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Sep 22, 2011
through Portland Center for the Performing Arts

PuppetConf is an Operations conference in PDX! Topics include Cloud and Devops tracks as well as 2 tracks dedicated to Puppet.

Local participants can save 30% on registration by using the discount code "calagator" during registration.

Jun 7, 2012
PLUG: The Ganeti Virtualization Management System
PSU Maseeh Engineering Building

Lance Albertson of the Oregon State University Open Source Lab will give an introduction to the Ganeti Virtualization Management System.

Ganeti is a robust cluster virtualization management software tool. It’s built on top of existing virtualization technologies such as Xen and KVM and other Open Source software. Its integration with various technologies such as DRBD and LVM results in a cheaper High Availability infrastructure and linear scaling.

This hands-on tutorial will cover a basic overview of Ganeti, the step-by-step install & setup of a single-node and multi-node Ganeti cluster, operating the cluster, and some best practices of Ganeti. Finally, deploying and using a web-based management tool called Ganeti Web Manager.

If you want to participate on the hands-on portion of the talk, feel free to clone his vagrant-ganeti repo on github ( prior to the meeting. We'll try and have the box images available on USB drives at the meeting but its always great to have everything setup prior to the meeting and not saturate the wifi.

Lance is the Associate Director of Operations for the Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSL) and a Gentoo Linux Developer. He joined the Gentoo Linux project in 2003 and have been involved in managing their infrastructure and maintaining about a dozen or so packages in portage. Lance directs all of the hosting and development activities that the OSL provides for the open source community including projects such as, Drupal, Apache Software Foundation, and many many more. Lance has been at the OSL since 2007.

Oct 11, 2012
Operations Forum: Creating & Promoting a Culture of Innovation
Portland Development Commission


Beth will talk about her experience at Facebook as VP of HR and the strategies and tactics she used to build an attractive culture and retain the talent that helped fuel Facebook’s explosive growth. She will share some stories about her time at Facebook and other leading technology companies and will talk about some roles that a CEO/Founder can play in helping to build a great team and market corporate culture in support of recruitment efforts.

  • Learn strategies and tactics used to attract and retain the talent that helped fuel Facebook’s explosive growth
  • Learn what roles a CEO/Founder can play in helping to build a great team and market corporate culture in support of recruitment efforts
  • Gain strategies that local companies can use to attract C-level talent as well as top-notch developers in a market that is growing more competitive by the day
  • Gain helpful insight for Tech leaders and companies with complex organizational and growth issues

Agenda 5:30pm Doors Open, Cocktails and Networking 6:00pm Program Begins 8:00pm Program Ends

Click Here for information and to Register.

Nov 4, 2013
Devopsdays Portland
through Ellyn Bye Studio at the Armory

DevopsDays Portland is a two day event with a combination of presentations and open spaces designed to bring development and operations together at one conference.

Register to attend ($100 registration fee):

Oct 8, 2014
Brown Bag Lunch About Startup/Small Business Accounting & Operations
Forge Portland - 1410 SW Morrison Street, Suite 850

Register here for the event!

Forge Portland is proud to be hosting the next event our Brown Bag Lunch Series featuring Mike Kalkofen. Twice a month we bring in experienced professionals to host a Q&A conversation on specific topics. These lunches are a great chance to meet like-minded people and expand your network and community at our beautiful downtown location.

Mike Kalkofen is an entrepreneurial, socially conscious professional specializing in accounting and operations management. The conversation at this lunch will focus on how to harness great accounting to improve operations for your entrepreneurial business. Although much of Mike's career has been in finance and accounting management, he also has extensive experience in operations management, and even owned his own business for a time. Sure, he can create killer Excel spreadsheets with the best of them, but he gets the most enjoyment out of using numbers to improve operations, to provide better customer service, and to help people.

Jun 15, 2015
through Gerding Theater at the Armory

Monitorama is an 3-day event for Dev and Ops practitioners to gather and discuss the past, present, and future of monitoring software and trends. Our lineups often include more abstract discussions of software craftsmanship and dealing with the human side of failure, but the common thread through the entire event is to advance the state of art for all software monitoring-related technologies and methodologies.

