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Friday, February 1, 2013 at 2pm and last updated
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 9:10am.
Access Notes
Come in and head up to the third floor
Future events happening here
- - No events -
Past events that happened here
WednesdaySep 23 2015PDX CocoaHeads
Speaker: Scott Neal Topic: Automated Testing
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
For meeting reminders, join our Google group at!forum/pdx-cocoaheads
CocoaHeads is a group for anyone who writes software for OS X or iOS devices, or aspires to.
WednesdayJul 29 2015PDX Cocoaheads
Speaker: Al She Topic: Writing Functions: Concepts and Optimizations Summary:We'll start with a few concepts related to functions, such as function overriding, overloading, passing functions as input and output arguments, function nesting, and closures. These topics will include code examples written in Apple's "Swift" programming language. In embedded software development, including mobile apps, it is critical that a software developer understand hardware features and limitations and write functions accordingly, regardless of the programming language. Given these considerations, we'll discuss how to write functions to optimize mobile app performance.
Please note - we are not at Walmart Labs this month! We are also meeting a week later than usual. eBay doesn't provide pizza, but you are welcome to bring your own food (there are several food cart pods within walking distance of the office). Just be sure you have utensils, napkins etc.
I will add more details about how to find the space after I have been there myself.
PS A huge thank you to Todd Bates, who is sponsoring us on behalf of eBay.
For meeting reminders, join our Google group at!forum/pdx-cocoaheads
WednesdayJun 17 2015PDX CocoaHeads
We're joining forces with the PDX iOS group this month, since our meetings were going to be more or less the same. We'll be doing a roundtable discussion, sharing what we learned at WWDC and AltConf. Even if you weren't there in person but watched a video you really think was great, you can share about that too.
Note that the meeting is on the 3rd Wednesday of the month instead of our usual 4th!!!
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
For meeting reminders, join our Google group at!forum/pdx-cocoaheads
CocoaHeads is a group for anyone who writes software for OS X or iOS devices, or aspires to.
WednesdayMay 27 2015PDX CocoaHeads
Our original speaker got called away on family business, so we have three speakers sharing the spotlight this month:
• Adam Hunter on React Native for iOS
• Jordana Gustafson on Code Fellows
• Justin Miller on Practical Swift (excerpts from his Cocoaconf presentation)
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
For meeting reminders, join our Google group at!forum/pdx-cocoaheads
CocoaHeads is a group for anyone who writes software for OS X or iOS devices, or aspires to.
WednesdayApr 22 2015PDX CocoaHeads
Sorry, this meeting has been cancelled.
Speaker: Janine Ohmer Topic: Size Classes (making the best of a puzzling situation)
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
For meeting reminders, join our Google group at!forum/pdx-cocoaheads
CocoaHeads is a group for anyone who writes software for OS X or iOS devices, or aspires to.
WednesdayMar 25 2015PDX CocoaHeads
Speaker: Joel Bernstein Topic: AsyncDisplayKit
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
For meeting reminders, join our Google group at!forum/pdx-cocoaheads
CocoaHeads is a group for anyone who writes software for OS X or iOS devices, or aspires to.
MondayMar 2 2015PDX Data Engineering: Apache Spark
For our first meeting lets get together and talk about using Spark in production. I can give a quick overview if necessary and then we'll open it up for discussions.
We can also talk about plans for the group and what kinds of topics and discussion you'd like to see in the future.
WednesdayFeb 25 2015PDX CocoaHeads
Speaker: Matt Blair Topic: Core Motion, especially CMPedometer
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
For meeting reminders, join our Google group at!forum/pdx-cocoaheads
CocoaHeads is a group for anyone who writes software for OS X or iOS devices, or aspires to.
MondayFeb 16 2015PDX CocoaHeads
Speaker: Scott Neal Topic: The Annual Core Data presentation!
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
For meeting reminders, join our Google group at!forum/pdx-cocoaheads
CocoaHeads is a group for anyone who writes software for OS X or iOS devices, or aspires to.
WednesdayJan 28 2015PDX Cocoaheads
Note the time change!!! Meetings are now at 6:30 pm instead of 7:00 pm.
Core Data has been around a long time now, much beloved and much maligned. What’s new for iOS8 and Mac OS X Mavericks/Yosemite? What are some alternative technologies that are worth looking into (pros and cons)? We’ll take a look and see where Core Data fits (or doesn’t) in modern iOS app development.
