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Oct 1, 2008
PDX 501 Tech Club: Putting Your Web Site to Work – Strategies for Acquiring and Cultivating Donors
Old Town Pizza, 226 NW Davis

Please note the recent location change

For as long as there has been fundraising, there have been two cornerstone strategies: acquisition and cultivation. Join us to take a look at some of the ways – including email marketing, online events, and social media – that nonprofits are using the Web to acquire new supporters and reinforce relationships with those already supporting.

SCHEDULE: 5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation 6:30 More networking

Chad Norman and Allison Van Diest from BlackBaud will give us top ten tactics organizations are deploying over the web to support their goals.

Chad Norman is the Internet Marketing Manager for Blackbaud, where he is responsible for corporate website content, social web strategy, email marketing, community management, and search engine optimization. Chad is editor-in-chief of Blackbaud Blogs, where he also writes his own blog "Webby Things". As host and producer of The Baudcast, he brings together industry experts from around the world to discuss nonprofit technology issues on this biweekly podcast. In 2007, Chad founded Go Green Charleston, a technology-focused nonprofit that helps Charleston-area residents connect, stay informed, and mobilize around local environmental issues. Chad has spoken for groups like AMA, PRSA, and NAYDO, and his work has been featured by The Nonprofit Times, Fundraising Well,, and

The Portland 501 Tech Club is growing with your participation and turning into one of the hottest new places to learn, connect, and CHANGE within the Portland community! This is a fantastic way to keep conversations, learning opportunities and networking going throughout the community.

If you haven't already, please join the Portland 501 Tech Club at Please email Anna at [email protected] or Donna at [email protected] with any questions

Nov 19, 2008
PDX 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: Nonprofit Tech Extravaganza
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Join us to talk nonprofit technology and how 2 organizations working for your better good want to collaborate to create more useful events for you in 2009.

The idea is to provide a fuller, more in-depth series of events. Our main goal is to provide a two monthly meetups that directly relate to each other, providing introductory information and hands-on engagement. But we want to see if that aligns with your goals!

We're going to dedicate our November meetup to a party of sorts to help us determine what it is you would like to know and learn... and how much you're willing to learn.

Come for this pre-holiday party with food, fun, good folks and conversation!

Email questions to Anna at [email protected]. Hope you can make it!


Portland Net Tuesday at

Net Squared, a product of Tech Soup, works to spur responsible adoption of social web tools by social benefit organizations. There's a whole new generation of online tools available ? tools that make it easier than ever before to collaborate, share information and mobilize support. These tools include blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, podcasting, and more. Some people describe them as "Web 2.0"; we call them the social web, because their power comes from the relationships they enable.

Portland 501 Tech Club -

The 501 Tech Club is a monthly gathering of people working on or interested in nonprofit technology in the Portland, OR Area. Our meetings are opportunities for anyone interested in helping nonprofits use technology to get together and talk shop in a fun, informal setting, and our name refers to the fact that most of us work primarily with and for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.

Jan 27, 2009
Tech Strategy 2009: More for Less
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

If one of your New Year's resolutions is to use technology to work smarter, look no further! We are working off a fabulous brainstorming session that occurred last November to bring you topics relevant to your work and give you a chance to network with your peers.

This meeting will be talking overall tech strategy. Do you have a technology plan in place? What types of things should you be thinking of? We're going to take a look at the big picture and help you see what ways you can be using technology to make your nonprofit's work more efficient.

This will be a joint meetup with the Nonprofit Technology Network's, Portland 501 Tech Club. Speaker details are still being finalized but be sure it will be some great local tech talent!

Feb 24, 2009
Tech MeetUp: Diagnose Your Website's Issues
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Does your site scream out, "I haven't changed my image since 1995!" Or maybe, your pages are plagued by lengthy copy that just keeps going and going… Perhaps your web presence just doesn't really reflect all the great work your organization does.

