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Friday, February 25, 2011 at 11:58am and last updated
Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 11:31am.
Dorkbot Workshop -- Arduino Cult Induction
FEE: $35
This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Tempus Dictum and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it.
You Bring
-A laptop -A soldering iron (20-30W Pencil type) -A standard (not mini) usb cable (A->B) -A pair of dikes (wire cutters/nippers) -$35
You will get
-A duce usb to serial programmer -A Dorkboard! (an Arduino clone) Kit -An introduction to the Arduino and microcontrollers in an artists setting -Help when you need it -To know that what you built worked at least once
How do I rsvp? Via paypal -- Select the session on the TDI Products page: (http://tempusdictum.com/tdproducts.html)