree to abide by the code of conduct.

A huge thanks to eBay for the venue!

Sep 19, 2017
JavaScript and the Internet of Things Meetup - Hack Amazon Dash Buttons with Node.js

New Location!

We're now at eBay! 


6:30 Arrive and Networking

6:45 Show and Tell

What have you been working on since the last meetup? Come and share what you've done. No project too small. A blinking LED is awesome! 

7:15 Hack Amazon Dash Buttons with Node.js - Andrew Chalkley

Amazon Dash buttons are used to reorder common items on Amazon. But what if you could use these buttons to do anything!? Learn how to use Node.js to sniff out button presses on an Amazon Dash button and use it to invoke any action!

Andrew Chalkley is a Full Stack Software Architect at eBay, co-host of That Maker Show and project lead of thingsSDK. He also helps organize the JavaScript and Internet of Things Meetup!

8:00 Networking

Community Links

Join the conversation in the JS IoT Slack Channel

Contribute to the JSoT Glossary!

Attendees, sponsors and speakers agree to abide by the code of conduct.

A huge thanks to eBay for the venue and providing food!

The eBay logo is a trademark of eBay Inc. Used with permission.

Nov 21, 2017
JavaScript and the Internet of Things Meetup - Interacting with IoT through React Native and Bluetooth LE

New Location!

We're now at eBay!


6:30 Arrive and Networking

6:45 Show and Tell

What have you been working on since the last meetup? Come and share what you've done. No project too small. A blinking LED is awesome!

7:15 Interacting with IoT through React Native and Bluetooth LE - Michael Kirschbaum

Speaker Bio: I'm a React/Node dev and data scientist currently focusing on IoT products. When not coding, I enjoy playing music and drawing.

8:00 Networking

Community Links

Join the conversation in the JS IoT Slack Channel (!

Contribute to the JSoT Glossary (!

Attendees, sponsors and speakers agree to abide by the code of conduct (

A huge thanks to eBay for the venue and providing food!

The eBay logo is a trademark of eBay Inc. Used with permission.

Jan 23, 2018
JavaScript and the Internet of Things Meetup - JavaScript and the Internet of Things

New Location!

We're now at eBay!


6:30 Arrive and Networking

6:45 Show and Tell

What have you been working on since the last meetup? Come and share what you've done. No project too small. A blinking LED is awesome!

7:15 Talk - Description coming soon!

8:00 Networking

Community Links

Join the conversation in the JS IoT Slack Channel (!

Contribute to the JSoT Glossary (!

Attendees, sponsors and speakers agree to abide by the code of conduct (

A huge thanks to eBay for the venue and providing food!

The eBay logo is a trademark of eBay Inc. Used with permission.

Apr 7, 2018
PDX Raspberry Pi and Arduino Meetup
Oregon City - Location provided upon RSVP

This event is for Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Microcontroller enthusiasts to meet, do show-and-tell, mentor, learn and build. We welcome people of all backgrounds and levels, and will help new users get started. Instead of a "pot luck" we have a "parts luck" where you are encouraged to exchange project parts with others.

• What to bring Computer. Raspberry Pi and/or Arduinos if you have them. Projects that you want to share. Items for the "parts luck" swap bin.

• Important to know The shop where this is held only has space heaters - so please dress warmly on colder days. On very cold days, we will forego building and have a social in a heated space, if we can't find an alternative spot.

May 22, 2018
JavaScript and the Internet of Things Meetup - JavaScript and the Internet of Things May Meetup



6:30 Arrive and Networking

6:45 Show and Tell

What have you been working on since the last meetup? Come and share what you've done. No project too small. A blinking LED is awesome!

7:15 Talk - TBD

8:00 Networking

Community Links

Join the conversation in the JS IoT Slack Channel (!

Contribute to the JSoT Glossary (!

Attendees, sponsors and speakers agree to abide by the code of conduct (

A huge thanks to Mozilla for the venue and providing food!

Jun 19, 2018
JavaScript and the Internet of Things Meetup - JavaScript and the Internet of Things June Meetup



6:30 Arrive and Networking

6:45 Show and Tell

What have you been working on since the last meetup? Come and share what you've done. No project too small. A blinking LED is awesome!

7:15 Talk - TBD

8:00 Networking

Community Links

Join the conversation in the JS IoT Slack Channel (!

Contribute to the JSoT Glossary (!

Attendees, sponsors and speakers agree to abide by the code of conduct (

A huge thanks to Mozilla for the venue and providing food!

