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Change #793

update Calagator::Venue 202390576 Jive Software Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id 202390474 202391809
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #792

update Calagator::Venue 202391812 Art Institute of Portland Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202390494
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #791

update Calagator::Event 1250457915 Art is War: Reinventing the Art Sales System with New Media Roll back

description Hazel Dooney is a fine art painter from Australia. She has declared open war on the art gallery system, and she’s winning. She sells her work directly to her fans and she does it mostly through her website and social media, coupled with live showings outside of gallery spaces. Earlier this year Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls created a virtual party for her fans. She didn’t expect it to be anything other than a good time and she stumbled on a way to connect with thousands of her fans directly. It’s now a regular occurrence and she’s figured out how to sell her music & artwork directly to her fans, angering her record label and art traditionalists. Amber Jean, a sculptor living in the woods in Montana, gives her fans an inside look at her studio and the wilds of Montana through her website and video podcasts. Her open communication with her fans has resulted in a huge boost in her art career. In this event we’ll explore how Hazel, Amanda, Amber, and other artists are doing an end run around agents, galleries, and managers in order to connect directly with fans, have more fun, and keep more of the revenue from their art sales for themselves. We’ll also look at how the same approach can work for craft artisans, dancers and other artists. Hazel Dooney is a fine art painter from Australia. She has declared open war on the art gallery system, and she’s winning. She sells her work directly to her fans and she does it mostly through her website and social media, coupled with live showings outside of gallery spaces. Earlier this year Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls created a virtual party for her fans. She didn’t expect it to be anything other than a good time and she stumbled on a way to connect with thousands of her fans directly. It’s now a regular occurrence and she’s figured out how to sell her music & artwork directly to her fans, angering her record label and art traditionalists. Amber Jean, a sculptor living in the woods in Montana, gives her fans an inside look at her studio and the wilds of Montana through her website and video podcasts. Her open communication with her fans has resulted in a huge boost in her art career. In this event we’ll explore how Hazel, Amanda, Amber, and other artists are doing an end run around agents, galleries, and managers in order to connect directly with fans, have more fun, and keep more of the revenue from their art sales for themselves. We’ll also look at how the same approach can work for craft artisans, dancers and other artists.
locked nil false
venue_id 202391812 202390494
Change #790

update Calagator::Event 1250457912 Beyond Distraction: Millennials, Social Media, and Education Roll back

description While marketers scramble to grab the attention of young minds through social media channels, teachers are left scratching their heads. What is a teacher to do in this age of the Internet? Dan Chapman is a teacher and assistant department director for the Web Design and Interactive Media program at the Art Institute of Portland, but more importantly, he’s a millennial. He will be sharing what he’s learned about working with millennial students, the generation gap, using technology to strengthen the student-teacher relationship, and the secret to winning the attention of students over Facebook. While marketers scramble to grab the attention of young minds through social media channels, teachers are left scratching their heads. What is a teacher to do in this age of the Internet? Dan Chapman is a teacher and assistant department director for the Web Design and Interactive Media program at the Art Institute of Portland, but more importantly, he’s a millennial. He will be sharing what he’s learned about working with millennial students, the generation gap, using technology to strengthen the student-teacher relationship, and the secret to winning the attention of students over Facebook.
locked nil false
venue_id 202391812 202390494
Change #789

update Calagator::Event 1250457911 coming@party Roll back

description From digital anonymity to personal interaction. We’ll go from digital chatter to personal conversations and maybe make some new connections in the process. All you need is a Twitter handle, a laptop or tweet-capable phone, and an open mind. There will be 8 laptop stations available on a first-come-first-served basis. Those unfamiliar with Twitter can show up early for a brief tutorial. Format: * Participants will write down their Twitter name on a card and one interesting fact about themselves. * 15 minutes of silent interaction via internet only, using phones, laptops. * After 15 minutes, people are encouraged to go talk in person with someone they connected with online. From digital anonymity to personal interaction. We’ll go from digital chatter to personal conversations and maybe make some new connections in the process. All you need is a Twitter handle, a laptop or tweet-capable phone, and an open mind. There will be 8 laptop stations available on a first-come-first-served basis. Those unfamiliar with Twitter can show up early for a brief tutorial. Format: * Participants will write down their Twitter name on a card and one interesting fact about themselves. * 15 minutes of silent interaction via internet only, using phones, laptops. * After 15 minutes, people are encouraged to go talk in person with someone they connected with online.
locked nil false
venue_id 202391812 202390494
Change #788