Get at the heart of web issues and head in an effective direction to achieve your website goals. At this meetup, we'll delve into website hang-ups and problem-solve cures for the "common" website. Fodder for website problem-solving could include: - browser compatibility - unique identity and online presence - easy navigation - web-optimized images - color scheme and text/background contrast - title tags - any other number of web issues that get under your skin

Leading the discussion at this month's joint NTEN 501Tech Club and Net Squared MeetUp will be Eve Simon, Creative Director at Beaconfire Consulting. Eve brings 14 years of online visual design, user experience and creative management in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors.

With Eve leading the discussion, we'll delve into the web design process. And if you’re game, we'll jump into a discussion on the inherent or perceived conflict between IA and Design. Understand why Eve might tell you, "A wireframe is not a coloring book."

May 20, 2009
PDX 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: Online Storytelling

Action is at the heart of what our organizations do. But how do you convince that anonymous person behind a computer screen to make a commitment? You make them think, feel and care. And the best way to do that is to connect them your organization by telling them a story. Roger Burks, Senior Writer, Mercy Corps. will explore how to write compelling, memorable stories that get people to take action and keep them engaged.

Roger, originally, presented this material at the 2009 Nonprofit Technology Conference ( in April. We extend a special invite to other folks who attended the NTC to share their stories from the conference. We invite all to join us for this important discussion on a crucial part of nonprofits' online strategies.

Roger Burks is senior writer for Mercy Corps, a global relief and development agency. Over the course of a 15-year career - which includes stints with CARE USA and the U.S. Peace Corps - Burks has traveled to more than 25 countries to research vulnerable populations, conduct field interviews and write stories for a variety of audiences. He is committed to helping foster a new movement in journalism that focuses on human dignity and solutions to global challenges.

We will be following up this strategy meeting, with a hands-on meeting on online tools to use to get your story out. Date TBD.

Connect Online:

Portland 501 Tech Club Online at (Start at if you're new to the NTEN online community).

Portland Net Tuesday at

Please email Anna at [email protected] or Donna Arriaga at [email protected] with any questions.

Jun 25, 2009
PDX 501 Tech Club: eNonprofit Benchmarks Study Discussion
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Ever wonder how your email list stacks up against other nonprofits?

M+R Strategic Services and NTEN released a new eNonprofit Benchmarks Study for 2009 (Download the report at We've analyzed online messaging, fundraising, and advocacy data from 32 leading nonprofit organizations to provide you with reliable new data, answering questions like:

* How is the financial crisis affecting online fundraising?
* How do my targeted emails, appeals to non-donors, phone call alerts, and more compare to those of other nonprofits?
* For state-based or local groups, what's a good email response rate

Karen Matheson, M+R Strategic Services will cover key findings on fundraising and advocacy metrics, explore what the data tells us about industry-wide changes, provide key metrics to analyze your organization's online program and take questions about the study and nonprofit online metrics.

She will also offer up real-world advice and research-based best practices for communicating effectively with your membership, helping maintain and develop supporters, build relationships, and sharing your story.

Agenda: 5:30 Networking

6:00 Presentation with Q/A

7:00 More Networking

Karen Matheson is the Manager of Quantitative Research and Analysis at M+R Strategic Services and provides strategic data analysis for a range of M+R's eCampaigns clients, including the Human Rights Campaign, Oxfam America, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. With a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Oregon and graduate coursework in statistics and analysis, Karen has a strong quantitative research background. In addition to co-authoring M+R and NTEN's eNonprofit Benchmarks Study (, Karen regularly researches and co-authors articles about best online communications strategies using data from several national nonprofits.

Please email Anna at [email protected] or Donna Arriaga at [email protected] with any questions.

Oct 13, 2009
Demystifying Social Media Tools and Techniques
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Let's take the mystery out of social media!

Dawn Foster will demystify some of the social media tools that are all the buzz. She'll talk about guiding principles & strategy for participation.

Tools to be touched on:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • FriendFeed
  • Blogging

Monitoring your organization in the social media world is essential to your strategy. The following will be discussed:

  • RSS
  • Monitoring Twitter
  • Yahoo Pipes

We'll break out into smaller groups based on tools after Dawn's presentation to talk specific strategy and tactics to getting set-up to successful use.


