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PDXPUG: Multiranges and SQL:2011 Temporal Features



We are using Meetup.com to distribute the link to the online meeting [1], which will be set shortly before the meeting as we will be using Jitsi [2]. Meetup does require you to RSVP to get access to the link. Jitsi can be used directly with Firefox and Chrome (with extension), or phones/tablets with the Jitsi Meet app.

Speaker: Paul Jungwirth

I'd like to present a couple patches I have in-progress for Postgres, the first to add a new type called "multiranges", and the second to add various SQL:2011 temporal database features: temporal primary & foreign keys, and temporal UPDATE and DELETE. I'll discuss what these features look like to users and also highlight some of the implementation details behind them.

[1] https://www.meetup.com/pdxpug/events/270062132/ [2] https://jitsi.org

