Viewing 1 current event matching “3dprinting” by Date.

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Feb 10
Dorkbot: September Edition
^H - PDX Hackerspace

People doing strange things with electricity!

DorkbotPDX is a relaxed, informal show-and-tell for electronic artists, circuit designers, microcontroller programmers, retro computing enthusiasts, video game designers, digital archaeologists, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders, monsters, and works-in-progress for others to see, or come see what others have been working on! Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

This is an active, ongoing event with average attendance of 20-50 people. It is free and open to everyone, and newcomers are welcome!


Viewing 9 past events matching “3dprinting” by Date.

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Jan 16, 2014
PDX Hardware Startup Meetup
Crowd Supply

This is a group for anyone interested in hardware startups. What that means, if you are involved with building products that you can touch and feel, then this group is for you. It could be electronics, teddy bears, plastics, you name it, if it is a physical product you belong here. The intent is to bring together like-mined entrepreneurs, tinkerers, industry experts, and others so that we can form a network where you can find the expertise and resources to help make your products happen.

Aug 25, 2015
3D Modeling and Printing Workshop Series
Uncorked Studios

Sign up now, this event has a very limited number of spots! Registration for this event includes all three workshop sessions. You can register for the event via Eventbrite.

Come to ChickTech’s 3D Printing workshop to get the skills you need to start making 3D models on your own! For three Tuesday evenings in a row, you will be led by an experienced design instructor and focus on building a basic skill set for 3D printing design. Best of all, you'll get to print each session’s project in one of five plastic colors to keep!

Technology that will be used: Autodesk Fusion360 and 3D Printers

The Instructor: 3D printing designer Mazuir Ross (Maz) Maz sculpted the 3D printed cow Veronin for Urban Farmer PDX! To learn more about the designer check out her website at She is also in partnership with Attero, who focuses on the hardware side of 3D printing. You can find information about Maz and Attero’s operation at

Session 1, August 25th: Make a Custom Charm The first session will overview the basics needed for successfully designing 3D printing output, particularly FFF/FDM printing. In the lesson we will create a snap-on custom charm for beer bottles/wine glasses. The creation of the snap-on charm will focus on basics of sketching and creating geometry from sketches. You'll be able to put a word or name on the charm, or even make flowers and/or geometric shapes!

Session 2, September 1st: Make a Trinket Box The second session is about modeling a trinket box with a lid. The session will focus on the combining/subtracting and/or intersecting of geometry for modeling. We'll also focus on the concept of fitting tolerances needed for CAM/CNC fabrication, particularly 3D printing.

Session 3 September 8th: Make a Six-Panel Hinged Cube with Custom Panel Design In the third session, you'll model a 6-panel hinged cube, including learning how to create fitted hinges. You'll also get creative with the custom designs on each panel. This folding cube can be designed with a sports team logo, a company name, anything you want. It can also be made into a desk trinket to hold pencils/pens/stylus just by cutting out a hole on the top panel.

By the end of this workshop series you'll have a comprehensive understanding of 3D printing, 3D modeling software, and 3D design.

Part of ChickTech’s mission is to retain women in technology. We intend for this event to build community and add skills to resumes. We encourage anyone who has always wanted to get started with 3D Printing to register for this event!

Dates: Aug 25, Sept 1, Sept 8 Time: 5:45pm-8pm (Doors open at 5:30pm and close at 8:30pm, we encourage you to come early and stay late!)


Uncorked Studios 1001 SE Water Ave #350 Portland, OR 97214

Registration pays for dinner for all three evenings, along with the class costs. Any amount left over supports ChickTech: High School.

A big thank you to our sponsor and event location provider, Uncorked Studios!

ChickTech: Career events are open to all genders with a focus on women.

Sep 21, 2022
Portland 3D Printing Lab: Social with Show and Tell

Surprise! We're back and going forward monthly!

For our first event, we thought we'd open up the floor. If you have something cool you've been working on and want to share, bring it or share some pictures with us. Let us know if you're planning on bringing anything to make sure we have enough space for it. We'll have approx 10 tables to set up on.