Jun 30, 2018
Interested in a Tours of Rasberri Pi, Ardiuno, and IoT?
TVF&R Station 67

Join us online for desktop or mobile at

Michael Wild will show us the latest IoT devices and how you can use them in your project.

Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration.

Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people.

The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session.

Jul 14, 2018
Interested in Making a Smart Sneaker for OMSI Maker Faire Portland?
TVF&R Station 67

Join us online for desktop or mobile at

Join us as we plan how to make a smart sneaker for Maker Faire Portland. We'll collaborate on a two-month project together. We'll gather once a week and we'll each have an opportunity to create our own smart shoe. Then we'll get to share it with the world at OMSI Make Faire.

Here's the Maker Faire info Free entry as maker, no group size limit Choose from 30 min presentation, 2-day exhibit, 60 min workshop Recommended to have hands-on for the exhibit Application Deadline July 20th Event weekend Saturday & Sunday, Sept 15-16 3 t-shirts, $7 for additional Guest admission:$16 adults, $10 for 17 and under Located at OMSI downtown

Aug 4, 2018
IoT and Sneaker Mats?
TVF&R Station 67

Join us online for desktop or mobile at

Join us as Michael Wild shares his prototype with the Gemma, LEDs, battery, and a pressure sensor. Adafruit has inspired us to create the Firewalker sneaker for OMSI Maker Faire in September. I hope you'll join us.

Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration.

Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people.

The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session.

Aug 21, 2018
JavaScript and the Internet of Things Meetup - JavaScript and the Internet of Things: Storing IoT Time Series Data in MongoDB

We're back at eBay!


6:30 Arrive and Networking

6:45 Show and Tell

What have you been working on since the last meetup? Come and share what you've done. No project too small. A blinking LED is awesome!

7:15 Talk: Storing IoT Time Series Data in MongoDB - Ken Alger, Developer Advocate at MongoDB

8:00 Networking

Community Links

Join the conversation in the JS IoT Slack Channel (!

Contribute to the JSoT Glossary (!

Attendees, sponsors and speakers agree to abide by the code of conduct (

A huge thanks to eBay for the venue and providing food!

The eBay logo is a trademark of eBay Inc. Used with permission.

Aug 25, 2018
Garrett's OMSI Maker Faire sHoEs!
TVF&R Station 67

Garrett will preview his 3D printed shoes with an Adafruit Gemma, Jewel, and Neopixels.

If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom If you want to listen in we're also on Facebook Live

Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration.

Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people.

The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session.

Oct 6, 2018
PDX Raspberry Pi and Arduino Meetup - Raspberry Pi and Arduino Meet-up
Mitch's Shop (Location provided on RSVP)

This is a group of Raspberry Pi and Arduino Enthusiasts who meet to collaborate on projects, make progress on their builds, teach and learn.
Suggested donation is $2-5 to defray the costs of (Note - Apple Maps does not know how to get to this location - please use Google Maps or Waze).

Oct 27, 2018
3D Printed Jack O Lantern with a Digital Display
Portland Community Church

Do you have a creative idea for a Halloween costume? Or perhaps you want to show your awesome Jack-o'-lantern. Or what if you have brilliant ideas for decorations? We'd love to see them all!

I'll bring a 3d printed pumpkin and insert a screen for a fun display. I'll share how I customized it with fusion 360 to fit my display.

This project would work great if you have a raspberry pi or arduino with a screen. You can even connect motion and sound for an extra spooky experience.

If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom If you want to listen, we're also on Facebook Live

Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration.

Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people.

The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session.

Feb 17, 2019
Micro Python Starter Class
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Tickets available through the website link.

This is a beginner programming/soldering/microController class in micro python. We'll test out accelerometers, addressable LEDs, and the analog output pin to headphones. For the over achievers, once you are done with the soldering, all the test scripts are pre-loaded so you can bounce around at your own pace.

The class is from 11AM to 2PM, but we'll be around until 4PM if anyone wants additional time to work on their own or to ask questions and get hands on help.

Example Code Environment Preview:

Before Class: Please install MU!... What you get: Adafruit's tiny M0 running MicroPython 32bit M0 SAMD21 with 2MB of flash onboard Fist full of parts and a big Circuit Board to solder them to

What to bring: - Laptop running MU - A Micro USB cable - Bring your own Soldering Iron or we'll provide something hot you can use - Headphones

May 18, 2019
Digital Design Workshop - Hands-on Workshop: Embedded Device to AWS IoT Analytics

Hello Digital Designers,

I'm holding a Workshop on May 18th teaching Embedded Device to AWS cloud connectivity and Analytics. The event is listed on Eventbrite as I'm charging a nominal fee to cover the meeting space rental and snacks. Limited spaces (20).