5:30-6:00p Networking

6:00-6:30p Presentation

6:30-7:30p Tool breakout sessions

Hope you can join us!

Dawn Foster is a Portland-based Consultant, Community Manager, Event Organizer, Blogger, Podcaster, Vegan, and Technology Enthusiast.

Dawn Foster is the Senior Executive and Practice Manager of the Olliance Group Online Community Practice. The Online Community Practice is focused on helping companies derive business value from building and participating in online communities. Dawn has more than 13 years of experience in business and technology with expertise in strategic planning, management, community building, community management, open source software, market research, social media, and RSS. See


Portland 501 Tech Club at

Connect with us on FaceBook at PDXTech4Good

Questions? Please email Anna at [email protected] or Donna at [email protected].

Nov 24, 2009
TweetsGivingPDX: A Celebration of Gratitude to Portland Social Changemakers
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Are you part of an organization that uses technology for good (i.e. using social media, innovative website, video, mobile tech)? Do you know of an organization that uses tech for good? Then this event is for you!

It's the time of year to give thanks, and this year, we want to extend thanks to all the nonprofits and social good entities in Portland that do amazing - yet often unrecognized - work with technology all year long. Join us at the Lucky Lab to celebrate our collaborative gratitude to Portland organizations. Share your organization's story and hear how others in the community are using technology to help make Portland a better place for us all.

You can help kick-start this year's TweetsGivingPDX by nominating your organization or one that impresses you through it's remarkable use of technology for good. Go to to nominate an organization. Nominations will be posted to a wiki so we can all acknowledge the wonderful good our PDX organizations are achieving with technology.

Follow our local TweetsGiving activity at #TweetsGivingPDX.

TweetsGivingPDX is part of the national gratitude effort - Tweetsgiving. For more information on TweetsGiving visit

Dec 8, 2009
Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a Happy Hour Holiday Celebration with your fellow nonprofits using technology for good. We'll have a short discussion of IT Planning based on the NTEN Book - Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission ( with editor, Holly Ross.


5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation 6:30 - 7:30 Networking

Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission is a practical resource that will help nonprofit leaders make smart, strategic decisions about technology. The book shows how to effectively manage technology and offers advice for decision makers and staff alike, including those who often have little or no experience with technology. With contributions from the top experts in the nonprofit technology field , this must-have guide addresses technology planning and people. It includes the tools you need to get the work done, and the knowledge that will help you communicate better, evaluate technology investments, raise money, and more. Written in nontechnical language the book covers a broad spectrum of topics.

About Holly:

Holly has spent more than five years at NTEN, combing through all the technology fads and listening to the NTEN community to line up the webinars, conferences, and research that will help members use technology to make the world a better place. From ubiquitous access to technology leadership to social media trends, Holly brings the wisdom of the NTEN crowd to the nonprofit sector. Holly is also editor of "Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders," available from Jossey-Bass.

Jan 12, 2010
NPO/NGO Online Mapping Workshop
TACS Conference Room

NPOs and NGOs are using modern mapping technologies for a variety of purposes and projects from tracking endangered species to visualizing inter-agency response to an earthquake in Indonesia.

Join PDXTech4Good at a special workshop with mapping expert Jim Craner and Humaninet.

At this workshop, we'll take a deeper dive into mapping strategy and how you can integrate mapping and help use GIS technology to further your mission and cause. This will be divided into 2 groups: Beginner and Intermediate. More details to come but please RSVP if you're interested in getting those details.

......................................................................................................................... And after the workshop, kick off 2010 with PDXTech4Good, a cold beer, and more maps!

PDXTech4Good will feature a "showcase" of nonprofit and community projects that use online mapping and GIS (geographic information systems). We'll hear how organizations are using maps and GIS to gather information from their community, improve service and program delivery and effectiveness, and tell stories about themselves and their community members.

PDXTech4Good Meeting: 5:30 - 7:30p Location: Lucky Labrador Brew Pub 915 SE Hawthorne Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97214 .........................................................................................................................

Nonprofit Mapping Showcase
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Start 2010 off with PDXTech4Good, a good map, and a cold beer!