Mar 6, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

At the next Portland PUG meeting we’ll be talking about the new vRO plugin for Puppet Enterprise. The plugin makes it much easier to automate provisioning hosts in VMware and applying Puppet roles to them. Tommy Speigner will be showing it to us, he's a Technical Solutions Engineer at Puppet.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:15 vRO plugin for Puppet Enterprise, Tommy Speigner

7:15-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

Apr 3, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

At the next Portland PUG meeting we’ll be talking about Hiera 5, formerly known as the lookup function. We'll be getting a demo from Mike Smith, a Technical Solutions Engineer at Puppet. If you've not followed this topic closely it will be a great way to get up to speed on the changes.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 Hiera 5 demo, Mike Smith

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

May 1, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

At the next Portland PUG meeting we’ll be talking about Terraform, HashiCorp's popular provisioning tool, and how it relates to Puppet. Rich Burroughs from Puppet's SRE team will be speaking and doing a demo. If you're interested in Terraform please bring your thoughts and contribute to the discussion.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 Terraform and Puppet, Rich Burroughs

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

Jun 5, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

At the next Portland PUG meeting we'll be taking a look at some of the new features in Puppet Enterprise 2017.2. Sean Techavatnavisal will be showing us the new Package Inspector, and the new feature that lets you run the Puppet agent on nodes from the UI. Sean is a Technical Solutions Engineer at Puppet.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 Package Inspector and Puppet Jobs, Sean Techavatnavisal

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

Jul 10, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

The Puppet office will be closed on 7/3, so the July PUG meeting will be held on Monday 7/10.

Corey Osman will be talking about the Puppet Debugger, a tool he wrote to help people get instant feedback about what their Puppet code is doing. With the Puppet Debugger you can set breakpoints, inspect variables, run functions, test datatypes, and much more. Corey will walk us through how to setup the debugger and show serval real world scenarios involving everyday problems found in most puppet shops. Corey is a software consultant with a lot of Puppet experience, and he’s one of the organizers of our PUG.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:15 Puppet Debugger, Corey Osman

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

Aug 7, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

We have two presentations for the August PUG. Glenn Sarti from the Puppet Engineering team has a lightning talk about the new Puppet plugin for Visual Studio Code. Code is becoming a very popular editor, and the new plugin has some great features.

Gene Liverman from the Puppet SRE team will be giving an overview of doing Puppet on Windows. Gene will be covering topics like DSC, Chocolatey, and using Powershell.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-6:50 Puppet plugin for VS Code, Glenn Sarti

6:50-7:30 Puppet on Windows, Gene Liverman 

7:30-8:00 Mingling

8:00 End Meeting 

Oct 2, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

We have two presentations for the October PUG. Lindsey Smith + Jesse Scott from the Puppet Product and Engineering team (respectively) will be sharing the Puppet Development Kit with us. It's a great session for folks getting started with the PDK or just eager to learn more.

Corey Osman from the community will be presenting on puppet-retrospec and the differences and overlaps between the PDK.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-6:55 Puppet Development Kit, Lindsey Smith + Jesse Scott

6:55-7:20 Puppet-Retrospec, Corey Osman

7:20-8:00 Mingling

8:00 End Meeting

Nov 6, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

We have a PuppetConf 2017 Recap for the October PUG. Elizabeth Plumb, PNW Sales Engineer from Sales Engineering team will be talking about all the exciting new announcements that were made in SF a few weeks ago. We will also have community member Corey Osman showing us how to test across multiple Puppet versions. This will be super useful information for folks interested in the new release and upgrading to the most current versions of Open Source and Enterprise!

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 PuppetConf Recap, Elizabeth Plumb

7:00-7:30 Testing across multiple Puppet versions, Corey Osman

7:30-8:00 Mingling

8:00 End Meeting

Feb 27, 2018
Human.School - the Conference for People Ops People
Mark Spencer Hotel, Portland, OR

Human.School is a development-focused learning experience designed for people operations people (official or unofficial!) - the administrative assistants, the operations coordinators, the office manages - in small, but growing companies or nonprofits.

It’s unlike any conference you’ve been to before: you and 99 other professionals will experience two high-intensity, high value days of learning and applying experiences to create a full-fledged people ops strategy. You won't have to choose between concurrent sessions and speakers, and you'll be treated like a VIP the whole time. Human.School takes a practical approach to learning full cycle people operations, something most HR and culture events don’t do.

Nov 9, 2018
SeaGL: Seattle GNU Linux conference
through Seattle Central College

The 2018 Seattle GNU/Linux Conference is scheduled for November 9th and 10th at Seattle Central College. 9am-5:30pm both days.

SeaGL is a grassroots technical conference dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about the GNU/Linux community and free/libre/open-source software/hardware. Our goal for SeaGL is to produce an event which is as enjoyable and informative for those who spend their days maintaining hundreds of servers as it is for a student who has only just started exploring technology options. SeaGL's first year was 2013.

The cost of attendance is free.

Attendee Registration will not require the use of non-free software.

You may attend SeaGL without identifying yourself, and you are encouraged to do so to protect your privacy.

