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Viewing 17 past events matching “serverless” by Date.

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Apr 19, 2017
PDX Serverless Meetup: Serverless Bot Development on Azure
Simple (New Office)


Serverless Bot Development on AzureChatbots are becoming ubiquitous. From customer service to personal assistance chatbots have come to the forefront because of the natural feel of conversational interfaces backed by AI, big data, and ML.

In this Meetup we’ll discuss how to put all of these elements together in a serverless way using Azure functions, the bot framework, and AI through cognitive services.


Christopher Davis, Cloud Solutions Architect, Microsoft

Pizza and Beverages provided

May 17, 2017
Real-world Serverless security with FaunaDB and Amazon API Gateway
Simple (New Office)

Current popular cloud databases aren't native to serverless—you have to pay for capacity you don’t use. Additionally, they often lack support for joins, indexes, authentication, and other capabilities necessary to build a rich application.

See how FaunaDB's data and operations model fits serverless applications like a glove. The core of the talk is a live code session showing an app using the framework to run real world queries in FaunaDB. If you haven't coded with the Serverless framework before you'll be comfortable picking it up after this.

Presenter: Chris Anderson

Nov 2, 2017
Bringing Machine Learning To Your Application
Alchemy Code Lab

What is Machine Learning? How can you integrate it into your website / script / app? Learn some of the typical use cases (such as Natural Language Processing and Image Recognition), examine code snippets for some of the common frameworks and tools (such as Scikit-Learn, Weka and Tensorflow), and find out about the different ways you can host machine learning models online.

Please RSVP at

Apr 15, 2018
Meet and Greet - Sitecast PDX
Deschutes Brewery

Come join Bradley Gauthier and Rubie Tiburcio of Sitecast as they host a Meet And Greet event at Deschutes Brewery on Sunday from 5:00 - 7:00 PM PST.

Let's talk about Web Design and Development, Entrepreneurship, Remote-Working, or mingle with like-minded people in PDX area.

Jun 19, 2018
June PDX Serverless Meetup
Stackery HQ

The Portland Serverless Meetup is back! New hosts, new location, same great group.

Interested in speaking at a future event? Message us and let us know! We'd love to have you.

This month we'll have two talks:

Self-healing serverless applications

Serverless applications increasingly involve distributed systems where errors and bottlenecks can have significant downstream impact. This can be compounded by the ephemeral nature of FaaS offerings in which errors can be difficult to diagnose retroactively. In this session we'll discuss instrumentation and "self-healing" architectural patterns that will improve resiliency of your application and drive improved observability and performance.

You get serverless. Your team gets serverless. But does your organization get serverless?

You know a serverless architecture is the right solution for a project, but your VP of Engineering is pushing back. They are probably doing this because it’s not obvious how a serverless architecture will fit into the organization’s existing development, testing, and release processes. Their intuition that new techniques are needed to effectively maintain and extend serverless architectures is spot-on. But they can be convinced serverless is the right approach if you show them successful patterns.

Jul 16, 2018
Fireside Chat with Kelsey Hightower

Join us as we kick off OSCON with this fireside chat community event (open to all, no need to be an OSCON attendee!) with Kelsey Hightower and Nate Taggart.

Nate and Kelsey will be exploring the impact, trends, and future of serverless from the perspective of both cloud providers and the developer community. This is an event you won't want to miss!

Aug 21, 2018
Serverless Architecture Meetup
Stackery HQ

This month we will have two talks:

"What the Heck is OAuth?"

The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework has become the industry standard in providing secure access to web APIs. OAuth allows users to grant external applications access to their data, such as profile data, photos, and email, without compromising security. However, OAuth can be intimidating when first starting out. In this talk, Aaron Parecki will break down the various OAuth workflows and provide a simplified overview of the framework, highlighting a few typical use cases for web apps, mobile apps and browserless devices.

Aaron Parecki is a developer advocate at Okta, and maintains He's the co-founder of IndieWebCamp, a yearly unconference focusing on data ownership and online identity, and is the editor of the W3C Webmention and Micropub specifications.

Alanna Risse will show us how she built a working 'bananaphone' with google cloud voice.

Alanna Risse is a artist, web developer, and full stack mentor at Thinkful. Her piece “Bananaphone” was included in a group show at PNCA this summer. This interactive piece features a Google AIY Voice/Rasperry Pi Zero encased in an oversized paper maché bananaphone. Her website is

Oct 16, 2018
Serverless Architecture Meetup

This month Chuck Jewell from Sightbox will be sharing how Sightbox is solving legacy app and database transitions using the strangler pattern and GraphQL.

