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Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 8:40am.
Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 8:40am.
PDX Raspberry Pi and Arduino Meetup - Raspberry Pi and Arduino Meet-up
This is a group of Raspberry Pi and Arduino Enthusiasts who meet to collaborate on projects, make progress on their builds, teach and learn.
Suggested donation is $2-5 to defray the costs of meetup.com. (Note - Apple Maps does not know how to get to this location - please use Google Maps or Waze).
3D Printing, Internet of Things, arduino, arduino / raspberry pi / microcontrollers, arduino netduino and robotics, diy (do it yourself), electronics, makers, meetup:event=254719016, meetup:group=PDX-Raspberry-Pi-and-Arduino-Meetup, microcontrollers, open source hardware, raspberry pi, raspberry pi & computer programming, raspberrypi, robotics