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Viewing 9 past events matching “ipad” by Event Name.

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Apr 26, 2010
iPad Design and User Experience -- Mobile Portland
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Before the iPad launched, we convened a panel of experts to help examine what the iPad would mean for businesses, entrepreneurs and developers. The panel was a hit and the conversation continued into the evening.

By popular demand, we're bringing James Keller, one of the panelists, back to talk about what we got right and what we got wrong when it comes to the iPad. Accompanying James will be Darin Richardson from Refresh Media.

Together, they will focus on the most compelling and interesting aspect of the iPad: the way we interact with the device.

We'll examine how the iPad's user interface design works, what we've learned from Apple's own applications, and how other applications are taking advantage of the form factor.

About James and Darin

James Keller is a digital communications strategist and user experience evangelist at Small Society, a small agency based in Portland with a passion for the iPhone™ platform, dedicated to helping organizations bring great ideas to life. Before joining the Small Society team, James was at Wieden+Kennedy helping the Portland office align client business goals and brand experiences with emerging technologies.

Leveraging her extensive knowledge of interaction design, business analysis, campaign analytics, and integrated marketing communications, she has led multiple teams in creating efficient and effective online strategies for top brands such as Coca-Cola, NIKE, Procter & Gamble, Levi’s, LAIKA Studio, Zipcar, and the MTV Networks.

She can frequently be seen at conferences speaking on topics such as information architecture, social media, and convergent culture.

Darin Richardson, Refresh Media

Darin Richardson is a partner in Refresh Media, a small studio that focuses marrying beautiful interface design with smart technology. He concentrates on information architecture, interaction design, and front-end coding to make his clients' projects shine. Before Refresh, Darin earned his chops at software and design firms in California.

Darin is obsessive about the details, refrains from talking endlessly about CSS 3 properties (unless you ask), and always enjoys a good hike in the Cascades armed with his trusty Nikon D90.

Jul 16, 2010
Learn to Build Mobile Apps with JavaScript and HTML Using PhoneGap
Jupiter Hotel

Join the creators of PhoneGap ( on July 16 for in-person training to learn how to use your HTML/JavaScript skills to build cross-platform applications for mobile platforms including iPhone, Google Android, Blackberry, Symbian, Palm and more.

When: Friday, July 16 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Where: Jupiter Hotel, Portland Oregon What: Cross-platform mobile training with PhoneGap Why: Because mobile is where it's at How Much: US $499 Register:

What Technical Expertise Will I Leave With? At the completion of this course, you'll be able to: * Set up your development environment * Compile for multiple platforms * Run code in a emulator * Debug your HTML and JavaScript * Access native APIs, including location, camera, accelerometer, contacts, and more via JavaScript * Optimize your JavaScript for mobile devices * Make security considerations * Build a mobile application that runs offline * Use CSS transitions, animations and transforms to create native looking interfaces * Use the Canvas for advanced graphics * Use mobile JS libraries, such as XUI and Dashcode to build mobile applications faster

Is PhoneGap Training for Me? If you're a web developer, mobile developer, web designer or project manager in charge of web development, then PhoneGap training is for you.

If you're already well-versed in JavaScript and HTML, PhoneGap provides the fastest, most effective way to add mobile application development to your roster, especially if you're building social networking applications, simple games and companion applications to websites.

Register now for PhoneGap training:

Nov 8, 2010
Mobile Development with Eclipse
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

An evening about Mobile Development with Eclipse. There will be three presentations covering Android, Blackberry and iPad development:

  • Android Development with Eclipse</li
  • BlackBerry Application Development Options
  • iPad development with Eclipse (using Java)
There will also be free pizza and beers.

The event is scheduled for this Monday, Nov 8th at 6pm at the Lucky Labrador Beer Hall, 1945 NW Quimby (map).

Please RSVP on the wiki.

Mar 14, 2018
PDX CocoaHeads - Office Hours / Code Night / Q & A

Bring a project you've been working on and want some feedback on, or a problem you've been struggling with and need help on, or maybe you've got something you'd like to pair with somebody on, or just something you want to show off. We'll have people there with a mix of experience levels and knowledge about all kinds of different technologies and aspects of our field. So, whether you want to be there to help answer questions and share your experience, or reap the benefits of other's experience the goal is to create a space to just make some progress on something, whether it's your project or someone else's!

As usual there will be plenty of opportunity for just networking and catching up time if you don't have a specific project or anything, please do come, we'd love to just talk shop with you too.

Also, thanks to Jay for prompting this idea! If you're available for it he's doing an Ask a Dev tomorrow afternoon (3/8) at Palio, check it out:

Apr 11, 2018
PDX CocoaHeads - Swift Codable w/ Mattt

Codable is a new feature in Swift 4 that dramatically improves the process of converting between objects and their representations. Join us as Mattt (@mattt) shows us how to take advantage of Codable in our own projects, and shares interesting tidbits about the feature's history, underlying implementation, and how its performance stacks up against the alternatives.

Show up around 6:30 for networking and the like. The presentation will begin at 7.

Jan 10, 2018
PDX CocoaHeads - Xcode, help me fix my app's memory problems! w/ Ryan Arana

With ARC and Swift, memory management isn't nearly as difficult as it used to be, but I think every app developer has bumped up against problems with memory management at some point in their career, whether that shows up as crashes or poor performance or just plain weirdness at run-time. This month I'll go over a few tips 'n' tricks I've collected over the years about how to find and fix problems which stem from the mismanagement of memory using the tools built-in to Xcode and Instruments.

Hope to see you there!

May 12, 2014
PDX IOS music meetup first meeting
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Well, you have to start somewhere. . .

We have no agenda to start with but I will have both my iPad, iPhone, Novation Launchkey 25, and some cans. I also have over 70 (I almost wish I had not counted them) IOS music apps, not that I'm an expert or even useful in most of them. Most notable in the missing category is Cubasis, just waiting for it to go on sale again.

Dec 17, 2010
Portland iPhone Boot Camp - Three Day Intensive Workshop

$999 signup 3 days before event, $1,499 Standard, $899 student. Signup at:

iPhone/iPad Application Development Training:

This event is hosted in cities around the world, and is coming to Portland for the first time.

The iPhone Boot Camp is not just another iPhone development workshop. Aside from arguably providing the best training with the best instructors/developers we’re an iPhone development company ourselves with a network of developers and an active alumni association.

The workshop is at the coworking and conference room space in Old Town.

souk will be choosing one person to participate in the workshop for free: email [email protected] if you are interested with a few words about yourself, links to your work, and why you're interested.

May 5, 2018
Want to Learn Guitar and Synthesize it?
TVF&R Station 67

I'll show you tips and tricks for learning the guitar, how to record your music, and synthesize it with music apps.

Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Free Knowledge Mission is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration.

Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people.

The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session.

Join our Google Hangouts at

Join us at TVF&R Station 67 in Beaverton every Saturday at 11 AM for Music/Art and 1 PM for Science/Tech.