Apr 3, 2019
Finnovation PDX - Portland's first annual FinTech conference
Bumped Inc. in the Big Pink! 111 SW 5th Ave, 3rd Floor

Description Portland Startup Week begins April 1 (no joke!), and Sila will be hosting a conference in the middle of all the events.

Finnovation PDX is a chance for the FinTech community - its leaders, employees, investors, supporters, and customers - to come together, deepen connections, celebrate wins, and share lessons and insights.

The event will be broken up into 4 thought-provoking segments:

VC & Investment - How are VCs viewing the rise of FinTech startups, especially blockchain and crypto-specific businesses?

Consumers - With pioneering companies like Simple leading the way, how has the consumer experience around banking, finance, and FinTech evolved?

Product + Engineering - What kinds of tools and resources are changing how FinTech products get made?

Founders - The experience of building and scaling a FinTech company is radically different than it was 10 years ago. How are founders changing their approach?

Following the event please join us at the Portland City Grill (30th Floor of the U.S. Bancorp Tower) for Happy Hour, and Sila's Beta Launch!


11:30 - Lunch, mingle, grab a seat

12:00 - Kick off keynote with Matt Compton

12:20 - VC & Investment Panel: The Investor’s Perspective. Featuring moderator Matt Compton & panelists Hope Cochran, Geoff Harris, & Stephen Green

1:10 - Consumer Panel: Evolution of the Consumer Experience. Featuring moderator Josh Reich & panelists Randy Fernando, Melissa Geyer, Andy Van Oostrum, & Amy Pearl

2:00 - Grab a snack and check out the demo of Sila’s brand spanking new beta!

2:15 - Product Panel: FinTech Product Innovation. Featuring moderator Shamir Karkal & panelists Ian Collins, Laura Spiekerman & Angela Angelovska-Wilson

3:05 - Founders Panel: Scaling a Fintech Company. Featuring moderator Kasey Jones & panelists David Nelsen, Alexandra Horrigan, & Isaac Hines

4:10 - Final Talk with David Nelsen

5pm - Finnovation Happy Hour & Sila Beta Launch Party!!!

Meet the Speakers & Panelists:

David Nelsen Bumped

David Nelsen: Founder & CEO at Bumped, David leads the first ever FinTech company to leverage stock ownership to build one-to-one relationships between brands and their customers. Prior to Bumped, David was CEO and co-founder of Giftango, a digital payments company that brought the digital gift card to market for many of the largest global brands.

Laura Spiekerman Alloy

Laura Spiekerman: Co-founder & CRO at Alloy, where she builds APIs for financial services to manage identity verification from signup through the life of the customer. Laura also has over 8 years of experience in the financial world, including advanced work with mobile payments at Knox Payments & Kopo Kopo.

Andy Van Oostrum Cognigy

Andy Van Oostrum: VP of North American Sales at Cognigy, a conversational AI platform, Andy enables the partner ecosystem and drives client engagement in the categories of both voice and text virtual assistants. Andy is also a digital strategist, and largely sits at the intersection of marketing and technology. He worked in the Sitecore ecosystem for 10 years, and has held board positions at the American Marketing Association, Portland Advertising Federation, and SOLVE.

Melissa Geyer Seed

Melissa Geyer: CXO at Seed, a business banking startup based in Portland, Melissa builds and scales customer experience-driven FinTech support teams. She also worked previously at consumer bank Simple, where she served as Director of Customer Relations for the startup as it launched.

Geoff Harris Flying Fish

Geoff Harris: Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Flying Fish, a Venture Capital firm based in Seattle. Geoff also serves on the Seattle Angel Board of Directors, a non-profit with a mission of educating both entrepreneurs and potential angel investors, and is heavily involved in promoting angel investing within Seattle in an effort to grow the funding ecosystem for local startups. Prior to his work in investing Geoff spent 15 years at Microsoft in Engineering Leadership and Executive Leadership positions.

Alexandra Horigan Aspiration

Alexandra Horigan: Founding team member & VP of Strategic Initiatives at Aspiration, a socially conscious financial firm. Prior to Aspiration, Alexandra spent half a decade on Wall Street in sales, and as a broker for Intercontinental Exchange and Cantor Fitzgerald. Alexandra is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder, a former competitive skier, and most importantly, a mom to two boys.

Amy Pearl seedpay

Amy Pearl: Director of Community Develpment at seedpay, a financial services social enterprise that leverages blockchain technology to strengthen communities. Previously Amy was founder and CEO of Hatch Innovation, where she helped launch new local investing laws to promote community capital. She believes in working upstream to develop new tools for positive disruption.

