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Viewing 7 past events matching “data analysis” by Date.

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Jul 29, 2014
Quantified Self Show & Tell: Analyzing Your Data

July's theme is: ANALYZING YOUR DATA

As QSers, we generate data like crazy, but many of us don't know what to do with it from there.

At this meetup, we're going to talk about what to do once you have data. If you have some data that you have worked through, I encourage you to come share the process with us so that we can all learn!

We'll also have a person or two from the Portland Data Science Group there to give us some analysis tips from the experts.

Here's our agenda:
Informal Social and Gadget Time - Starting at 6pm
Come early to socialize with other QSers and share what hardware, apps, and other technologies are helping you track your life. Bring your gadgets so that we can all see them, play with them, and hear your experiences with them!

Intro and Announcements - 6:30 sharp!

Show and Tell
Just like when you were in kindergarten, we encourage you to share something within the theme of the meetup. It doesn't a formal presentation, and can be as much as 10 minutes or as short as you like. Let us know in advance to guarantee your slot.

Sep 25, 2014
Quantified Self Show&Tell

Tracking your mood with your smartphone? Recording your workouts, diet and/or weight? Using a Fitbit, Withings scale, or heart-rate monitor?

Quantified Self is "self-knowledge through numbers" and we want to hear your self-tracking stories! Sign up to give a talk. Our content comes from our community. Show us your graphs, spreadsheets, biometric devices, practical solutions and crazy notions. They are all welcome. We focus on real self-tracking projects involving your personal data.

Or just bring your enthusiasm and come to marvel and learn with us. Sharing is not required if you're just curious to see what this is about! Agenda:

• 6 to 6:30 pm: Doors open. Social time. This is an opportunity to meet other self-trackers and catch up with friends.

• 6:30 pm: Intro to QS plus news. We'll provide a brief intro about QS, as well as, what's been happening in the past months in the news on how people are finding meaning from their personal data.

• 6:45 to 7:15 pm: Scheduled Show&Tell talks. These are 7 minute talks with 5 minutes for questions. This is the meat & potatoes of QS meetups. This is an opportunity to share your story with your peers. Please contact us in advance if you want to give one. We'll send out a list of speakers in advance of the meet up.

• 7:15 to 7:45 pm: Walk-on Show&Tell talks. These are 5 minutes with time for a couple questions. They are signed up for on the day of the event, using a sheet at the welcome table. We’ll go through as many as we can, time permitting.

• 7:45 to 8:30 pm: We'll open things up for general discussion if there's anything that someone wants to bring up to the group. Then we'll break and hang out for awhile. This is a good opportunity to talk with presenters If you're interested in doing a Show&Tell, please mention it in your RSVP or email the organizers in advance. You can also sign up on the day of the event as a walk-on.

We can't wait to see you there!

-Steven, Rob, Mark, Ioan

Jan 20, 2015
Enterprise Analytics: Strategies and Partnerships
200 SW Market Street

The DAMA Portland Chapter is dedicated to delivering thought provoking, data-centric prosentations that will make you more successful in your job.

More and more organizations are working to strategically leverage data analytics in pursuit of their mission and competitive advantage. This presentation will provide an overview of the current thinking and practice in the development of enterprise analytics capabilities.

We will start with an overview of organizational analytics development as well as a framework for analytic success. From there we will present some of the new roles being created and new organizational approaches being developed to advance analytic strategy and best leverage scarce resources.

The goal is to add to your understanding of enterprise analytics development as well as your familiarity with new roles being created to support this development. We hope that this information and discussion will help you to support the advancement of analytics practice in your organization.

About the Presenter

Wil O’Shea is the Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment at Pacific University as well as a freelance Tableau consultant. Institutional research is the central analytical function in colleges and universities providing analytic support, reporting, data visualization, and analysis for internal and external audiences.

In addition to his current roles, Wil has worked in a variety of analytic positions in online retail, utilities, financial services, and government organizations. Wil is the leader of the Portland area Tableau user group as well as a member of the board for the regional institutional research association. He has presented and lead workshops at numerous scholarly and professional forums.

