Viewing 0 current events matching “oauth” by Date.

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Viewing 6 past events matching “oauth” by Date.

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Dec 3, 2012
State of the Auth

This is the first meeting for the new State of the Auth user group. The topics will be revolving around authentication, authorization, and the tools for working with them.

We have ozten (Austin King) from Mozilla giving a talk about Persona!

The space is sponsored by Urban Airship! There will be pizza sponsored by Mozilla!

Mailing list:!forum/stateoftheauth

Jan 7, 2013
State of the Auth

The second meeting of State of the Auth user group. The topics will be revolving around authentication, authorization, and the tools for working with them.

We have @aaronpk (Aaron Parecki) giving a talk on OAuth 2.

The space is sponsored by Urban Airship! There will be pizza sponsored by Janrain!

Mailing list:!forum/stateoftheauth

Dec 7, 2017
Portland Linux/Unix Group: OAuth 2.0 Simplified
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) Room FAB 86-01

Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Aaron Parecki
What: OAuth 2.0 Simplified

The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework has become the industry standard in providing secure access to web APIs. OAuth allows users to grant external applications access to their data, such as profile data, photos, and email, without compromising security. However, OAuth can be intimidating when first starting out. In this talk, Aaron Parecki will break down the various OAuth workflows and provide a simplified overview of the framework, highlighting a few typical use cases.

About Aaron

Aaron Parecki is the editor of the W3C Webmention and Micropub specifications, and maintains He is the co-founder of IndieWebCamp, a yearly worldwide conference on data ownership and online identity. He has spoken at conferences around the world about OAuth, data ownership, quantified self, and even explained why R is a vowel. You can find more about his work at

Many will head to the Lucky Lab at 1945 NW Quimby St. after the meeting.

Rideshares to the Lucky Lab available

PLUG is open to everyone and does not tolerate abusive behavior on its mailing lists or at its meetings.

Jun 20, 2018
CNPDX June: Oauth All The Things

Please RSVP to this event via if you have an account there!

For June's meetup, we're talking about a technology/API that everyone designing microservices will need to deal with sooner or later: OAuth. Or speaker is Aaron Parecki of Okta.

"The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework has become the industry standard in providing secure access to web APIs. OAuth allows users to grant external applications access to their data, such as profile data, photos, and email, without compromising security. However, OAuth can be intimidating when first starting out. In this talk, Aaron Parecki will break down the various OAuth workflows and provide a simplified overview of the framework, highlighting a few typical use cases."

We will also have a brief update on what's coming in Kubernetes 1.11, by Josh Berkus of Red Hat.

This meetup is hosted and sponsored by Mozilla!

Jul 16, 2018
OWASP Portland Chapter Meeting - OAuth 2.0 Simplified

OAuth 2.0 Simplified: The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework has become the industry standard in providing secure access to web APIs. OAuth allows users to grant external applications access to their data, such as profile data, photos, and email, without compromising security. However, OAuth can be intimidating when first starting out. In this talk, Aaron Parecki will break down the various OAuth workflows and provide a simplified overview of the framework, highlighting a few typical use cases for web apps, mobile apps and browserless devices.

Speaker's Bio: Aaron Parecki is a developer advocate at Okta, and maintains He's the co-founder of IndieWebCamp, a yearly unconference focusing on data ownership and online identity, and is the editor of the W3C Webmention and Micropub specifications.

Feb 20
PDXPUG Meetup: OAuth Support in PostgreSQL
American Red Cross

Postgres has a wide array of supported authentication methods. The strongest methods have trouble scaling across large numbers of database instances, though, and while organizations have ways to centralize user credentials -- for example by using LDAP or Kerberos -- those solutions come with their own large lists of caveats.I'm currently developing Postgres-native support for OAuth, which is a widely-deployed framework for authorizing clients using a third-party provider. I'll talk about the current state of the patchset, explain some of the elements of the design, and demonstrate what it might look like to deploy it yourself.