NPOs and NGOs are using modern mapping technologies for a variety of purposes and projects from tracking endangered species to visualizing inter-agency response to an earthquake in Indonesia. PDXTech4Good will feature a "showcase" of nonprofit and community projects that use online mapping and GIS (geographic information systems). We'll hear how organizations are using maps and GIS to gather information from their community, improve service and program delivery and effectiveness, and tell stories about themselves and their community members.

PDXTech4Good Meeting: 5:30 - 7:30p

......................................................................................................................... And prior to the meeting, we'll have a special workshop with mapping expert Jim Craner and Humaninet.

Time: 3:00 - 5:00p Place: TACS Office, 1001 SE Water Ave, Suite 490, Portland OR 97214

At this workshop, we'll take a deeper dive into mapping strategy and how you can integrate mapping and help use GIS technology to further your mission and cause. This will be divided into 2 groups: Beginner and Intermediate. More details to come but please RSVP if you're interested in getting those details. .........................................................................................................................

Feb 22, 2010
Managing Social Media Campaigns
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

While setting up a Twitter account may only take a few minutes knowing what to do with it and how to manage it is another story. Simply “doing” is no longer working. It is important we finds way to do it more efficiently and find ways to measure the value. This month’s meeting will focus on looking at some of the available tools and how we can use them to manage and monitor social media campaigns. We will be specifically focusing on tools related to Twitter and Facebook fan pages.

Bring your questions, your war stories and creative ideas.


5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation 6:30 More Networking

Hope you can join us!

Apr 27, 2010
2010 Nonprofit Technology Conference: Session Takeaways from Attendees
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

The 2010 Nonprofit Technology Conference took place April 8-10, 2010 in Atlanta, GA. Nearly 1,450 nptechies came together to learn & connect about using technology to create more social change in our jobs and in the world.

Join us for our April meetup when Portland attendees will share resources and takeaways from the sessions they attended. More details to come with specific sessions to be covered but please mark your calenders now as it will be a lively discussion with lots of tips and tricks learned from the top nonprofit technologists in the county.

In the meanwhile, you can find 2010 NTC Session Materials on Slideshare.

May 25, 2010
PDXTech4Good May Meetup
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

At last, we have confirmed a May Meetup topic!
Constituent Relationship Management Systems or Databases!

A good system for managing your clients, constituents, donors, and/or volunteers will ease your troubles away! Well...we're not sure that any database can be completely pain-free, there are some good solutions available for nonprofits but before a tool is decided upon, some essential questions must be asked. Join us on May 25, when Tompkins Spann will talk unbiased on how to determine your nonprofits' needs for data management and what you need to evaluate when choosing a CRM or database.

Then, you will have the opportunity to talk to Tompkins and others (we invite you to attend if you have a CRM solution to talk up!) about specific solutions and how they might integrate into your nonprofit's work flow.

We are proud to be bringing you this meetup in collaboration with the Portland Nonprofit Salesforce Users Group and Convio.


Tompkins is the Sr. Market Strategist for Convio focused exclusively on the Common Ground product, Convio’s CRM solution for nonprofits. He has worked for Convio (and formerly) GetActive for more than 5 years in various roles, from account services to product marketing. His experience working with nonprofits began when he exited the Peace Corps in 2000 to create his own 501c3. He then began working for a large advocacy-based organization in DC serving as the lead on all technology projects ranging from website strategy to database development. Tompkins has a passion for nonprofit-tech and truly enjoys helping organizations pick the right solutions and apply the right strategies to help further their mission.
Jun 25, 2010
PDX Net2 Camp
Jupiter Hotel

About PDX Net2 Camp PDX Net2 Camp is an event focused on intersecting technology and social impact -- right here in Portland. It's a gathering for participants to learn, share insights and build sustainable collaborations in an open environment. Participant-driven topics will will explore how technology can advance...

  • Program Delivery
  • Communications
  • Fundraising
  • Advocacy
  • Community Organizing
  • and more!