Note: If you have things you’d like to see included in the presentation, please stop by NSCoder Tuesday night and bend my (Scott Neal) ear…
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
WednesdayNov 19 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Note - this meeting is a week early due to Thanksgiving.
Wayne Ohmer will speak about converting an Objective-C app to Swift.
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
WednesdayOct 22 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Nic Schlueter will present about CloudKit.
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
WednesdaySep 24 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Janine Ohmer (the Fearless Leader of CocoaHeads PDX) will present about App Extensions in iOS 8.
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
WednesdayAug 20 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Scott Anderson will present about the build and integration processes they use at Walmart Labs:
- team dev processes
- pull requests
- Jira / git integration
- Xctest & KIF functional testing
- Jenkins
- code coverage metrics
- task tracking
- build reports
- automated builds to test flight
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
- team dev processes
WednesdayJul 23 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Ryan Arana will present about logging frameworks, Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
WednesdayJun 25 2014PDX Cocoaheads
change of presenter and topic
Scott Neal and Justin Miller will talk (independently) about how to be a better, more effective presenter.
Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
WednesdayApr 23 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Ken Luke will present about Auto Layout, Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
WednesdayMar 26 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Justin Miller will present something about mapping. You'll need to come to find out exactly what that will be. :) Walmart Labs will provide the pizza, and those who wish to will go out for beer after the meeting.
WednesdayFeb 26 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Elizabeth Taylor will reprise her popular presentation about doing testing with UIAutomation. This time with sample code!
WednesdayJan 22 2014PDX Cocoaheads
Super Models in 3D!!!!
Scott Neal will kick off 2014 in style with another installment of his annual Core Data presentation series. This year it's super models, aka how to design your data model so you're working with Core Data instead of against it.
WednesdayNov 20 2013PDX Cocoaheads
Note - this meeting is a week earlier than usual due to Thanksgiving.
We've had a speaker change this month. It's a two part presentation - for the first half hour or so Ken Luke will cover a bit more about UICollectionView, and then Michael Buckley will talk about Frank, a testing framework for OS X that he recently ported to iOS.
WednesdayOct 23 2013PDX Cocoaheads
Justin Miller will show us how to use Xcode tools from the command line. Excellent for scripting.
ThursdayOct 17 2013PDXnode presents: NodeJS Code & Learn Night
Bring your ideas! Bring your hardware! We're meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month to work on projects and talk about all things NodeJS.
This month we have a friend of PDXnode, Forrest Norvell in town for RealtimeConf. He's offered to talk a little about his latest work, The rest of our time is devoted to coding and making friends.
Newbies welcome! Say hi and ask questions.
WednesdaySep 18 2013PDX Cocoaheads
Note - this meeting is a week earlier than usual - Organizer's Prerogative, to not conflict with a personal event.
Todd Bates will present about Cocoapods.
WednesdayAug 28 2013
WednesdayJul 24 2013
WednesdayJun 26 2013PDX Cocoaheads
Ben Ford will be presenting about making a game in Core Animation. Conventional wisdom says it can't be done with decent performance - he has done it and lived to tell the tale. :) The sample project to be discussed is here:
WednesdayMay 22 2013PDX Cocoaheads
Barry Wilson will talk about NSDocument, UIDocument and UIManagedDocument for CoreData, and briefly NSPersistentDocument.
ThursdayMay 9 2013PDX Node NodeCopter Night
We're mixing up the hack schedule a bit this month to make way for NodePDX.
Walmart Labs and Ben Acker are kind enough to allow us to get to hack around with some NodeCopters!
Newbies welcome! Say hi and ask questions.
WednesdayApr 24 2013PDX Cocoaheads
Cody Garvin will present about test driven development and unit testing.
Pizza provided by our new hosts, Walmart Labs!
ThursdayFeb 7 2013PDX Node
Join us for the first meeting of the Portland Node users group. We'll have food, code, and a lovely presentation about Terraformer from Esri by Jerry Sievert.
What is Terraformer? A library for converting geographic data between different mapping formats and GeoJSON.". But it's more than that, it's a Geo-Toolkit that works in node as well as in the browser via AMD or CommonJS, providing tools for reading and writing from multiple geo formats, converting to and from web mercator, an RTree index, and some simple polygon tools.
You can check it out at
We'll also get cracking on what direction we'd like to take the group!