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Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #1197

create Calagator::Event 1250458044 Perl Mongers: FreeTUIT - Codeless GUI Programming Roll back

description nil You have an idea for some program that you've always said you would write when you got a round tuit. FreeTUIT gives you that first tuit for free. Now you can write a simple cross-platform desktop application without writing any code. Just declare the widget layout and put a shebang line on it and you have an executable application. From there, it's a simple matter of programming to respond to input events. FreeTUIT is a syntax and Perl runtime for concisely declaring the layout and configuration of GUI widgets (such as forms, toolbars, buttons, and dialogs). The freetuit interpreter drives a unified object layer which is accessible from event callbacks. The system is currently built on top of the wxWidgets toolkit, and is currently in transition to the Qt widget set.
end_time nil 2009-12-09 21:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250458044
start_time nil 2009-12-09 18:53:00 -0800
title nil Perl Mongers: FreeTUIT - Codeless GUI Programming
url nil
venue_id nil 202389965
Change #1196

update Calagator::Venue 202391854 University Club of Portland Roll back

address 1225 SW 6th Avenue
closed nil false
events_count nil 1
latitude 45.517 45.5153
longitude -122.6733 -122.6807
street_address nil 1225 SW 6th Avenue
telephone 503.223.623
wifi nil false
Change #1195

update Calagator::Venue 202391859 Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202391819
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #1194

update Calagator::Event 1250458043 TechAmerica Oregon - SEC Accounting Upate Roll back

venue_id 202391859 202391819
Change #1193

update Calagator::Venue 202391819 Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR Roll back

address nil
closed nil false
country nil US
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 9
id 202391859 202391819
latitude nil 45.5103
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.7157
postal_code nil 97221-9704
region nil OR
street_address nil 4001 SW Canyon Rd.
telephone nil 503-226-1561
title Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #1192

create Calagator::Event 1250458043 TechAmerica Oregon - SEC Accounting Upate Roll back

end_time nil 2010-01-14 23:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250458043
start_time nil 2010-01-14 19:30:00 -0800
title nil TechAmerica Oregon - SEC Accounting Upate
venue_id nil 202391859
Change #1191

create Calagator::Venue 202391819 Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR Roll back

id nil 202391859
title nil Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR
Change #1190

update Calagator::Event 1250457808 Portland Functional Programming Study Group Roll back

description <i>Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs.</i> <i>Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.</i>
Change #1189

create Calagator::Event 1250457975 Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting Roll back

description nil <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i>
end_time nil 2010-01-05 21:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457975
start_time nil 2010-01-05 19:00:00 -0800
title nil Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
url nil
venue_id nil 202391576
Change #1188

update Calagator::Venue 202392412 Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium Roll back

address nil
closed nil false
country US United States
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 13
id 202391856 202392412
latitude 45.5305 45.5308
locality portland Portland
longitude -122.6803 -122.68
region oregon Oregon
source_id nil 996334523
street_address 1044 NW Ninth Avenue 810 NW Marshall
telephone nil
title Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium Ziba Design - Auditorium
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #1187

update Calagator::Event 1250458037 Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space Roll back

venue_id 202391856 202391858
Change #1186

update Calagator::Venue 202391857 BridgePort Brew Pub Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202390070
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #1185

update Calagator::Event 1250458038 Beer Without Borders 2009 Roll back

locked nil false
venue_id 202391857 202390070
Change #1184

create Calagator::Event 1250458041 Beer and Blog - Gift Giveaway Roll back

description nil We're giving away presents! Come join us :)
end_time nil 2009-12-04 19:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250458041
source_id nil 996333900
start_time nil 2009-12-04 16:00:00 -0800
title nil Beer and Blog - Gift Giveaway
url nil
Change #1183

destroy Calagator::Event 1250458040 Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space Roll back

Change #1182

create Calagator::Event 1250458040 Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space Roll back

description nil Join the Halprin Landscape Conservancy for the release of a book celebrating the world-renowned Portland fountain plazas designed by Lawrence Halprin. Introduction by Portland Parks Commissioner Nick Fish Lecture performance by Ron Blessinger, violinist, Third Angle Ensemble, with dancer/choreographers Linda K. Johnson, Tere Mathern, Cydney Wilkes, and Linda Austin Screening of The City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin - A documentary about the September 2008 performance in Halprin's Portland plazas .
end_time nil 2009-12-05 17:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250458040
source_id nil 996333899
start_time nil 2009-12-05 14:00:00 -0800
title nil Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space
venue_id nil 202391858
Change #1181

create Calagator::Venue 202392412 Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium Roll back