Who should attend this camp? This camp is for nonprofit/ngo leaders, designers, developers, advocacy groups, fundraising professionals, communications specialists, and entrepreneurs. ...and anyone else who wants to contribute, brainstorm and discover ideas for creating social change through the use of technology.

Event Details When: Friday, June 25th, 9:30am - 3:00pm Where: DreamBOX @ the Jupiter Hotel, 800 East Burnside Street, Portland, OR Cost: Free!!!

Register at

Stay Tuned for More Details... Details will be posted on PDX Net2 Camp wiki at

Jul 7, 2010
IT & Communications Harmony
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Do technology and communications work in silos in your nonprofit? Or do they clash in conflict when you're sitting in meetings? Maybe your communications department has become the default tech department, or vice versa? When the IT and communications work well together, nonprofits have a huge opportunity to increase their productivity.

Join us for our July Meetup when Nancy Schwartz will share her marketing and communications expertise helping you to find harmony between tech and communications in your nonprofit. We'll have an open conversation so come ready to share your experience and learn from Nancy and other PDXTech4Gooders!


5:30: Networking 6:00: Presentation and Group Discussion 6:45: Networking

About Nancy:

Nancy E. Schwartz is the primary author of the Getting blog and e-newsletter. Nancy also founded and runs Nancy Schwartz & Company, providing results-driven marketing and communications services to nonprofit organization and foundation clients. Specialties include communications planning, message development, online communications innovations (she stays way ahead of the curve to put these tools to work for clients asap), and developing revenue streams for nonprofits.

Aug 24, 2010
PDXTech4Good August Meetup
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

This gathering of PDXTech4Good focuses on the smooth integration of social media into your organization. We've heard all the excuses for putting off a social media presence a thousand times: the ED thinks you'll spend way too much time on Facebook, the Board doesn't think it's going to give any results, your demographic is not represented on social media, etc. This session will be all about how to address these issues and bring ...your nonprofit all the benefits of social media.

Todd Pitt of Zero Strategist will be with us to help us navigate the complex world of social media and change management. Join us for a great evening of networking and problem solving!

Agenda: 5:30 - Networking 6:00 - Presentation by Todd 6:30 - 7:15 Group discussion 7:15-7:30 Networking

About Todd: Todd Pitt is Chief Social Media Strategist and Founder of Zero Strategist. Zero Strategist is an independent / freelancing social media consulting duo based out of Portland. Their goal is "to create holistic social media services that continuously evolve with the web & the world." Check them out at

Sep 21, 2010
Facebook for Nonprofit Organizations
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Maybe your organization has already taken the Facebook plunge. Or, perhaps it's about to. Either way, building a Facebook presence for your nonprofit requires a whole lot more than the simple "build it and they will come" approach.

Join us for this month's PDXTech4Good meetup where we'll delve into the details of cultivating, managing and growing your organization's Facebook presence. Together, we'll explore topics ranging from engagement strategies and metrics to page administration and policies.

Barbara Baugnon, with the Oregon Humane Society, will open the discussion with a case study of the Oregon Human Society's Facebook page and their engagement strategies.

Agenda: 5:30 - Networking 6:00 - Facebook Page Case Study by Barbara Baugnon 6:30 - 7:15 Group Discussion 7:15-7:30 Networking

About Barbara: After working in advertising agencies in Los Angles, New York and Portland for 15 years, Barbara took a job as a Marketing Communications Director at the Oregon Humane Society (OHS). For the last nine years she has overseen the Volunteer, Education and Public Relations programs of OHS as well as executed all advertising efforts for the pets of OHS.

Oct 13, 2010
Tweet, Tag, Post, & Friend: New Research on Nonprofit Use of Social Media
Mercy Corps NW

Are social media channels working to help nonprofits engage their current audience? Recruit new supporters? Raise money? Idealware’s Andrea Berry will talk through the results of six months of social media research. She will cover what tools nonprofits are using, how well they think they work, and what specific goals each can help nonprofits accomplish. Talking through tools including Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, blogs, photo sharing, and video sharing sites, Andrea will discuss ways to help nonprofits decide which channels are right for them.