update Calagator::Event 1250457910 The Church of Social Media Roll back

description Gather ‘round brothers and sisters to testify your love for social media and how it has touched your life. We will be meeting in the Open Space at AIPD to let everyone know just how awesome and amazing social media is, and that we don’t care who knows it. Leave all your worries about the dangers of technology at the door. Forget about objectivity. Let everyone know about your new friends, and the valuable contacts you’ve made. Share the sheer delight of telling people on Twitter about what you had for breakfast, and about the times when you’ve actually care about what someone had for breakfast! Tell everyone about the hours and hours spent updating profiles, twittering, texting and how you loved every minute of it. All are welcome. Skeptics and lurkers feel free to watch the show. Come dressed in Halloween costumes if you’d like, it will only add to the hilarity. Drinks will be provided. The event will be held in the Open Space at AIPDX. Gather ‘round brothers and sisters to testify your love for social media and how it has touched your life. We will be meeting in the Open Space at AIPD to let everyone know just how awesome and amazing social media is, and that we don’t care who knows it. Leave all your worries about the dangers of technology at the door. Forget about objectivity. Let everyone know about your new friends, and the valuable contacts you’ve made. Share the sheer delight of telling people on Twitter about what you had for breakfast, and about the times when you’ve actually care about what someone had for breakfast! Tell everyone about the hours and hours spent updating profiles, twittering, texting and how you loved every minute of it. All are welcome. Skeptics and lurkers feel free to watch the show. Come dressed in Halloween costumes if you’d like, it will only add to the hilarity. Drinks will be provided. The event will be held in the Open Space at AIPDX.
locked nil false
venue_id 202391812 202390494
Change #787

update Calagator::Venue 202391814 Substance World Headquarters Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202391229
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #786

update Calagator::Event 1250457917 Show & Tell, the New Communicators Edition: What Are You Doing to Change the World? Roll back

description What are you doing to change the world? If you're doing something to change the world (for the better, hopefully), we want to hear from you. We're currently planning our third Show & Tell event; this time we couldn't be happier that it'll be part of the larger New Communications series of events. And in the spirit of the New Communicators, this go-round we want to give the floor over to the people and companies who are changing the world, not simply through their words, but through their actions. We'll be hosting it with our friends from Pinch at Substance World Headquarters, 1551 SE Poplar Ave, Portland, and we plan on opening our doors at 6:30pm with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7pm. Note that we have a very limited number of chairs, so if you like sitting down you might want to either show up on the earlier side or bring your own chair. We're also changing up the format this time. You have a choice between a 10 minute or a 5 minute time slot (and yes, we're going to have a stopwatch and a large hook to pull you offstage when your time is up). During your slot, tell us why you're going to change the world and how you are doing it. If you’re interested in sharing your story, send us your idea and if you want 5 or 10 minutes by Monday, October 19th at 9am. We'll then sort through the ideas to curate an interesting evening. Send your ideas to: showandtell findsubstance com and we'll start the conversation. What are you doing to change the world? If you're doing something to change the world (for the better, hopefully), we want to hear from you. We're currently planning our third Show & Tell event; this time we couldn't be happier that it'll be part of the larger New Communications series of events. And in the spirit of the New Communicators, this go-round we want to give the floor over to the people and companies who are changing the world, not simply through their words, but through their actions. We'll be hosting it with our friends from Pinch at Substance World Headquarters, 1551 SE Poplar Ave, Portland, and we plan on opening our doors at 6:30pm with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7pm. Note that we have a very limited number of chairs, so if you like sitting down you might want to either show up on the earlier side or bring your own chair. We're also changing up the format this time. You have a choice between a 10 minute or a 5 minute time slot (and yes, we're going to have a stopwatch and a large hook to pull you offstage when your time is up). During your slot, tell us why you're going to change the world and how you are doing it. If you’re interested in sharing your story, send us your idea and if you want 5 or 10 minutes by Monday, October 19th at 9am. We'll then sort through the ideas to curate an interesting evening. Send your ideas to: showandtell findsubstance com and we'll start the conversation.
locked nil false
venue_id 202391814 202391229
Change #785