Legacy app strangulation with GraphQL on AWS AppSync

Database concepts like linearizability and serializability sound abstract, but they can have real-world consequences. Chris Fauna from Fauna DM will give us a look at consistency in the real world, and how flaws can impact your applications. We’ll take a tour of FaunaDB’s globally consistent transaction pipeline and compare it to the alternative approach taken by Google Spanner.

Deterministic Global Database Consistency

Dec 18, 2018
Serverless Architecture Meetup - AWS Recap

Missed AWS re:Invent?

Join us along with Jerry Hargrove, an AWS Community Hero to recap all things Serverless from re:Invent. With Q&A to follow.

About Jerry: Jerry Hargrove is a cloud architect, evangelist and developer focused on guiding others on their journey to the cloud, helping them build secure, scalable and highly available solutions. Jerry has an extensive background in software development and brings with him over 20 years of experience working as a software architect, developer and manager for companies, including Rackspace, Intel, AWS and now Lucidchart.

This is a meetup that you will not want to miss!

Drinks and Light Snacks will be served.

Jan 15, 2019
Serverless Architecture Meetup - Security in a Serverless World: Understanding Risk and Protection
Stackery 428 SW 4th St Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204

Cheers to 2019! We are starting the year off talking about Security!

According to a 2018 survey from The New Stack, over 75% of organizations are using or plan to use serverless in the next 18 months. But it does not come without security risks. In this talk, Sonya will discuss key components of serverless architecture and potential risks organizations need to be aware of, such as: visibility and monitoring challenges, denial-of-service attacks, dependencies on external resources, access control risks, and best practices for serverless security both as functions are built and at runtime.

Sonya Koptyev is the Director of Evangelism at Twistlock. She has been driving community efforts across various development technologies since the early days of SharePoint and .NET. Sonya worked on building the Office developer community and the Microsoft AI developer community and bringing the latest in bleeding edge technologies into the hands of developers. As part of Twistlock, Sonya is looking to bring the world of secure cloud native development into the hands of every developer, ensuring that they can make the most of the best cloud native technologies in a secure way.

Schedule: Doors Open at 6 p.m. Programming to begin at 6:30 p.m. with Q&A after.

Drinks and Light Snacks will be served.

Interested in speaking at a future event? Message us and let us know! We'd love to have you.

Feb 19, 2019
PDX Serverless Meetup - Safe Lambda Deployments
Stackery Office

Safe Lambda Deployments


AWS Lambda and AWS CodeDeploy enable developers to safely deploy new application code to production. In this talk, we will discuss how Saks Fifth Avenue adopted 'safe deployment' practices for AWS Lambda functions. We'll examine traffic shifting, traffic hooks, YAML configuration, and the CodeDeploy API.

About the speaker:

Sean Sullivan is a Principal Software Engineer at the Hudson's Bay Company. Sean has worked on a variety of backoffice engineering projects, including payment processing and email generation. He is a contributor to open source projects and has contributed to Amazon's AWS SDK for Java version 2.0. He lives in Portland Oregon.

Doors Open at 6 p.m.
Programming to begin at 6:30 p.m. with Q&A after.

Drinks and Light Snacks will be served.

Safe Lambda Deployments
Stackery 428 SW 4th St Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204

Safe Lambda Deployments

AWS Lambda and AWS CodeDeploy enable developers to safely deploy new application code to production. In this talk, we will discuss how Saks Fifth Avenue adopted 'safe deployment' practices for AWS Lambda functions. We'll examine traffic shifting, traffic hooks, YAML configuration, and the CodeDeploy API.

About the speaker:

Sean Sullivan is a Principal Software Engineer at the Hudson's Bay Company. Sean has worked on a variety of backoffice engineering projects, including payment processing and email generation. He is a contributor to open source projects and has contributed to Amazon's AWS SDK for Java version 2.0. He lives in Portland Oregon.

Schedule: Doors Open at 6 p.m. Programming to begin at 6:30 p.m. with Q&A after.

Drinks and Light Snacks will be served.

Jul 15, 2019
O'Reilly Open Source Software Conference
through Oregon Convention Center

The O'Reilly Open Source Software Conference (OSCON) delivers a unique opportunity to dive deep into the technologies behind emerging and innovative open source projects as well as to learn about all the trends shaping software development today—from AI and cloud technology to blockchain and distributed computing.

Connect with the open source community in Portland this summer. Meet industry experts and exchange insights with peers at networking events, lunch discussions and more. Check out the program and save 20% on your pass with code CAL20.

Jul 17, 2019
Special Serverless Event with Adrian Cockroft
OScon Oregon Convention Center

This special edition of the PDX Serverless/AWS User Group will feature a fireside chat with Adrian Cockroft, VP of Cloud Architecture Strategy at Amazon Web Services, conducted by Ben Whaley, AWS Community Hero, author, and open source enthusiast.

