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Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 2:24pm and last updated
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 2:25pm.
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Past events that happened here
TuesdayOct 4 2011Smart Grid Public Lecture - "The Green Electricity Challenge: Delivering Power with the Smart Grid"
Educational event organized by the IEEE Oregon Section
Exploration of challenges and solutions to green energy. A panel discussion with representatives from the electric power industry, consumer's advocacy groups, and off-grid power generators. The event will be held at the Winningstad Theater at the Portland Center of Performing Arts in downtown Portland. You will learn about future options for electricity supply to consumers.
Try out our bicycle electricity generator!
Agenda: Start 7:30 pm. Introductions Three panel speakers Intermission Two Panel speakers Question and Answer from the audience End 9:30 pm
Location: Bldg: Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Winningstad Theater SW Broadway & Main Street Portland 97205
ThursdaySep 22 2011PuppetConf
PuppetConf is an Operations conference in PDX! Topics include Cloud and Devops tracks as well as 2 tracks dedicated to Puppet.
Local participants can save 30% on registration by using the discount code "calagator" during registration.
TuesdaySep 20 2011супрастин таблетки цена
Как узнать цену на Супрастин таблетки в аптеке рядом?
лекарство супрастин инструкция по применению цена https://xn--80aqpaggfdjf.xn--p1ai/ .
MondayApr 6 2009SHOP Symposium/09
SHOP Symposium/09 is dedicated to educating, inspiring and energizing independent business owners of all stripes. The only conference of its kind, this one-day event teaches practical skills, offers wise encouragement, and builds camaraderie. Whether you sell shoes or facials, travel getaway or graphic design, we invite you to join us. Bring your questions, your frustrations, your fears, and your hopes. Prepare to be inspired!
ThursdayNov 20 2008The Showdown in Stumptown: 2008 PAF Rosey Awards
Step into the ring, touch gloves and cue the Rocky theme song (or Eye of the Tiger, your choice), it's time for the 51st annual PAF Rosey Awards. You'll see who duked it out for this years winner's circle. Honors include awards of Merit and Excellence, and of course, Rosey. Join us to see how each contender stacked up to the competition.
Reception/Entries on display: 5:30-7:30pm
Show: 7:30pm
Location: The Newmark Theater (SW Broadway in the heart of Portland)
Members: $91./Non Members $106.
ThursdaySep 18 2008special edition of Portland Art Spark
WHAT: The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) will announce its plans to begin providing arts education for every K-8 child in the Portland metropolitan region. In the spring of 2009, this initiative, which builds arts education activities into the standard curriculum, will launch in 20 schools across four local school districts, serving 10,000 children and their teachers. Organizers will also unveil a new brand identity for the program.
WHEN: Thursday, September 18, 2008
free and open to the public
At 5:00 PM –Local artists will convene at the ArtBar in the lobby of Antoinette Hatfield Hall for a special arts education edition of “Art Spark,” a monthly networking opportunity for artists and arts administrators. (See
At 6:00 PM –Arts Partners Project Manager Marna Stalcup will discuss opportunities for artists who are interested in working in classrooms through this program.
(by invitation only) At 6:30 PM –RACC Board Chair Carole Morse and RACC Executive Director Eloise Damrosch will welcome 300 guests to an appreciation event for Arts Partners funders, committee members, and other stakeholders inside the Winningstad Theater.
At 6:45 PM –Portland Public Schools Superintendent Carole Smith will talk about the importance of arts education in our schools.
At 7:00 PM –National Teacher of the Year, Michael Geisen from Prineville, Oregon, will speak.
At 7:15 PM –RACC will unveil the new identity for the initiative formerly known as “Arts Partners.”
All speakers will conclude by 7:30, with a reception in the lobby to follow. -
SaturdaySep 6 2008Cre8con: Portland Creative Conference
The Portland Creative Conference (Cre8Con), happening on Saturday, Sept. 6th, marks the return of this interdisciplinary exploration of the creative process within various creative industries. The conference features keynote presentations from leading creatives across a variety of fields (from companies such as LAIKA, Nike, Wieden+Kennedy, Dark Horse Comics, Michael Curry Design, White Horse, CROW Clothing and more) who will reveal their work and talk about their process, influences, inspirations and motivations.
It is an opportunity for attendees to get inside the head of visionaries who are generating original and effective ideas and to be inspired in entirely new ways, viewing their own world with a fresh perspective as a result.
This event is part of an orchestrated business+culture experience in Portland that includes Inverge: the interactive convergence conference (Sept. 4+5), the Time-Based Art Festival, MusicFestNW and the First Thursday Gallery Walk. For discounted event bundle pricing, see the Inverge registration page at