update Calagator::Event 1250457906 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group Roll back

description Small talk about all things Smalltalk, the language that started it all and is still incredibly fun to work with. This month Martin McClure (with help from Andres Valloud) will talk about hashed collection performance in Pharo. This has been found to be rather bad for many collections, and Martin and Andres have written simple changes that deliver 2-3 orders of magnitude improvement. The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door. meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL). Small talk about all things Smalltalk, the language that started it all and is still incredibly fun to work with. This month's topics: * Martin McClure (with help from Andres Valloud) will talk about hashed collection performance in Pharo. This has been found to be rather bad for many collections, and Martin and Andres have written simple changes that deliver 2-3 orders of magnitude improvement. * Brian T. Rice will give an update on Slate. The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door. meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL).
locked nil false
Change #784

create Calagator::Event 1250457918 Refresh Portland November: Nick Finck on The Mobile User Experience Roll back

description nil Join Refresh Portland for our last session of 2009 on mobile user experience design! This time, we have Nick Finck, Principal and Director of User Experience at Blue Flavor, coming from Seattle. This presentation will look at how the mobile context has evolved over the years and where it is headed. We’ll explore the differences between the web and the mobile web, why these differences are important, what the key user experience principals are for the mobile web …oh yeah, and there will be plenty of examples for you to sink your teeth into. Nick will give you the information you need to design an optimal user experience for the mobile web as well as what decisions you will need to make along the way. See you then!
end_time nil 2009-11-12 21:30:00 -0800
id nil 1250457918
source_id nil 996333864
start_time nil 2009-11-12 18:30:00 -0800
title nil Refresh Portland November: Nick Finck on The Mobile User Experience
url nil
venue_id nil 202391809
Change #783

create Calagator::Event 1250457917 Show & Tell, the New Communicators Edition: What Are You Doing to Change the World? Roll back

description nil What are you doing to change the world? If you're doing something to change the world (for the better, hopefully), we want to hear from you. We're currently planning our third Show & Tell event; this time we couldn't be happier that it'll be part of the larger New Communications series of events. And in the spirit of the New Communicators, this go-round we want to give the floor over to the people and companies who are changing the world, not simply through their words, but through their actions. We'll be hosting it with our friends from Pinch at Substance World Headquarters, 1551 SE Poplar Ave, Portland, and we plan on opening our doors at 6:30pm with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7pm. Note that we have a very limited number of chairs, so if you like sitting down you might want to either show up on the earlier side or bring your own chair. We're also changing up the format this time. You have a choice between a 10 minute or a 5 minute time slot (and yes, we're going to have a stopwatch and a large hook to pull you offstage when your time is up). During your slot, tell us why you're going to change the world and how you are doing it. If you’re interested in sharing your story, send us your idea and if you want 5 or 10 minutes by Monday, October 19th at 9am. We'll then sort through the ideas to curate an interesting evening. Send your ideas to: showandtell findsubstance com and we'll start the conversation.
end_time nil 2009-10-28 21:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457917
source_id nil 996333863
start_time nil 2009-10-28 18:30:00 -0700
title nil Show & Tell, the New Communicators Edition: What Are You Doing to Change the World?
url nil
venue_id nil 202391814
Change #782

create Calagator::Venue 202391229 Substance World Headquarters Roll back

country nil US
events_count nil 2
id nil 202391229
latitude nil 45.5117
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6474
postal_code nil 97214
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996333499
street_address nil 1551 SE Poplar
title nil Substance World Headquarters
Change #781

create Calagator::Event 1250457916 Social Media Etiquette Roll back

description nil Social media technology continues to evolve by leaps and bounds. New applications are developed and released on a regular basis, all for the purpose of helping us communicate even more often when we already do, and for creating a tighter social web. We've got the technology. Now what? This discussion focuses on what the etiquette is for using social media to communicate with other people. We ask: When does social media become narcissistic? What is the right approach to cultivate relationships in social media? When do you become a spammer, and how can you stop doing it? How do businesses communicate their brand and marketing while cultivating real relationships? How should businesses handle situations where someone complains about their services? By asking and discussing the question we can start to look at not only what we use social media for, but how we use it to create genuine relationships, while also establishing an etiquette that enables us to maintain those relationships.
end_time nil 2009-10-28 19:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457916
source_id nil 996333862
start_time nil 2009-10-28 16:00:00 -0700
title nil Social Media Etiquette
url nil
venue_id nil 202391813
Change #780

