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Portland Puppet User Group

Puppet HQ
308 SW 2nd Avenue
Portland, OR 97214, USA (map)

Extra Details: The office is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. There is bike parking on the street and just inside the parking garage at the corner of SW Stark and SW 1st Ave. Parking is available on the street or at one of the many pay to park lots near the office



Hi everyone,

At the next Portland PUG meeting we’ll be talking about Terraform, HashiCorp's popular provisioning tool, and how it relates to Puppet. Rich Burroughs from Puppet's SRE team will be speaking and doing a demo. If you're interested in Terraform please bring your thoughts and contribute to the discussion.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 Terraform and Puppet, Rich Burroughs

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting


