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Viewing 22 past events matching “opensourcebridge” by Date.

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Mar 22, 2009
Open Source Bridge code, text and outreach sprint
Ristretto Roasters (N Williams)

Join us to work on one or more of the following tasks to help the Open Source Bridge conference:

  1. Code: Add features and specs to the OpenConferenceWare conference app. Our task list and source code are online. Join in if you've got Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator.

  2. Text: Compose documents for outreach to user groups, educational institutions, open source projects, and the like.

  3. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals.

We'll meet up at Ristretto[1] at 10am, then move on to a working lunch nearby at the Lompoc 5th Quadrant[2]. Some members will leave as soon as 2pm, but others will stay on later. Join us for however much of this you can.



[1] Ristretto Coffee: 3808 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97213 -- [2] Lompoc, 5th Quadrant: 3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR --

Apr 5, 2009
Open Source Bridge code and outreach sprint
Urban Grind Coffee House

Please join us on Sunday, April 5th to work on:

  1. Code: Add features and specs (tests) to the OpenConferenceWare (OCW) conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. See task list for details.

  2. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals.

We'll meet up at Northwest Urban Grind at 10am. Later in the day, we'll have a working lunch at the dining space between the Hot Lips Pizza and Laughing Planet at the Ecotrust Building. Join us for however much of this you can.



Apr 18, 2009
Open Source Bridge work sprint
Urban Grind Coffee House

Please join us on Saturday, April 18th to work on:

  1. Code: Add features to our OpenConferenceWare conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience. We’re planning to add a schedule grid, personal schedule planner, personal schedule export, and other improvements.
  2. Tests: Add specs (tests) to currently uncovered code and refactor code for clarity and correctness. Join in if you have RSpec or Cucumber experience.
  3. Outreach: Contact speakers, compose articles, and publicize the sessions.
  4. Attendee wiki: Provide structure and content for a wiki that attendees can use to share information, like where to eat, what to do, etc.
  5. Birds of Feather sessions (BoFs) planning: Prepare wiki instructions, Google spreadsheet, or requirements for a custom Rails app to capture registrations for BoFs.
  6. Hacker lounge planning: Prepare projects and structure for arranging space in the 24-hour hacker lounge.

We’ll meet up at Urban Grind Northwest at 10am. Later in the day, we’ll have a working lunch at BridgePort Brew Pub. Join us for however much of this you can.


PS: If you plan to participate, please also join mailing lists related to your interest area.

Jun 16, 2009
Reductivelabs Puppet Meetup/Opensource Bridge Kickoff.

Reductive Labs the company behind the Puppet configuration management language is moving to Portland.

In order to celebrate our move to Portland and to help kick off Open Source Bridge, we are hosting a Puppet get together at the Webtrends facility.

James Turnbull author of "Pulling Strings with Puppet" and Luke Kanies the primary developer of Puppet will attending.

This an informal get together. We will be providing beer and snacks. We plan to talk about Reductive Lab's move to Portland, the future of Puppet, and general configuration management issues.

If you are interested in attending please send an email to [email protected]

Jun 1, 2010
Open Source Bridge 2010
through Portland Art Museum, Mark Building

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more about attending at

Jun 21, 2011
Open Source Bridge 2011
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more about attending at

Jun 26, 2012
Open Source Bridge 2012
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

Jun 18, 2013
Open Source Bridge 2013
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

Jun 24, 2014
Open Source Bridge 2014
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

Jul 16, 2014
OpenConferenceWare Code Sprint
Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division)

Come hack on OpenConferenceWare, the conference-management system written for Open Source Bridge.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

OpenConferenceWare is a Ruby/Rails web app, distributed as a Rails engine.

Jun 23, 2015
Open Source Bridge 2015
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers' and makers' conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share our knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

The call for talks will open in January 2015 and we welcome talks from first-time and experienced speakers!

Mar 26, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
26 Cafe

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! We've got just over three months til the conference!

Apr 9, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
J Cafe

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! We've got just over three months til the conference!

Apr 23, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
Triumph Coffee

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! We've got just over three months til the conference!

Contact [email protected] for more information.

May 10, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
Crowd Compass

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! We've got just over three months til the conference!

Contact [email protected] for more information.

May 21, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! We've got just over three months til the conference!

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Jun 7, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
Crowd Compass

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! We've got just over three months til the conference!

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Jun 13, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
Punch Bowl Social

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! Help us finish the last minute prep for June 21-24! Contact [email protected] for more information.

Call 971-303-8480 if you can't find us!

Jun 15, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
Punch Bowl Social

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! Help us finish the last minute prep for June 21-24! Contact [email protected] for more information.

Call 971-303-8480 if you can't find us!

Jun 18, 2016
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting / Work Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come join us to work on Open Source Bridge 2016! Help us finish the last minute prep for June 21-24! Contact [email protected] for more information.

Jun 21, 2016
Open Source Bridge 2016
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers' and makers' conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share our knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

Jun 20, 2017
Open Source Bridge 2017
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developer and maker conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share our knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

For our 9th year, we’re changing things up a little, given the political, cultural, and economic crossroads we find ourselves at right now. We’ve added a new track to explore how activists are using technology, how open source communities are supporting activists, and how other open source and activist communities intersect. To encourage new connections, we’re also holding a project night in the Hacker Lounge to partner with community groups and individual projects looking for new contributors and adding a Community Organizer track to our Friday Unconference day.

2017 keynotes

  • Nicole Sanchez (VP of Social Impact @ GitHub)
  • Emily Gorcenski (Senior Data Scientist @ Simple)
  • Walé Ogundipé (Software Engineer @ Avvo)