create Calagator::Venue 202391708 Rocking Frog Roll back

country nil United States
events_count nil 2
id nil 202391708
latitude nil 45.5164
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.64
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996333814
street_address nil 2511 SE Belmont St.
title nil Rocking Frog
Change #779

create Calagator::Event 1250457915 Art is War: Reinventing the Art Sales System with New Media Roll back

description nil Hazel Dooney is a fine art painter from Australia. She has declared open war on the art gallery system, and she’s winning. She sells her work directly to her fans and she does it mostly through her website and social media, coupled with live showings outside of gallery spaces. Earlier this year Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls created a virtual party for her fans. She didn’t expect it to be anything other than a good time and she stumbled on a way to connect with thousands of her fans directly. It’s now a regular occurrence and she’s figured out how to sell her music & artwork directly to her fans, angering her record label and art traditionalists. Amber Jean, a sculptor living in the woods in Montana, gives her fans an inside look at her studio and the wilds of Montana through her website and video podcasts. Her open communication with her fans has resulted in a huge boost in her art career. In this event we’ll explore how Hazel, Amanda, Amber, and other artists are doing an end run around agents, galleries, and managers in order to connect directly with fans, have more fun, and keep more of the revenue from their art sales for themselves. We’ll also look at how the same approach can work for craft artisans, dancers and other artists.
end_time nil 2009-10-30 22:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457915
source_id nil 996333861
start_time nil 2009-10-30 19:00:00 -0700
title nil Art is War: Reinventing the Art Sales System with New Media
url nil
venue_id nil 202391812
Change #778

create Calagator::Event 1250457914 10,000 Invitations: A roundtable on arts institutions and new/social media Roll back

description nil Hosted by Lisa Radon who blogs for Portland Monthly as the Culturephile. Good minds from Portland arts institutions share the ways they’re using new and social media to engage audiences. The Portland Art Museum creates conversational videos about works in the collection, creates a community website for its China Design Now exhibition, and tweets as M.C. Escher. Portland Center Stage creates show preview videos that go viral and uses Twitter in innovative ways. The Museum of Contemporary Craft creates video and podcast and invites audience response. PICA integrates Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube into its TBA Festival blog. In education, programming, and marketing, we’ll talk about what’s worked and what’s on the horizon as the landscape continues to change with new tools and new challenges all the time. Participants include: Christina Olsen, PhD Director of Education & Public Programs, Portland Art Museum Beth Heinrich Director of Marketing & Public Relations, Portland Art Museum Cynthia Fuhrman Marketing and Communications Director, Portland Center Stage Patrick Leonard Public Relations, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art Rebecca Burrell, Public Relations and Marketing Specialist, Museum of Contemporary Craft Namita Gupta-Wiggers, Curator, Museum of Contemporary Craft
end_time nil 2009-10-30 19:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457914
source_id nil 996333860
start_time nil 2009-10-30 16:00:00 -0700
title nil 10,000 Invitations: A roundtable on arts institutions and new/social media
url nil
venue_id nil 202389911
Change #777

create Calagator::Event 1250457913 Creating Conversations through the Love of Bicycles Roll back

description nil There are many people who love bicycles. But how many can take this love and turn it into a business? And once they've started their cycling-related business, how do they engage their audience, market and brand their company? Join us for a conversation with a group of cyclists who are creating conversations through their love of bicycles... a panel of four cycling and communication experts will talk about why they're doing what they're doing, how they're doing it, and what's next for cycling as communication. The panel consists of: Jonathan Maus, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BikePortland ( Slate Olson, General Manager of Rapha, North America ( Natalie Ramsland, Founder and Framebuilder of Sweetpea Bicycles ( Heidi Swift, Newspaper Columnist, Freelance Writer, Photographer and Bike Racer ( David Lowe-Rogstad, Co-Founder of Substance ( and former road racer (he's back on the bike for Cross Crusade this year), will be moderating the panel. Coinciding with Oregon Manifest (, this panel is an opportunity for framebuilders, cycling enthusiasts, and business owners of all sorts to learn how different companies are utilizing events, technology and stories to create conversations.
end_time nil 2009-10-29 11:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457913
source_id nil 996333859
start_time nil 2009-10-29 08:00:00 -0700
title nil Creating Conversations through the Love of Bicycles
url nil
venue_id nil 202389911
Change #776

create Calagator::Event 1250457912 Beyond Distraction: Millennials, Social Media, and Education Roll back

description nil While marketers scramble to grab the attention of young minds through social media channels, teachers are left scratching their heads. What is a teacher to do in this age of the Internet? Dan Chapman is a teacher and assistant department director for the Web Design and Interactive Media program at the Art Institute of Portland, but more importantly, he’s a millennial. He will be sharing what he’s learned about working with millennial students, the generation gap, using technology to strengthen the student-teacher relationship, and the secret to winning the attention of students over Facebook.
end_time nil 2009-10-29 19:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457912
source_id nil 996333858
start_time nil 2009-10-29 16:00:00 -0700
title nil Beyond Distraction: Millennials, Social Media, and Education
url nil
venue_id nil 202391812
Change #775

create Calagator::Event 1250457911 coming@party Roll back

description nil From digital anonymity to personal interaction. We’ll go from digital chatter to personal conversations and maybe make some new connections in the process. All you need is a Twitter handle, a laptop or tweet-capable phone, and an open mind. There will be 8 laptop stations available on a first-come-first-served basis. Those unfamiliar with Twitter can show up early for a brief tutorial. Format: * Participants will write down their Twitter name on a card and one interesting fact about themselves. * 15 minutes of silent interaction via internet only, using phones, laptops. * After 15 minutes, people are encouraged to go talk in person with someone they connected with online.
end_time nil 2009-10-29 21:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457911
source_id nil 996333857
start_time nil 2009-10-29 18:00:00 -0700
title nil coming@party
url nil
venue_id nil 202391812
Change #774

create Calagator::Event 1250457910 The Church of Social Media Roll back

description nil Gather ‘round brothers and sisters to testify your love for social media and how it has touched your life. We will be meeting in the Open Space at AIPD to let everyone know just how awesome and amazing social media is, and that we don’t care who knows it. Leave all your worries about the dangers of technology at the door. Forget about objectivity. Let everyone know about your new friends, and the valuable contacts you’ve made. Share the sheer delight of telling people on Twitter about what you had for breakfast, and about the times when you’ve actually care about what someone had for breakfast! Tell everyone about the hours and hours spent updating profiles, twittering, texting and how you loved every minute of it. All are welcome. Skeptics and lurkers feel free to watch the show. Come dressed in Halloween costumes if you’d like, it will only add to the hilarity. Drinks will be provided. The event will be held in the Open Space at AIPDX.
end_time nil 2009-10-29 22:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457910
source_id nil 996333856
start_time nil 2009-10-29 19:30:00 -0700
title nil The Church of Social Media
url nil
venue_id nil 202391812
Change #773

create Calagator::Venue 202390494 Art Institute of Portland Roll back

country nil US
events_count nil 13
id nil 202390494
latitude nil 45.524
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6827
postal_code nil 97209
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996333157
street_address nil 1122 NW Davis
telephone nil 503-228-6528
title nil Art Institute of Portland
url nil
Change #772

create Calagator::Event 1250457909 The Interactive Open Roll back

description nil Open Source, Open Content, Open Invitation – this event invites interactive artists to remix and reimagine the animated film Sita Sings the Blues as a standalone art piece, focused on the theme of ‘Conversations’. The finished pieces will be available for hands-on play and discovery, and the source code freely downloadable. As an attendee, you will get to experience these new pieces and interact with them directly. If a piece piques your interest, download the source code and figure out how they made it. Nina Paley created a feature-length animated film, ‘Sita Sings The Blues’, and made the source content available. Now, artists around the world are taking those pieces and creating new works – in effect, having a conversation with Ms. Paley, and by continuing to make their works open and remixable, the conversation widens with each new piece.
end_time nil 2009-10-29 22:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457909
source_id nil 996333855
start_time nil 2009-10-29 19:00:00 -0700
title nil The Interactive Open
url nil
venue_id nil 202391811
Change #771

create Calagator::Venue 202391811 Grassy Knoll Gallery Roll back

country nil United States
events_count nil 2
id nil 202391811
latitude nil 45.5241
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.672
postal_code nil 97209
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996333855
street_address nil 123 NW 2nd Avenue, Suite 206
title nil Grassy Knoll Gallery
Change #770