Schedule and Registration

  • 8:00 - 8:30 am - Sign In
  • 8:30 - 9:45 am - Presentation
  • 9:45 - 10:00 am - Break, Chapter Announcements
  • 10:00 - 11:00 am - Presentation continued
  • Please register at the DAMA PDX site (continental breakfast served)
  • Free for members and employees of corporate members.
  • $15 for guests to help cover speaker and refreshment costs.
  • See the corporate member list (and register) at

The Portland Metro Chapter of the Data Administration Management Association is a not-for-profit, vendor independent, professional association dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of enterprise information and data resource management.

Jan 21, 2016
Framing Business Problems as Data Mining Problems - Portland DAMA Jan 21st
Standard Insurance Center Auditorium

Greetings Fellow Lovers of Data-

Start the year off learning about Data Mining. Join me at DAMA Portland's January chapter meeting to learn how to frame Business Problems as Data Mining problems with Asoka Diggs, a Data Scientist at Intel.

This will be a brief introduction to some of the important concepts that arise in data mining in general and classification analysis in particular. The focus in this presentation will be helping attendees to develop their ability to frame business problems as data mining problems, to understand some of the terminology and mental models prevalent in data mining, and to being able to recognize situations where data mining might apply.

Through a demonstration driven presentation format, attendees will be exposed to a variety of data mining topics. Throughout the demo, attention will be paid to points of intersection with traditional data modeler work products including the data dictionary and dimensional data model. There will also be a variety of links and references for additional study on your own.

Particular topics that will be addressed:

  • Formulating business problems as data mining problems
  • Supervised Learning
  • Classification methods including Decision Tree and Logistic Regression
  • Model Validation
  • No math!


Asoka Diggs is a Data Scientist with Intel Corp. in Hillsboro, OR. He has 15 years of experience in a variety of data management disciplines, including database administration, ER modeling, ETL development, and data architecture. He recently completed his MS Predictive Analytics from Northwestern University and is now a practicing Data Scientist. It turns out that there IS something even more fun than ER modeling, and he now spends his work time practicing his new analytic modeling skills, and teaching others how to participate and contribute to predictive analytic projects.

Register at:

NOTE: DAMA Portland Chapter Meetings have moved to 3rd Thursday for 2016!

  • 8:30 - 9:00 am - Sign In
  • 9:00 - 10:15 am - Presentation
  • 10:15 - 10:30 am - Break, Chapter Announcements
  • 10:30 - 11:30 am - Presentation continued


  • Free: DAMA PDX members and employees of Corporate Members
  • $15 for guests to cover speaker costs and continental breakfast
  • $5 for students with current student ID
  • See our corporate members

About DAMA Portland

The Portland Metro Chapter of the Data Administration Management Association has been serving the Portland data community since 1984. We are a not-for-profit, vendor independent, professional association dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of enterprise information and data resource management.

Our primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data, information and knowledge resources as key enterprise assets.

Jun 3, 2017
OHSU Collaborative Life Sciences Building

Cascadia R Conference is an R conference serving the Cascadia-ish region (Oregon/Washington/BC).

This is the first time this event has happened!

Talk submissions are now closed but tickets are on sale:

See the website for more information.

Nov 3, 2018
Practical, Hands-on Training for Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions

Want to take your career to the next level?

Practical, Hands-on Training for Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions

Microsoft Excel is perhaps the most important computer software program used in business today. That's why so many workers and prospective employees are required to learn Excel to enter or remain in the workplace. Unfortunately many college students, recent grads, and professionals haven’t mastered Excel or have the adequate Excel skills employers are seeking. According to Payscale, “ 80 percent of job openings require spreadsheet and word-processing software skills. Yet so many people never even give Excel a chance because it has an intimidating stigma around it.”

If you walk through the finance or accounting department at any major corporate office, you will see computer screens filled with Excel spreadsheets outlining financial results, budgets, forecasts, and plans used to make big business decisions. Marketing and Product profesionals using Excel to list customer and sales targets; managing thier sales force and planning future marketing plans based on past results. Pivot tables to quickly and easily summarize customer and sales data by category with a quick drag-and drop. HR professionals using giant spreadsheets full of employee data and understand exactly where the costs are coming from and how to best plan and control them for the future. Supply logistic professional to manage inventory and forecasts demand.In essence, you can turn an entire department around just because you know how to manipulate data in order to get an aggregate view.


Advanced functions and formulas

 *Logical functions
 *Conditional functions
 *Financial functions
 *Text functions
 *Date functions
 *Array formulas

Lookups and data tables

 *Using lookup functions
 *Using MATCH and INDEX
 *Creating data tables

Advanced data management

 *Validating cell entries
 *Advanced filtering

Advanced charting

 *Chart formatting options
 *Combination charts
 *Graphical objects

PivotTables and PivotCharts

 *Working with PivotTables
 *Rearranging PivotTables
 *Formatting PivotTables

Exporting and Importing Data

 *Exporting and importing text files
 *Getting external data

Analytical Tools

 *Goal Seek

Macros and Visual Basic

 *Running and recording a macro
 *Working with VBA code


Martin Jetton has 30+ years of advanced supply chain analytics, predictive analytics, and statistical consulting experience. He's currently a Principal at the Liberty Advisor Group, where he works in advanced supply chain analytics. In his previous role, he was the Senior Predictive Consultant at Corios; where he developed predictive models and scorecards, forecast trends, identify uncertainties, and assign the ideal strategies to maximize performance. The firm’s clients are in the banking, brokerage, credit, utilities and healthcare industries.


Not only are many business professionals using Excel to perform everyday functional tasks in the workplace, an increasing number of employers rely on Excel for decision support.The ability to analyze data is a powerful skill that helps you make better decisions. Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool.


They are NOT seeing if you simply have Excel as a skill. They are diving deeping when it comes to determining which candidate to interview and hire. They look for Pivot Table, VLOOKUP, Macros, VBA, Conditional Formatting, Charting and Filtering…These are far more telling of your ability to an employer then writing Excel. Someone who writes VLOOKUP, Pivot Table, Filtering demonstrates an ability to analyse data and so has eliminated a potential barrier in the mind of the hiring manager reviewing your resume. In essence, use actual Excel functions in your Resume!


Did you know that Excel know-how can instantly increase your job prospects as well as your starting salary? Excel is a transferrable skill that any hiring manager understands is critical. Research shows job applicants who know MS Excel make $22.66 per hour on average compared to the $20.14 per hour their peers make who don’t know the program. That’s roughly an extra $20 per eight-hour workday and $100 per work week, simply for knowing how to use a single computer program. Moreover, full-time employees in certain industries can see a starting salary bump of anywhere from $1,000 to $7,000 per year based on their Excel skills. That’s not chump change you can ignore.


A majority 63 percent of twenty-somethings want to start their own business. How will you stay organized, track data, or forecast your finances if you’re not spreadsheet-savvy? Many millennials simply want their first job. But, what about your performance once someone hires you? The biggest complaint employers have about millennials is that they lack basic hard and soft skills.These skills include things like teamwork and problem solving, but also basic administrative skills like MS Word and Powerpoint. Once you’re hired, you want to meet the basic requirements of your role without stressing.


People whose work is completed through MS Excel; Software Engineers, Finance Professionals, HR Professionals, Marketing Professionals, Project Managers, Technology Professionals.




This is one of our high demand classes. In the case, we sale out; email us at [email protected] and ask when our next course will be in

Feb 16, 2019
Twitter Sentiment with Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
Portland Community Church

Join us for a demo of analyzing and plotting Twitter sentiment using Python and Natural Language Processing. I'll demo how to use techniques such as tokenizing, lemmatizing, corpora, wordnet, and building a machine learning classifiers such as Logistic Regression, SVC, and SGDC.

I wonder what the Twitter sentiment will be on our president on demo day?

If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom

Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration.

Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people.

The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session.