Agenda: 5:30 - Networking 6:00 - Presentation by Andrea Berry 6:30 - 7:15 Group Discussion 7:15-7:30 Networking

Andrea Berry, Idealware’s Director of Partnership and Learning, oversees Idealware’s fundraising and training activities, including the Field Guide to Nonprofit Software, training and online seminars. Prior to joining Idealware, Andrea held fundraising positions in education, health research and at museums, and has taught math, performing arts and history in traditional and non-traditional educational settings.

Oct 1, 2014
PDXTech4Good October Meetup

Discover a whole ecosystem of open source software for accomplishing just about any task on your computer for free! Attending this workshop could save your nonprofit agency thousands of dollars.

Noah Kleiman of Secret Knowledge will take you on a whirlwind software safari focusing on applications useful to nonprofit staff. Including, but not limited to: Photo Editors (think "free Photoshop"), Desktop Publishing (think "free Indesign"), Vector Graphics (think "free Illustrator"), Word processing, and spreadsheet applications (free "Office"). Noah will invite attendee requests, perform impromptu demonstrations, and offer relentlessly practical advice.

Nov 5, 2014
PDXTech4Good: Thanks4Good Celebration

Let’s give Thanks4Good and celebrate local nonprofits and social change groups that do amazing — yet often unrecognized — work with technology.

For this event, we have some amazing groups lined up to speak about their nonproft tech successes, their learning moments, and more. We hope these stories spark new ideas and conversations about how to do more with technology in your own organization.

To get an idea of what's to come: You'll hear about how to mobilize a 1,000+ member volunteer group with CiviCRM, hear the pros and cons of choosing open source software for a nonprofit's IT infrastructure, and more.

Come learn and celebrate the good work your nonprofit or social change organization does for our community!

Apr 1, 2015
PDXTech4Good April Meetup: 15NTC Round-up

Unable to attend the Nonprofit Technology Conference? That's OK! This month, hear short mini-presentations from locals who spoke at the 2015 NTC.


• How Progressive Nerds are Changing the Future of Political Data and Integration with Lev Tsypin

• Content Strategy 101 with Brett Meyer

• Demographic Data Collection Implications and Opportunities with Yee Won Chong

• Why I Don't Use Volunteers with Liza Dyer

More to come!


Lev Tsypin (@levelos) is the CTO and co-owner of ThinkShout. Lev leads a diverse team of forward-thinking engineers, helping ThinkShout's clients achieve their goals through innovation and technical excellence.

Brett Meyer (@brett_meyer) is the Director of Strategy at ThinkShout. He helps nonprofits craft compelling messages and measure the success of their digital campaigns.

Yee Won Chong (@yeewon) has over 18 years of experience working on racial, gender and economic justice. As a trainer and strategist, he helps nonprofit organizations to improve their diversity and ability to fulfill their mission by embodying an inclusive culture that empowers everyone to thrive. As a public speaker, he presented on "Beyond the Gender Binary" at TEDx Rainier in Seattle.

Liza Dyer (@lizaface)

More to come!


Networking and refreshments 6pm-6:15pm/6:30pm Presentations 6:15pm/6:30pm-8pm

What you'll get out of PDXTech4Good events:

Nonprofit staffers will find a friendly, welcoming atmosphere for those not experienced with technology, and many chances to ask questions of tech-experienced nonprofits and experts.

Techies will find opportunities to hear the real-world stories of nonprofit clients, and put their own expertise to social good — as well as the potential for lasting relationships (be they paid or volunteer) with leading organizations in our community.

Activists and community organizers will see and be given the chance to present on successful uses of technology for social change. We'll explore how technology can help support activism and where activism can push it forward.

May 6, 2015
Diversity, technology, nonprofits and more (PDXTech4Good)

We'll be talking about issues of diversity, accountability and representation in nonprofit technology and technology in general. Presenters will cover topics like:

• Building diversity in tech teams, and why diversity is critical to success whether you're for-profit or nonprofit.

• Local and national projects by nonprofits to broaden the types of people who get involved in technology and programming as young people.

• Local and national efforts by nonprofits to address sexism and racism that often plays out within "tech culture."