Matt Compton Oregon Venture Fund

Matt Compton: General Partner at Oregon Venture Fund, Matt's been an active startup investor and advisor in Oregon for the past decade. Previously he held various product, partnership, and marketing leadership roles at Yahoo! during their rapid growth period from 2002 to 2007. In 2008, he began investing with the Oregon Angel Fund, and has also served on the boards of several early and growth stage companies, including Jama and Simple Financial - currently Matt is on the board of REI.

Isaac Hines Sila

Isaac Hines: Co-founder & COO at Sila, Isaac also has 20 years of experience in the energy sector, where Isaac served as finance director and general manager and oversaw upwards of $200m in projects.

Angela Angelovska-Wilson Sila

Angela Angelovska-Wilson: Co-founder & CLO at Sila, Angela also plays a major role in the world of blockchain technology regulations as a lawyer at DLx Law in New York City. She has an extensive wealth of experience in law, and serves as a CCO for Digital Asset Holdings LLC.

Shamir Karkal Sila

Shamir Karkal: Co-founder & CEO at Sila, Shamir was also co-founder of Simple, a Portland-based bank that is digital-only, with no physical branches. He also managed the development of Open APIs at BBVA and was an Entrepreneur in Residence at the Omidyar Network.

Kasey Jones BetterGrowth

Kasey Jones: Founding partner at BetterGrowth, a growth strategy agency that helps early-stage B2B companies accelerate revenue growth. Kasey also has extensive experience in sales and marketing in Portland, having worked at Keboola, Postano, and Good Data.

Randy Fernando: Managing Director at Acorns

Hope Cochran: Managing Director at Madrona Venture Group

Ian Collins: Senior Product Designer at Acorns

Josh Reich: Co-Founder & former CEO at Simple

Stephen Green: Director of Operations at PENSOLE

Nov 15, 2019
SeaGL (Seattle GNU/Linux)
through Seattle Central College

SeaGL is a grassroots technical conference dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about the GNU/Linux community and free/libre/open-source software/hardware. Our goal for SeaGL is to produce an event which is as enjoyable and informative for those who spend their days maintaining hundreds of servers as it is for a student who has only just started exploring technology options. SeaGL's first year was 2013.

The 2019 Seattle GNU/Linux Conference is scheduled for November 15th and 16th at Seattle Central College (Maps). 9am-5:30pm both days.

You do not need to register for SeaGL - just show up! The cost of attendance is free.

You may attend SeaGL without identifying yourself, and you are encouraged to do so to protect your privacy.

You may optionally register. This gives us attendee counts, which help us raise money for SeaGL conferences. The registration system is Free/Libre/Open Source Software and we promise to protect your data.

Apr 2, 2020
DevOps Simulation Workshop
University of Portland (Bethany Campus)

This highly interactive, instructor-led simulation is a high-impact, energetic way to accelerate understanding, involvement, and acceptance of DevOps and Agile, Lean, ITIL® best practice in your organization. It helps accelerate the adoption of DevOps across the enterprise, while successfully turning DevOps opponents into advocates. By helping to clearly communicate the DevOps case for change, it creates shared understanding and commitment towards Development and Operations working together as a high-performing team. This unique experiential learning approach causes breakthrough understanding and transforms learning into an engaging, fun, and memorable shared experience.


The DevOps simulation experience is a role-based workshop, focused on the software development and deployment lifecycle. The simulation is highly realistic, and leverages game dynamics to empower cross-functional teams with a shared vision of successful DevOps practices. Participants from a variety of disciplines are immersed into a simulated environment whereby they are challenged to release new products while internal and external forces continually change. This realistic approach delivers a level of tension and excitement that creates an ‘A-HA!’ moment for all involved.


Accelerated understanding of the benefits of DevOps best practice to large audiences

Rapid familiarization with DevOps terminology and Agile, Lean and ITIL v3 processes

Understanding of how DevOps best practice can facilitate alignment of IT to business objectives

Understanding of DevOps practices that can be executed with immediate effect

Apr 30, 2020
Building a sustainable and resilient company for the 21st century with Kate Ertmann

We're excited to have the chance to sit down with Kate Ertmann for a question and answer session.

Her life's work has been focusing on building from scratch — or rebuilding and reorganizing — the operational infrastructure for sustainable businesses. That includes everything from the elements of a business plan, the importance of Mission and Purpose and Values, the how-to of defining Roles and Responsibilities, and when to hire and how to best structure that management org chart — as well as the finance that runs in parallel with all of that.

Her distinct rallying cry through all of that work is the necessity of embedding equity and inclusion in all processes, procedures, and culture of an organization, and as a guiding principle in all leaders with whom she works — especially when it is "hard" or if there are uncomfortable conversations to be had.

Kate constantly seeks to leverage her privilege and position: applying constant pressure to the systemic structure of 20th century practices so there can be systemic changes that will define 21st century practices.