Our friends at Autodesk are graciously hosting us at their office. Come in to the front door on Ankeny, sign in at the front desk, and take the stairs to the second floor. If you need the elevator, ask security to let you up. There is bike parking inside the building on the second floor as well.


6:00 PM: Sharing and Networking 7:00 PM: Welcome, News, Recap on Makerforce by Shashi ~7:30 PM: Community Time 7:45 PM: Networking 8:30 PM: Clean it up!

Jul 10, 2023
Dorkbot: July Edition
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, Dorkbot is a relaxed, informal gathering of makers, creatives, electronic artists, circuit designers, programmers, video game designers, digital archeologists, hackers, cyberpunks, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders (or monsters) for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

Table space with power will be available for project show-and-tell; we'll have ice and a table for drinks and snacks, feel free to contribute to the communal cache/BYOB. The Free Bin is back, take or leave some components (don’t leave TOO much, if you have big stuff, maybe check the Discord/mailing list to see if anyone is interested in taking it first!)

Links to our Discord, mailing list and socials on our website

Let us know you're attending on Meetup if you use it! -

Nov 13, 2023
Dorkbot November Meetup
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, Dorkbot is a relaxed, informal gathering of makers, creatives, electronic artists, circuit designers, programmers, video game designers, digital archeologists, hackers, cyberpunks, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders (or monsters) for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

Table space with power will be available for project show-and-tell; we'll have ice and a table for drinks and snacks, feel free to contribute to the communal cache/BYOB. The Free Bin is back, take or leave some components (don’t leave TOO much, if you have big stuff, maybe check the Discord/mailing list to see if anyone is interested in taking it first!)

Info and links to our Discord and other social channels are at

Feb 17, 2024
Mint the New Year, 3D Print the Future
The SDF Collective

The 3D Printing landscape has recently changed rapidly. The middle market between cheap hobbyist and expensive aerospace grade printers has been filled. Along with that comes boundless opportunity for more robust applications that provide higher quality, more agility, cost reduction and sustainability to small and medium makers.

This seminar will not try to sell you 3D printers, in fact, it won't even mention any brand names. This is impartial advice from someone who invented a 3D printer on how to choose the right one, how to get the most out of it, and how to avoid common challenges, plus bonuses on how the fourth industrial revolution is altering what's possible.

Whether you're considering 3D printing for the first time or you want to optimize your use of the printers you already have, this is for you.

Jul 15, 2024
Dorkbot: July Edition
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

People doing strange things with electricity!

DorkbotPDX is a relaxed, informal show-and-tell for electronic artists, circuit designers, microcontroller programmers, retro computing enthusiasts, video game designers, digital archaeologists, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders, monsters, and works-in-progress for others to see, or come see what others have been working on! Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

This is an active, ongoing event with average attendance of 20-50 people. It is free and open to everyone, and newcomers are welcome!

Aug 12, 2024
Dorkbot: August Edition
^H - PDX Hackerspace

People doing strange things with electricity!

DorkbotPDX is a relaxed, informal show-and-tell for electronic artists, circuit designers, microcontroller programmers, retro computing enthusiasts, video game designers, digital archaeologists, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders, monsters, and works-in-progress for others to see, or come see what others have been working on! Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

Table space with power will be available for project show-and-tell; we'll have a table for drinks and snacks, feel free to contribute to the communal cache/BYOB. The Free cart is back, take or leave some components (don’t leave TOO much, if you have big stuff, maybe check the Discord/mailing list to see if anyone is interested in taking it first!)

Info and links to our Discord and other social channels are at

Sep 9, 2024
Dorkbot: September Edition
^H - PDX Hackerspace

People doing strange things with electricity!

DorkbotPDX is a relaxed, informal show-and-tell for electronic artists, circuit designers, microcontroller programmers, retro computing enthusiasts, video game designers, digital archaeologists, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.

Bring your electronic wonders, monsters, and works-in-progress for others to see, or come see what others have been working on! Whether it's code or circuits, electronic creativity of all sorts is welcome here.

This is an active, ongoing event with average attendance of 20-50 people. It is free and open to everyone, and newcomers are welcome!
