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Viewing 15 past events matching “mozilla” by Date.

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Jun 10, 2009
PDX Firefox Developers Group

This is a meetup for people interested in Firefox extension development, or working on Firefox itself.

This is a hacking-focused group, and there's no scheduled talk this week. Bring your laptop, and I'll bring some beer, and let's hack!

Jun 30, 2009
Firefox 3.5 Launch Day Lunch

Firefox 3.5 is being released! Come hang out with Firefox developers and fans at the Green Dragon on Tuesday June 30th from 11am to 2pm. Have lunch, have a beer, and watch the download counter go crazy. Hackers: bring your laptop and come play with the new features! BYOBL (buy your own beer/lunch). If you hack up an awesome use of one of the new features, your drink is on me (@dietrich)!

Sep 8, 2012
MFNW+PDX Music Hack Day
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Join the Spotify, Rumblefish, Twilio, MapQuest, Mozilla and your fellow hackers at Puppet Labs for a day of visualizations, data analysis, and general hacking via a number of awesome APIs.

Open to the public, the MusicFestNW (MFNW) and Portland Digital eXperience (PDX) Music Hack Day is designed to celebrate the confluence of music and technology by bringing the community together for a little hacking around music.

Apr 4, 2013
Portland Linux/Unix Group: Mozilla Socorro Open Source crash reporting tool
PSU Maseeh Engineering Building

Mozilla Socorro: an Open Source crash reporting system evolves.

Socorro collects and analyzes three million crash reports a day employing PostgreSQL, HBase, Hadoop, and ElasticSearch glued together with Python. Socorro's data analysis drives the stability and development priorities of Firefox. Five years ago, Socorro was a system that ran on three machines and was tended by just one person. In 2013, it has evolved to become a distributed system running on 120 machines and serving hundreds of terabytes of data. Meanwhile, companies all over the world are adopting Socorro for crash reporting. This talk, an update of one given several years ago, will track the evolution of Socorro and its future in the upcoming world of FirefoxOS.

K Lars Lohn is the Herd Patriarch of the Mozilla WebTools Group. As the author and curator of the Mozilla Socorro Crash Reporting System, Lars has driven its evolution. Formerly with the OSUOSL, Lars telecommutes for Mozilla from a farm near Corvallis. While preferring Python, PostgreSQL and Harleys, Lars is versed in C++, MySQL and Subarus.

Many will head to the Lucky Lab NW after the meeting

Dec 9, 2014
Portland Elasticsearch Meetup: Jeff Bryner from Mozilla, Kibana 4 and Shield Preview
Jama South

Join us at Jama South for food, drink, and Elasticsearch discussion.

Our Guest Speaker: Jeff Bryner ( @0x7eff ) is a 20+year infosec veteran/addict. Speaker at 3 DEF CONs, 3 Bsides, and 1 RSA (but he didn't mean it), he stands accused of re-writing everything in python, integrating security tools into 3D worlds with kinectasploit and taunting the Demo Gods in every presentation.

His Presentation: Hackers have all the fun. With slick, integrated, real-time, open suites like metasploit, armitage, SET, and lair they quickly seek out targets, share exploits, gain footholds and usually win.

The time has come for defense to get the same capabilities in an open-source platform dedicated to defense and based on modern technology. To this end the operations security group at Mozilla has developed MozDef: The Mozilla Defense Platform to take on traditional SIEM functionality of event management, alerting and correlation and expand the real-time capabilities of the defender into automated defense and shared incident response.

This presentation will cover the MozDef platform, its use of Elasticsearch and it's SIEM capabilities with as much live demo as the gods will allow.

The rest of the Agenda:

We also plan on going deep on Kibana 4, the powerful new version of Kibana that takes advantage of the aggregations API in Elasticsearch. A rewrite from the ground up, visualizations are now powered by D3js and provides an enhances workflow capability allowing you to Discover, Visualize and Dashboard your data for insights.

Shield is right around the corner and we will be giving an intro to it at the meetup. Learn how to enable access control, document level security, SSL and more!

We will also have a few Elasticsearch Solution Architects in town so its a great chance to get your questions answered by people that are in the field every day helping customers succeed with Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (The ELK Stack).

Hope to see you all there!

Jan 18, 2017
Pentesting: Find Where Your Systems are Vulnerable

TA3M is back, and we have a great meeting lined up for you!

There have been a number of stories in the news lately about hacking and data breaches, and we all want our personal data to be secure. In order to prevent these attacks on our privacy, an important step is to identify any vulnerabilities in the computer systems that store our private data before those faults can be used to steal the data. And that's where penetration testing comes in. Penetration testing, or "pentesting," is a process of attacking computer systems in order to find security weaknesses so that they can be fixed before criminals and other malicious actors find and take advantage of them.

