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Sep 30, 2014
OSGeo Spatio-Temporal Web Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns
Anna Bananas, St Johns

OSGeo Spatio-Temporal Web Visualizations, Tuesday, September 30, 7:30pm to 9, Anna Bananas, 8716 N. Lombard, Portland

This month at MaptimeStJohns, we will be to continue programming web spatio-temporal visualizations, bring a computer if you have one. If you have not come before, that is alright because we will step through each visualization. I'll bring the js library files for leaflet and the various plugins we will be using. Let's create some cool web map visualizations! please RSVP

Jun 24, 2014
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

This month at MaptimeStJohns, we will begin programming a basic web spatio-temporal visualization, bring a computer if you have one. Ill bring the js library files for leaflet and the various plugins we will be using. If you have a temporal dataset, bring it... Ill have a couple of datasets to choose from though. Our goal will be for everyone to create at least one temporal point visualizations. An example would be the point locations of where floods occurred with the location, size of flood and date of flood event. With this data we could create a temporal proportional symbol map. The user will be able to click on the locations for specific locations and also use a slider to see when and where floods occurred over time. Let's create some cool web map visualizations!

Apr 23, 2020
PDXPUG: Multiranges and SQL:2011 Temporal Features

We are using to distribute the link to the online meeting [1], which will be set shortly before the meeting as we will be using Jitsi [2]. Meetup does require you to RSVP to get access to the link. Jitsi can be used directly with Firefox and Chrome (with extension), or phones/tablets with the Jitsi Meet app.

Speaker: Paul Jungwirth

I'd like to present a couple patches I have in-progress for Postgres, the first to add a new type called "multiranges", and the second to add various SQL:2011 temporal database features: temporal primary & foreign keys, and temporal UPDATE and DELETE. I'll discuss what these features look like to users and also highlight some of the implementation details behind them.

[1] [2]

Feb 21, 2019
PDXPUG: Temporal Databases: Theory and Postgres
PSU Business Accelerator

Temporal databases let you record history: either a history of the database (what the table used to say), a history of the thing itself (what it used to be), or both at once. The theory of temporal databases goes back to the 90s, but standardization has only just begun with some modest recommendations in SQL:2011, and database products (including Postgres) are still missing major functionality.

This talk will cover how temporal tables are structured, how they are queried and updated, what SQL:2011 offers (and doesn't), what functionality Postgres has already, and what remains to be built.

Paul started programming on a Tandy 1000 at age 8 and hasn't been able to stop since. He helped build one of the Mac's first web servers in 1994 and has founded software companies in politics and technical hiring. He works as an independent consultant specializing in Rails, Postgres, and Chef.