Join us to hear firsthand about Adrian's evolution from developing the cloud ecosystem as an instrumental Cloud Architect at Netflix to his VP role surrounding cloud strategy at AWS.

** Please note, an OSCON pass is not required.


Doors Open at 7:00 p.m. Fireside Chat to begin at 7:30 p.m.

Drinks and Light Snacks will be served.

Jan 21, 2020
January PDX Serverless Meetup - re:Invent recap (hosted by Stackery)

The PDX Serverless Meetup is back! We're more excited than ever to continue the serverless talks.

Missed AWS re:Invent?

Join us along with Jerry Hargrove, from AWS to recap all things Serverless from re:Invent. With Q&A to follow.

About Jerry: Jerry Hargrove is a cloud architect, evangelist and developer focused on guiding others on their journey to the cloud, helping them build secure, scalable and highly available solutions. Jerry has an extensive background in software development and brings with him over 20 years of experience working as a software architect, developer and manager for companies, including Rackspace, Intel, Lucidchart, and AWS.

This is a meetup that you will not want to miss!

Drinks and Light Snacks will be served. RSVP to join.

Jan 30, 2020
PDXNode – Hack Night! 💻

Welcome to the PDXNode Hack Night!

What is a PDXNode Hack Night?

PDXNode Hack Nights are your opportunity to enjoy a low-pressure JavaScript-centric environment where you shouldn't feel like you're supposed to do anything. First and foremost–just come and enjoy yourself. The night is yours: hang, hack, learn, or do whatever you’re interested in doing. 🙌

Depending on the size and interests of our attending group, we have various paths the night could go, and may or may not attempt some of the following:

Map Ctrl-H into Hackerspace Regions

The hackerspace will be mapped into 'regions', and you can feel free to gravitate towards whichever one suits your interest!

• A place for beginners who want to get going with node for the first time. • A place for people who want to work on their own projects (eg. projects you want to do outside of work, but need to find the time). • A place for people to just hang out and connect. • A place for people to work on projects in groups!

'Unconference'-style Team Hacks

For team-hackers, we'll have a board up and sticky-notes available available at the beginning of the night. Anyone can feel free to write the name and/or description of something they'd like to hack on with other people–and others who're interested can feel free to go to that region and join in!

End of Night Show and Tell

There will be a list available to write your name, or team's name down on to give a quick show and tell of your projects at the end of the night. We're pumped to see what you've been working on!

Some general stuff to remember:

Help is available!

There will be seasoned Nodesters ready and available to help anyone with questions or advice in any of the hack-zones: beginners, solo, and group projects. Feel free to reach out and ask at any time throughout the evening.

Do what you want to do

Above all, we hope for this to be an easy-going event for people to do what they want to do with the time we have. Make the time awesome, it's yours. 😎

Code of Conduct

PDXNode continues to abide by its Code of Conduct, and we ask everyone to commit to keeping to it in order for all of us to have a safe, fun, and amazing time.

Wahoo! See you then! 🎉🎉 💻 🎉🎉

Feb 18, 2020
PDX Serverless Architecture Meetup: AWS CloudFormation: A Stack in the Sky ☁️

Join us in February for a fantastic introduction to AWS CloudFormation from Senior Software Engineer at Nike, Yves Gurcan!

From Yves: "Tired of zipping and updating your Lambda functions by hand every time you want to deploy to production? Yeah, me too.

What if I told you that there is a solution out there that lets you deploy your entire application to AWS from your local machine? What, you don't believe me? But this tool even has a cool aerial name that's like super on point because it's about cloud computing! Too good to be true? Great news! This service exists and it is called AWS CloudFormation.

Let's talk about infrastructure as code! In this presentation, Yves will walk us through how to create a stack with CloudFormation... and then delete it! Together, we will thoroughly explore the capabilities of this service through the AWS Console. We will look at the CloudFormation template of an example application and decrypt the hieroglyphs 🐦 ☀️🏺 (also known as YAML CloudFormation) that deploy your resources to AWS. We will build things, break things, and have a good laugh!

Bonus: After demoing how CloudFormation works, host Yves Gurcan will also showcase how Stackery can help you visualize your stack while you are writing it in Visual Studio Code!"

About Yves: Yves Gurcan is a certified AWS Cloud Practitioner and a senior software engineer. Expert in all things JavaScript, he enjoys building bleeding edge web applications in React and Node. He also is the maintainer of an open-source library that enables browsers to play MIDI files:

Want to know more about this mysterious Frenchman? Get in touch with him at


Doors Open at 5:45 p.m. Programming to begin at 6:15 p.m. with Q&A after.

Drinks and a casual dinner will be served.

Interested in speaking at a future event? Message us and let us know or fill out the form below! We'd love to have you.