create Calagator::Event 1250457908 Mid-Point Mixer hosted by Struck/Axiom and Simler Roll back

description nil Learn more about Simler (the smoothest, prettiest and, well, best online social network of all time!) while checking out Struck/Axiom’s new Old Town studio. We’ll provide the drinks, food, Guitar Hero World Tour, Halo and the ping pong table. You bring your friends. It’ll be new communication all mashed up with old-school chit-chat. Struck/Axiom is a creative agency with offices in Portland, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. Simler is common interests. Simler is connections. Simler is an online social network that helps you connect with people who love the same things you love.
end_time nil 2009-10-29 21:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457908
source_id nil 996333854
start_time nil 2009-10-29 18:00:00 -0700
title nil Mid-Point Mixer hosted by Struck/Axiom and Simler
venue_id nil 202391810
Change #769

create Calagator::Venue 202391810 Struck/Axiom Roll back

country nil United States
events_count nil 1
id nil 202391810
latitude nil 45.5233
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.671
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996333854
street_address nil 24 NW First Ave Suite 270
title nil Struck/Axiom
Change #768

create Calagator::Event 1250457907 Refresh Portland October: Online Video For Everybody by Andy Beach Roll back

description nil Online Video: everybody’s doing it these days, but are they doing it right? Probably not. Creating high quality video content for the web is not quite as simple as whipping out your Flip HD, then uploading to YouTube. That said, it’s a lot easier than most people know (and doesn’t require a two-hour uploading annoyance). We should all be putting more videos online, after all it’s the fastest growing and most popular communication vehicle on the web, but there are better ways to do it. This October, learn a few trade secrets and tips from Andy Beach, a seasoned video compressionist, and use faster, easier and more efficient ways to post better looking videos than all your friends. Andy is the author of Real World Video Compression and oversees all aspects of marking at product management at Elemental Technologies. His vast knowledge of video post-production, compression and interactive design has attracted clients worldwide, including: Microsoft, Major League Baseball, Apple, INC and Adobe Systems, INC.
end_time nil 2009-10-29 21:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457907
source_id nil 996333853
start_time nil 2009-10-29 18:30:00 -0700
title nil Refresh Portland October: Online Video For Everybody by Andy Beach
url nil
venue_id nil 202391809
Change #767

create Calagator::Venue 202391809 Jive Software Roll back

address nil 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400, Portland OR, 97205
country nil United States
events_count nil 84
id nil 202391809
latitude nil 45.5218
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.68
postal_code nil 97205
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996333853
street_address nil 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400
telephone nil 1-503-295-3700
title nil Jive Software
url nil
wifi nil true
Change #766

create Calagator::Event 1250457906 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group Roll back

description nil Small talk about all things Smalltalk, the language that started it all and is still incredibly fun to work with. This month Martin McClure (with help from Andres Valloud) will talk about hashed collection performance in Pharo. This has been found to be rather bad for many collections, and Martin and Andres have written simple changes that deliver 2-3 orders of magnitude improvement. The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door. meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL).
end_time nil 2009-10-27 21:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457906
start_time nil 2009-10-27 19:00:00 -0700
title nil -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
url nil
venue_id nil 202390586
Change #765

update Calagator::Venue 202391783 The Business Center Roll back

closed nil false
events_count nil 4
title The Business Center Beaverton Round Training Center
wifi nil false
Change #764

update Calagator::Venue 202391783 The Business Center @ 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 US Roll back

address nil 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 US
country nil US
description nil
email nil
latitude nil 45.4902
locality nil Beaverton
longitude nil -122.8073
postal_code nil 97005
region nil OR
street_address nil 12725 Sw Millikan Way
telephone nil
title The Business Center @ 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 US The Business Center
url nil
Change #763

update Calagator::Venue 202391901 PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment) Roll back

access_notes nil
address 1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 97209
closed nil false
description Directly north (across the street) of the North Face store. Stairs lead up to the door. Big windows on the SE corner with brown leather chairs.
events_count nil 64
id 202391664 202391901
latitude 45.5247 45.5244
longitude -122.6837 -122.6835
street_address 1227 NW Davis St 1227 NW Davis Street
title PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment) PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment
wifi nil true
Change #762