• The state of the Portland tech community when it comes to inclusion and accountability, especially as it relates to sexism and racism.


Melissa Chavez is a digital and physical space UX designer who organizes events for tech and nonprofit communities. Open Source Bridge, the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, PyDX, and Portland VegFest are some of the events she helps run. Reading YA novels helps keep her sane. Twitter: @capnleela

Jennifer Davidson works at Intel as a User Experience Researcher and Software Interaction Designer. She recently completed her PhD in Computer Science at Oregon State University, where she researched human-computer interaction, specifically involving older adults in the design and development of open source software. She is Interim Board President of ChickTeck. She strongly believes that everyone should have a say in our technology revolution. Twitter: @jewifer

Robert Raleigh is helping underserved youth build successful careers as technology professionals in the software/IT industries. Robert is a front-end web developer, and the executive director of Log Camp, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) providing technology-focused career-and-technical education for low-income youth, and youth from communities of color. Log Camp's Tech Works Youth Developer Academy and after-school enrichment programming have created a diverse youth talent pipeline. Log Camp works with corporate, nonprofit, government, and educational partners to increase diversity and equitable access to technology, coding, and computer science education for youth in the Portland metro region. Robert is an Alaskan Native (Tlingit), a first-generation college graduate, and a former foster-child. In the past, Robert has worked for the Corvallis Chamber of Commerce, Technology Association of Oregon, and Oregon Health Sciences University. Robert is an active member of the NAYA Family Center Community Leaders Council, and the Portland City Club. Twitter: @RobertGRaleigh

Jennifer Cazares, better known as "Yenni," identifies as a vessel for social change. As a non-binary Queer Latin@, Yenni began the journey in activism at the ripe age of 15 when after taking over the high school Key Club was able to enlist over 70 active volunteers in community events. Despite leaving high school on the suspicion of a queer identity and experiencing fear of coming out due to a Latin@ upbringing, Yenni made it to engineering school in Oregon where due to the lack of support for diversity Yenni was pushed out. Having dedicated the last decade to positive youth development in various arenas of the youth empowerment movement with organizations such as Altamed, Six Rivers Planned Parenthood, ChickTech, Northwest Youth Corps, and currently with LULAC Vancouver. Yenni looks forward to creating change through the power of education and technology. Lover of the outdoors and all things living. "Dropping knowledge and love everywhere I go." (Pronouns: Yenni)


Event: Use the #pdxt4g hashtag, and/or mention @PDXTech4Good
Presenters: @capnleela @jewifer @RobertGRaleigh
Venue host: @idealist
Sponsors: @NTENorg and @NetSquared


Networking and refreshments: 6pm-6:30pm
Presentation: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Q&A: 7:30pm-8pm


Nonprofit staffers will find a friendly, welcoming atmosphere for those not experienced with technology, and many chances to ask questions of tech-experienced nonprofits and experts.

Techies will find opportunities to hear the real-world stories of nonprofit clients, and put their own expertise to social good — as well as the potential for lasting relationships (be they paid or volunteer) with leading organizations in our community.

Activists and community organizers will see and be given the chance to present on successful uses of technology for social change. We'll explore how technology can help support activism and where activism can push it forward.

Feb 3, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Investing in Justice

There's been a recent shift in how activists are trying to bring about social change, and SJF is at the forefront of this shift.

Come find out how you can get involved!

This article has a great breakdown on this new trend of entrepreneurial activism:

For some activists, being entrepreneurial has meant the following things: treating their activist work like a business, turning to popular social media platforms to put out their own press releases and looking for people to invest in their initiative with money and not just good faith.

More about the hosting organizations:

Social Justice Fund Northwest is a foundation working at the frontlines of social change. They leverage the resources of their members to foster significant, long-term social justice solutions throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana & Wyoming.

PDXNALTA is a networking group for underrepresented people of color in tech.

Idealist is all about connecting idealists - people who want to do good - with opportunities for action and collaboration. With more than 100,000 organizations and 1.4 million monthly visitors to our English, Spanish & French sites, Idealist helps people move from intention to action all over the world.
