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Portland Center for the Performing Arts

1111 SW Broadway
Portland, Oregon 97205, US (map)

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Past events that happened here

  • Tuesday
    Oct 4 2011
    Smart Grid Public Lecture - "The Green Electricity Challenge: Delivering Power with the Smart Grid"

    Educational event organized by the IEEE Oregon Section

    Exploration of challenges and solutions to green energy. A panel discussion with representatives from the electric power industry, consumer's advocacy groups, and off-grid power generators. The event will be held at the Winningstad Theater at the Portland Center of Performing Arts in downtown Portland. You will learn about future options for electricity supply to consumers.

    Try out our bicycle electricity generator!

    Agenda: Start 7:30 pm. Introductions Three panel speakers Intermission Two Panel speakers Question and Answer from the audience End 9:30 pm

    Location: Bldg: Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Winningstad Theater SW Broadway & Main Street Portland 97205

  • Thursday
    Sep 22 2011
    Portland Center for the Performing Arts

    PuppetConf is an Operations conference in PDX! Topics include Cloud and Devops tracks as well as 2 tracks dedicated to Puppet.

    Local participants can save 30% on registration by using the discount code "calagator" during registration.

  • Tuesday
    Sep 20 2011
    Build a Cloud Day


    Build a Cloud Day" will be dedicated to teaching users how to build and manage a cloud computing environment using free and open source software. The program is designed to expose attendees to the concepts and best practices around deploying cloud computing infrastructure.

    Attendees should expect to learn how to deploy a cloud computing environment using CloudStack and other cloud infrastructure tools including those from OpenStack, Puppet Labs and Arista Networks that automate server and network configuration for building highly available cloud computing environments.

    Tentative schedule is as follows. [We are consistently adding additional cloud computing experts from the open source community to broaden the program.]

    9:00 - 9:15 - Welcome - Mark Hinkle, VP of Community, Cloud.com We'll kick off the day reviewing the program with attendees and gathering information so we can tailor the program to best address the needs and experience level of the audience. 9:15 - 10:30 - Build Your Cloud - Part I - Cloud.com CloudStack

    David Nalley, CloudStack community manager, will give an overview of Cloudstack, an open source Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) software platform available under the GPLv3 license which enables users to build, manage and deploy compute cloud environments. The community edition is based on the latest, leading edge features and bits that the Cloud.com team of engineers are working on and is supported by an open source community. Using CloudStack a free and open source cloud computing software to build a private cloud. During the training attendees will be instructed on how to install Cloudstack to manage virtual infrastructure in a private cloud computing configuration. At the conclusion of the Build a Private Cloud section users will have the knowledge needed to create a simple private cloud computing environment.

    10:30- 12:00 - Build Your Cloud - Part II - OpenStack OpenStack is a collection of open source technologies delivering a massively scalable cloud operating system. OpenStack is currently developing two interrelated projects: OpenStack Compute and OpenStack Object Storage. OpenStack Compute is software to provision and manage large groups of virtual private servers, and OpenStack Object Storage is software for creating redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of commodity servers to store terabytes or even petabytes of data. OpenStack was founded by Rackspace and NASA, and now has the support of more than 50 organizations building an open cloud standard.

    12:00 - 1:00: Lunch We will break for lunch after the morning session.

    1:00 - 2:15 - Automatic Configuration of Your Cloud with Puppet The shift to cloud-based services has dramatically altered the IT landscape as we know it. Enterprise infrastructure borders have expanded beyond the firewall and now include hosted applications and infrastructure hosted in public and private clouds. Puppet helps DevOps teams meet their common objectives, creating a seamless IT infrastructure across departments, reducing cost and increasing productivity.

    This training section will cover deploying cloud infrastructure automatically using Puppet, an open source configuration management and automation tool.The session will cover the following topics: Configuring Puppet and Puppetmaster Resource Types and the Resource Abstration Layer Virtual Resources, Exported Resources and Stored Configs Best practices for Automated Deployment

    2:15 - 3:15 - Building Clouds the Devops Way Noted cloud blogger, host of the DevOps Cafe podcast and VP of Services for cloud services company DTO solutions, John M. Willis, will explain the DevOps philosphy of rapid, structured deployment of cloud infrastructure using open source tools like Chef, Puppet, Maven, Jenkins and RunDeck.

    RunDeck is cross-platform open source software that helps you automate ad-hoc and routine procedures in data center or cloud environments. RunDeck allows you to run tasks on any number of nodes from a web-based or command-line interface. RunDeck also includes other features that make it easy to scale up your scripting efforts including: access control, workflow building, scheduling, logging, and integration with external sources for node and option data. Run Deck is sponsored by DTO Solutions.

    3:30 - 4:15 Gluster Petascale Storage for the Cloud - John Mark Walker, Gluster Inc. GlusterFS is an open source scale-out NAS solution. The software is a powerful and flexible solution that simplifies the task of managing unstructured file data whether you have a few terabytes of storage or multiple petabytes. It’s no secret that unstructured data is growing like crazy, Gluster provides a solutions that scales capacity and performance as you need it and is an ideal fit for an IT environment that is increasingly virtualized and moving to the cloud.

    There are two key ways that GlusterFS is beneficial for cloud builders:

    1. Storage layer for VMs. If you're deploying Xen or KVM VMs on a private cloud, storing them on GlusterFS gives you the ability to migrate to different hypervisors, suspend and resume quickly - even on another hypervisor, scale out far beyond what other filesystems will allow, and utilize N-way replication for DR and HA

    2. Unified storage layer for applications. With GlusterFS 3.3, you will be able to access your application data stores from an object (S3, Swift-style) interface, as well as a traditional POSIX-compatible NAS interface. This unified approach gives developers and admins the ability to access the same data store using a variety of different methods.