update Calagator::Event 1250457864 PDX Django Roll back

venue_id 202391664 202391676
Change #761

update Calagator::Event 1250457754 WhereCampPDX 2009: Dinner Hackfest Roll back

venue_id 202391664 202391676
Change #760

update Calagator::Event 1250457603 PDX Django Roll back

venue_id 202391664 202391676
Change #759

update Calagator::Event 1250457570 PDX IPhone Roll back

venue_id 202391664 202391676
Change #758

update Calagator::Venue 202391901 W+K Portland Incubator Experiment Roll back

address 1227 NW Davis Street, Portland, OR 1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 97209
description Directly north (across the street) of the North Face store. Stairs lead up to the door. Big windows on the SE corner with brown leather chairs.
duplicate_of_id 202391664 nil
id 202391657 202391664
street_address 1227 NW Davis St. 1227 NW Davis St
title W+K Portland Incubator Experiment PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment)
Change #757

update Calagator::Venue 202391901 PIE, The Portland Incubator Experiment Roll back

address nil 1227 NW Davis Street, Portland, OR
country United States US
description nil
duplicate_of_id nil 202391664
email nil
id 202391807 202391657
latitude 45.5244 45.5247
longitude -122.684 -122.6837
postal_code nil 97209
region Oregon OR
source_id 996333845 nil
telephone nil
title PIE, The Portland Incubator Experiment W+K Portland Incubator Experiment
url nil
Change #756

update Calagator::Event 1250457898 Finance for Startups 101 Roll back

venue_id 202391807 202391676
Change #755

update Calagator::Venue 202391901 PIE Roll back

address 1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 97209 nil
country US United States
description Directly north (across the street) of the North Face store. Stairs lead up to the door. Big windows on the SE corner with brown leather chairs. nil
email nil
id 202391664 202391807
latitude 45.5247 45.5244
longitude -122.6837 -122.684
postal_code 97209 nil
region OR Oregon
source_id nil 996333845
street_address 1227 NW Davis St 1227 NW Davis St.
telephone nil
title PIE PIE, The Portland Incubator Experiment
url nil
Change #754

update Calagator::Venue 202391775 Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202390052
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #753

update Calagator::Venue 202391802 NedSpace Oldtown Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202391600
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #752

update Calagator::Event 1250457890 OEN Business Concept Review Workshop Roll back

description Calling all entrepreneurs, just in time for OEN's Seed Oregon and OEN's Angel Oregon! Ready to turn your business idea into reality? We can help. OEN’s Business Concept Review offers you a non-threatening, honest critique of your business model, or the the basis of your new business idea. Look at it as a right-priced litmus test from experts who’ll challenge your assumptions and answer perplexing questions you have about making your idea a reality. This review gives you one hour with two experts – where you can pose your business model for feedback, discussion and advice on next steps. It's one of the best ways to prepare you for that next step: creating your business plan and applying to angel investor events. What You Take Home Renewed focus on the strengths of your business concept Awareness of gaps in your model that need more work before you’re investor-ready New ideas for expanding or refining your business model Leads on where to go for resources you need – legal, financial, marketing, etc. Tips on how to take advantage of other helpful OEN venues Interested? Pre-registration is required and will be first-come, first-served, with only 5 slots per hour, 10 slots total. Please follow the application instructions to register for this event: Step 1 - Register online by selecting the OEN/NedSpace member or non-member rate below and complete the credit card purchase process. Step 2 - Once done, you will receive an email from OEN with a link to the Business Concept Workshop Review Form. Complete the form and click "Submit". An OEN representative will contact you once OEN receives the form. Cost: $30 for OEN members, $125 for non-members (price includes a one year membership to OEN and the workshop fee is waived). SPECIAL FOR NEDSPACE MEMBERS: $30, even if you are not yet an OEN member. Calling all entrepreneurs, just in time for OEN's Seed Oregon and OEN's Angel Oregon! Ready to turn your business idea into reality? We can help. OEN’s Business Concept Review offers you a non-threatening, honest critique of your business model, or the the basis of your new business idea. Look at it as a right-priced litmus test from experts who’ll challenge your assumptions and answer perplexing questions you have about making your idea a reality. This review gives you one hour with two experts – where you can pose your business model for feedback, discussion and advice on next steps. It's one of the best ways to prepare you for that next step: creating your business plan and applying to angel investor events. What You Take Home Renewed focus on the strengths of your business concept Awareness of gaps in your model that need more work before you’re investor-ready New ideas for expanding or refining your business model Leads on where to go for resources you need – legal, financial, marketing, etc. Tips on how to take advantage of other helpful OEN venues Interested? Pre-registration is required and will be first-come, first-served, with only 5 slots per hour, 10 slots total. Please follow the application instructions to register for this event: Step 1 - Register online by selecting the OEN/NedSpace member or non-member rate below and complete the credit card purchase process. Step 2 - Once done, you will receive an email from OEN with a link to the Business Concept Workshop Review Form. Complete the form and click "Submit". An OEN representative will contact you once OEN receives the form. Cost: $30 for OEN members, $125 for non-members (price includes a one year membership to OEN and the workshop fee is waived). SPECIAL FOR NEDSPACE MEMBERS: $30, even if you are not yet an OEN member.
locked nil false
venue_id 202391802 202391600
Change #751