Please join us for a fascinating presentation that will examine some common computer attacks and preventative steps that we can take to avoid them. Karl Fosaaen, from NetSPI, will talk about working as a pentester and will discuss avoiding exploits in applications and networks and how to counter social engineering attacks.

We'll have snacks, and there will be an opportunity for networking following the talk. We hope to see you there!

Speaker Bio:

Karl is a Managing Consultant with NetSPI who specializes in network and web application penetration testing. With over eight years of consulting experience in the computer security industry, he has worked in a variety of industries and has made his way through many Active Directory domains. Karl also holds a BS in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota. This year, he has spent a fair amount of time digging into the Skype for Business APIs. Prior to that, Karl has helped build out and maintain NetSPI's GPU cracking boxes. Karl has previously spoken at THOTCON, BSidesMSP, BSidesPDX, and DerbyCon. In his spare time, you may see him trying to sell you a t-shirt as a swag goon at DEF CON.

Mar 1, 2017
PDXRust - PDXRust March 2017: Nick Fitzgerald on Interfacing Foreign Functions with Rust
Mozilla Corp

For the first PDXRust of 2017, Rust Bindgen [1] hacker Nick Fitzgerald will explain how to get the rest of the world talking to Rust!

There'll be plenty of time for questions and meeting other local Rustaceans, as well.b

Remember, we follow the Rust Code of Conduct. No food is provided at the meetup, though you're welcome to bring food with you or head for dinner afterward with a group of new friends.


Apr 5, 2017
PDXRust - Lightning Talks & Hack Time
Mozilla Corp

No main talk today, so we'll have some opportunities to share neat Rust things and then time to work on your code, get help, and help others.

Rustaceans of all levels of experience are welcome to attend!

May 3, 2017
PDXRust - The Tokio Execution Model, with Carl Lerche
Mozilla Corp

Tokio, backed by the Rust futures library, has a unique execution model. The talk will do a deep dive, explaining the context, rational, and how it is implemented

Tokio author Carl Lerche will  explain how the tokio-core reactor is implemented. Attendees will have an easier time following along if they've read Rust's beginner documentation, but no prior knowledge of Tokio or futures is required.

PDXRust does not provide food, though you're welcome to bring food with you or head to dinner with other Rustaceans afterwards. 

We follow the Rust Code of Conduct.

May 21, 2017
PDXRust - Rust Hack Afternoon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Rust projects with us! Write your first Rust crate, contribute to an open source Rust project, team up with someone else on a cool new Rust tool, or even hack on rustc itself!

Lucky Lab has food and drinks and lots of open seating.

We follow the Rust Code of Conduct.

See you there!

Jun 7, 2017
PDXRust - PDXRust June 2017: Bart Massey on Playing Chess With Rust
Mozilla Corp

PSU Computer Science professor Bart Massey has mentored a variety of capstone projects using Rust, as well as writing a variety of projects in the language. He'll tell us about some chess playing code that he wrote in Rust.

Food is not provided at the meetup, thoguh carts are nearby if you'd like to grab a bite before and many Rustaceans are in the habit of going to dinner together afterwards. Expectations for the meetup are set forth in the Rust Code of Conduct; contact any of the organizers if you have a concern.

Sep 6, 2017
PDXRust - Hack Night at Mozilla
Mozilla Corp

Sorry for the late notice on this one -- Nick will be hosting a hack night with optional lightning talks for our September meeting.

Oct 4, 2017
PDXRust - Bart Massey on Rust Coding Puzzles
Mozilla Corp

Bart is back, this time to tell us stories and answer questions about 25 bite-sized pieces of Rust! 

Check out the code at if you'd like to put him on the spot with questions.

Bart also organizes some Portland State University Capstone projects, so if you're pondering where to find a team of eager Rustaceans who'll write open source code for university credit, he's the person to talk to.

As always, remember that you can request future meetup topics or volunteer to speak in the issue tracker:

Nov 1, 2017
PDXRust - Matthew Mayer on Rusoto: Rust's AWS SDK
Mozilla Corp

Matthew will be sharing his journey with Rusoto, Rust's unofficial AWS SDK. He'll cover how Rusoto came about, what it's like working on it, and how it works as well as examples of how it can be used.

Jul 3, 2018
PDXRust - Writing Software That's Safe Enough To Drive A Car
Mozilla Corp

This month, Shea Newton will be presenting "Writing Software That's Safe Enough To Drive A Car!"

Autonomous cars run on software, and most of the microcontrollers in today's cars are programmed using C. We have found that even the best code checking for C does not protect against system-crippling errors - the kind of errors that could endanger the lives of future drivers. C is simply not the right language for safety-critical software, but what about Rust?

## Target audience

I'd like to try and keep this talk relatively high level. Examples of self-corrupting code may resonate more with developers who have written C but ideally the talk will apply to anyone interested in Rust and curious about the state of self-driving car technology.


We may also have time for lightning talks and socializing as well.


As always, we'll be following the Rust Code of Conduct:
