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Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting

Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)
1226 SW Salmon St
Portland, OR 97201, US (map)
Public WiFi

We will be in room B204. Call 503.928.6714 if you need any help finding the meeting.



The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We discuss topics ranging from client-side and server-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory.

This meeting will be a special BoF session at Open Source Bridge.

If you don't already have a ticket for the Open Source Bridge conference, you’ll need to either buy one or register for a free "Community Pass" that will let you into the Friday unconference, Hacker Lounge and the evening BoFs.

The agenda for this meeting is still open. Talks will be posted on the mailing list.

Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.


