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Viewing 0 current events matching “puppetlabs” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “puppetlabs” by Date.

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Sep 22, 2011
through Portland Center for the Performing Arts

PuppetConf is an Operations conference in PDX! Topics include Cloud and Devops tracks as well as 2 tracks dedicated to Puppet.

Local participants can save 30% on registration by using the discount code "calagator" during registration.

Jan 2, 2014
Clojerks 2014 Planning Meeting

We'll be talking about high-level goals for 2014, and coming up with a list of: - topics on which we can present to each other - topics/technologies around which to build hack nights/days - speakers we'd like to raise funds to invite to Portland

If you're a Clojure/Lisp vet, it'd be great to have your insight on expert topics. If you're new to the ecosystem, we want to hear about what areas your interests revolve around to best cater to the local community.