update Calagator::Venue 202391600 Nedspace Old Town Roll back

access_notes nil
closed nil false
events_count nil 74
title Nedspace Old Town NedSpace Old Town
wifi nil true
Change #750

create Calagator::Event 1250457905 Founders Coffee Roll back

description nil Founder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.
end_time nil 2009-11-17 12:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457905
source_id nil 996333852
start_time nil 2009-11-17 09:00:00 -0800
title nil Founders Coffee
url nil
venue_id nil 202391792
Change #749

create Calagator::Event 1250457904 Founders Coffee Roll back

description nil Founder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.
end_time nil 2009-11-24 12:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457904
source_id nil 996333851
start_time nil 2009-11-24 09:00:00 -0800
title nil Founders Coffee
url nil
venue_id nil 202391792
Change #748

create Calagator::Event 1250457903 Founders Coffee Roll back

description nil Founder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.
end_time nil 2009-11-10 12:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457903
source_id nil 996333850
start_time nil 2009-11-10 09:00:00 -0800
title nil Founders Coffee
url nil
venue_id nil 202391792
Change #747

create Calagator::Event 1250457902 Founders Coffee Roll back

description nil Founder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.
end_time nil 2009-11-03 12:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457902
source_id nil 996333849
start_time nil 2009-11-03 09:00:00 -0800
title nil Founders Coffee
url nil
venue_id nil 202391792
Change #746

create Calagator::Event 1250457901 Founders Coffee Roll back

description nil Founder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.
end_time nil 2009-10-27 12:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457901
source_id nil 996333848
start_time nil 2009-10-27 09:00:00 -0700
title nil Founders Coffee
url nil
venue_id nil 202391792
Change #745

update Calagator::Venue 202391797 Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub @ 112 SW Second Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204 US Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202391475
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #744

update Calagator::Event 1250457881 SAOpdx: Patterns for Sustainable Test Automation Roll back

description You're invited to the QA Forum's annual end of year dinner! Join us for a night of networking, learning, and great food. A panel will provide practical solution patterns for evolving a sustainable test automation framework in your environment. Efficient product teams find cross functional design and ownership of integrated test frameworks provides optimum return on automation investments. Each panel member will offer practical advice and on how to create sustainable automation framework, commonly owned by development and QA, producing a test automation environment that is sustainable and maintainable as the product evolves. Presenters Patrick McEnany, Sr. QA Manager, McAfee, Inc. Ward Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer, Kevan Dunsmore, Software Architect, Sabrix Inc. Daniel Thom, Expert Engineer, Hewlett Packard You're invited to the QA Forum's annual end of year dinner! Join us for a night of networking, learning, and great food. A panel will provide practical solution patterns for evolving a sustainable test automation framework in your environment. Efficient product teams find cross functional design and ownership of integrated test frameworks provides optimum return on automation investments. Each panel member will offer practical advice and on how to create sustainable automation framework, commonly owned by development and QA, producing a test automation environment that is sustainable and maintainable as the product evolves. Presenters Patrick McEnany, Sr. QA Manager, McAfee, Inc. Ward Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer, Kevan Dunsmore, Software Architect, Sabrix Inc. Daniel Thom, Expert Engineer, Hewlett Packard
locked nil false
venue_id 202391797 202391475