To register go to:

Do not sign up on this page, Sign up on the Eventbrite page.


Jun 25, 2019
Hedron Hackerspace - Craft Night at h.h
Hedron Hackerspace

--The welders and laser cutter are pay-per-use, but otherwise this is a free community gathering!--
Craft night is open shop time and Show-and-Tell. You can bring a project you want to work on/show off. We'll try to have fun projects for people to do who just drop in every week. It's a good time to come say hi and get familiar with the space. There will be snax.
Check out our website!

We have a sewing machine, art supplies, welding gear and scrap steel, some basic metal shop tools, 3D printers and a laser cutter
=pay per use tools, check website

Hacker : One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.

Children should have an adult with them, or have a guardian signature on file.
Accessibility info: Our workspace is wheelchair accessible, though there may be bright welding, and loud grinding. There is a small floor level bathroom with no handrail where an unpowered wheelchair might fit.

Jun 30, 2019
Hedron Hackerspace - h.h - 3D Printing/CAD Intro
Hedron Hackerspace

No prior experience with 3D printers or 3D modeling is required for this workshop experience. We're going to be teaching you the basics of 3D printing from the ground up. We'll start with a general overview of 3D printing and then go into 3D modeling for beginners and how to start using the 3D printers at the shop.

We offer this course with a suggested donation of $20. Trades are welcome, and we'll discount up to $6 off starting a new membership.

Timeline for the evening: 2:00- 2:30 - Community time and shop tour 2:30 - 3:00 - Introduction to 3D Printing 4:00 - 5:00 - Tutorials on 3D printing and open time for Design and Print

We'll have only 2 computers available for people to use, so bring a laptop if you can.

Jul 2, 2019
Hedron Hackerspace - Craft Night at h.h
Hedron Hackerspace

--The welders and laser cutter are pay-per-use, but otherwise this is a free community gathering!--
Craft night is open shop time and Show-and-Tell. You can bring a project you want to work on/show off. We'll try to have fun projects for people to do who just drop in every week. It's a good time to come say hi and get familiar with the space. There will be snax.
Check out our website!

We have a sewing machine, art supplies, welding gear and scrap steel, some basic metal shop tools, 3D printers and a laser cutter
=pay per use tools, check website

Hacker : One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.

Children should have an adult with them, or have a guardian signature on file.
Accessibility info: Our workspace is wheelchair accessible, though there may be bright welding, and loud grinding. There is a small floor level bathroom with no handrail where an unpowered wheelchair might fit.

Nov 13, 2023
Dorkbot November Meetup
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, Dorkbot is a relaxed, informal gathering of makers, creatives, electronic artists, circuit designers, programmers, video game designers, digital archeologists, hackers, cyberpunks, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders (or monsters) for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

Table space with power will be available for project show-and-tell; we'll have ice and a table for drinks and snacks, feel free to contribute to the communal cache/BYOB. The Free Bin is back, take or leave some components (don’t leave TOO much, if you have big stuff, maybe check the Discord/mailing list to see if anyone is interested in taking it first!)

Info and links to our Discord and other social channels are at

Aug 12, 2024
Dorkbot: August Edition
^H - PDX Hackerspace

People doing strange things with electricity!

DorkbotPDX is a relaxed, informal show-and-tell for electronic artists, circuit designers, microcontroller programmers, retro computing enthusiasts, video game designers, digital archaeologists, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders, monsters, and works-in-progress for others to see, or come see what others have been working on! Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

Table space with power will be available for project show-and-tell; we'll have a table for drinks and snacks, feel free to contribute to the communal cache/BYOB. The Free cart is back, take or leave some components (don’t leave TOO much, if you have big stuff, maybe check the Discord/mailing list to see if anyone is interested in taking it first!)

Info and links to our Discord and other social channels are at

Sep 9, 2024
Dorkbot: September Edition
^H - PDX Hackerspace

People doing strange things with electricity!

DorkbotPDX is a relaxed, informal show-and-tell for electronic artists, circuit designers, microcontroller programmers, retro computing enthusiasts, video game designers, digital archaeologists, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders, monsters, and works-in-progress for others to see, or come see what others have been working on! Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

This is an active, ongoing event with average attendance of 20-50 people. It is free and open to everyone, and newcomers are welcome!