    In this session, attendees will learn steps for deployment and some common use cases.

    4:15 - 5:00 - Hacking Your Data Center Network Switch Arista EOS™ was designed to provide a foundation for the business needs of next-generation datacenters and cloud networks. EOS is a highly modular software design based on a unique multi-process state sharing architecture that completely separates networking state from the processing itself. This enables fault recovery and incremental software updates on a fine-grain process basis without affecting the state of the system.

    5:00 - 6:00 Get Your Code in the Cloud and Your PaaS Over Here - The OpenShift Primer - Grant Shipley Whether you're a seasoned Java developer looking to start hacking on EE6 or you just wrote your first line of Ruby yesterday, the cloud is turning out to be the perfect environment for developing applications in just about any modern language or framework. There are plenty of clouds and platform-as-a-services to choose from, but where to start? Join us for an action-packed session where we'll show you how to deploy an application written in the language of your choice - Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl or Python, with the framework of your choice - EE6, CDI, Seam, Spring, Zend, Cake, Rails, Sinatra, PerlDancer or Django to the OpenShift PaaS in just minutes. And without having to rewrite your app to get it to work the way the cloud provider thinks your app should work. Check the command-line fu of Grant Shipley as they leverage Git to onboard apps onto OpenShift Express in seconds, while also making use of the web browser do the heavy-lifting of provisioning clusters, deploying, monitoring and auto-scaling apps in OpenShift Flex. By the end of this session you'll have multiple applications running in the cloud, guaranteed, or your money back! (Did we mention OpenShift is free-as-in-beer?) If you want to learn how the OpenShift PaaS can change everything you thought you knew about developing applications in the cloud, this session is for you!

  • Monday
    Apr 6 2009
    SHOP Symposium/09

    SHOP Symposium/09 is dedicated to educating, inspiring and energizing independent business owners of all stripes. The only conference of its kind, this one-day event teaches practical skills, offers wise encouragement, and builds camaraderie. Whether you sell shoes or facials, travel getaway or graphic design, we invite you to join us. Bring your questions, your frustrations, your fears, and your hopes. Prepare to be inspired!

  • Thursday
    Nov 20 2008
    The Showdown in Stumptown: 2008 PAF Rosey Awards

    Step into the ring, touch gloves and cue the Rocky theme song (or Eye of the Tiger, your choice), it's time for the 51st annual PAF Rosey Awards. You'll see who duked it out for this years winner's circle. Honors include awards of Merit and Excellence, and of course, Rosey. Join us to see how each contender stacked up to the competition.

    Reception/Entries on display: 5:30-7:30pm

    Show: 7:30pm

    Location: The Newmark Theater (SW Broadway in the heart of Portland)

    Members: $91./Non Members $106.

  • Thursday
    Sep 18 2008
    special edition of Portland Art Spark

    WHAT: The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) will announce its plans to begin providing arts education for every K-8 child in the Portland metropolitan region. In the spring of 2009, this initiative, which builds arts education activities into the standard curriculum, will launch in 20 schools across four local school districts, serving 10,000 children and their teachers. Organizers will also unveil a new brand identity for the program.

    WHEN: Thursday, September 18, 2008

    free and open to the public

    At 5:00 PM –Local artists will convene at the ArtBar in the lobby of Antoinette Hatfield Hall for a special arts education edition of “Art Spark,” a monthly networking opportunity for artists and arts administrators. (See www.portlandartspark.com).

    At 6:00 PM –Arts Partners Project Manager Marna Stalcup will discuss opportunities for artists who are interested in working in classrooms through this program.

    (by invitation only) At 6:30 PM –RACC Board Chair Carole Morse and RACC Executive Director Eloise Damrosch will welcome 300 guests to an appreciation event for Arts Partners funders, committee members, and other stakeholders inside the Winningstad Theater.

    At 6:45 PM –Portland Public Schools Superintendent Carole Smith will talk about the importance of arts education in our schools.

    At 7:00 PM –National Teacher of the Year, Michael Geisen from Prineville, Oregon, will speak.

    At 7:15 PM –RACC will unveil the new identity for the initiative formerly known as “Arts Partners.”

    All speakers will conclude by 7:30, with a reception in the lobby to follow.

  • Saturday
    Sep 6 2008
    Cre8con: Portland Creative Conference

    The Portland Creative Conference (Cre8Con), happening on Saturday, Sept. 6th, marks the return of this interdisciplinary exploration of the creative process within various creative industries. The conference features keynote presentations from leading creatives across a variety of fields (from companies such as LAIKA, Nike, Wieden+Kennedy, Dark Horse Comics, Michael Curry Design, White Horse, CROW Clothing and more) who will reveal their work and talk about their process, influences, inspirations and motivations.

    It is an opportunity for attendees to get inside the head of visionaries who are generating original and effective ideas and to be inspired in entirely new ways, viewing their own world with a fresh perspective as a result.

    This event is part of an orchestrated business+culture experience in Portland that includes Inverge: the interactive convergence conference (Sept. 4+5), the Time-Based Art Festival, MusicFestNW and the First Thursday Gallery Walk. For discounted event bundle pricing, see the Inverge registration page at www.inverge.com.