country nil US
id nil 202391856
latitude nil 45.5305
locality nil portland
longitude nil -122.6803
postal_code nil 97209
region nil oregon
street_address nil 1044 NW Ninth Avenue
title nil Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium
Change #1180

create Calagator::Event 1250458039 PCB fabrication workshop Roll back

description nil Do you want to learn how to design a printed circuit board and get it fabricated? This workshop will teach you everything you need to know to do that. Workshop cost is $35, but that includes the cost of getting your newly designed board fabricated. For more information, see
end_time nil 2009-12-05 17:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250458039
start_time nil 2009-12-05 13:00:00 -0800
title nil PCB fabrication workshop
url nil
venue_id nil 202391270
Change #1179

create Calagator::Event 1250458038 Beer Without Borders 2009 Roll back

description nil It's the annual "meet-and-greet" social for the EWB Portland Professionals chapter. Bring some new friends, make some new friends, and get to know your fellow EWB colleagues in a casual, social setting. Come share and learn more about the work our local chapter is doing to improve the quality of life in developing communities through our current projects. In place of our monthly chapter meeting, we'll be enjoying some relaxing, mingling, and friendly conversation, along with the delicious offerings of the Bridgeport Brewpub. Eat, drink, and be merry! * Wednesday, December 2nd, 6pm-9pm * Bridgeport Brewpub - Old Knucklehead Room - 1313 NW Marshal Street, Portland, OR 97209 * Cash bar for brewpub fare
end_time nil 2009-12-02 21:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250458038
source_id nil 996333898
start_time nil 2009-12-02 18:00:00 -0800
title nil Beer Without Borders 2009
url nil
venue_id nil 202391857
Change #1178

create Calagator::Venue 202390070 BridgePort Brew Pub Roll back

country nil US
events_count nil 25
id nil 202390070
latitude nil 45.5311
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.685
postal_code nil 97209
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996332914
street_address nil 1313 Nw Marshall St
telephone nil 503.241.3612
title nil BridgePort Brew Pub
url nil
Change #1177

update Calagator::Event 1250457808 Portland Functional Programming Study Group Roll back

venue_id 202391600 202390081
Change #1176

update Calagator::Venue 202392412 Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue Roll back

closed nil false
country nil United States
events_count nil 13
id 202391856 202392412
latitude nil 45.5308
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.68
postal_code nil 97209
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996334523
street_address nil 810 NW Marshall
title Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue Ziba Design - Auditorium
wifi nil false
Change #1175

create Calagator::Event 1250458037 Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space Roll back

description nil Join the Halprin Landscape Conservancy for the release of a book celebrating the world-renowned Portland fountain plazas designed by Lawrence Halprin. Saturday, December 5, 2pm Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue Admission: Free Introduction by Portland Parks Commissioner Nick Fish Lecture performance by Ron Blessinger, violinist, Third Angle Ensemble, with dancer/choreographers Linda K. Johnson, Tere Mathern, Cydney Wilkes, and Linda Austin Screening of The City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin - A documentary about the September 2008 performance in Halprin's Portland plazas Between 1963 and 1970, Lawrence Halprin and Associates realized the Portland Open Space Sequence: a quartet of public plazas in Portland, Oregon, that redefined the city and set a bold new precedent for urban landscape architecture. Comprised of Lovejoy Fountain, Pettygrove Park, and Ira Keller Fountain), plus the lesser-known Source Fountain, the plazas are a collage of striking concrete forms, gushing water, and alpine flora that, in their seamless mix of nature and theater, created a playful metaphorical watershed coursing through the central city. Where the Revolution Began (Spacemaker Press, $29.95) is the story of how these plazas came to be. Born of the creative experimentation and collaboration between the late Halprin and his wife, pioneering choreographer/dancer Anna Halprin, the Portland Open Space Sequence came to life in the unlikely setting of the Portland’s first scrape-and-rebuild urban renewal project. But Halprin defied the conventions of both American urban renewal and midcentury modernism, designing the kind of inviting, exuberant public space not seen since Renaissance Rome’s Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. The book is an outgrowth of “The City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin,” a performance that took place in the plazas in September 2008 as part of PICA’s annual TBA Festival. The book’s release, the performance, and screening is a celebration of Halprin, who passed away October 25 at age 94. For Lawrence Halprin, one of the 20th century’s most influential landscape architects, the Portland plazas were the first step in a career-long exploration of sequential works of landscape design, from the Haas Promenade in Jerusalem to the Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C. For Portland, Halprin’s work marked the beginning of a tradition of remaking the city around interactive public spaces, such as the famed Pioneer Courthouse Square. And for landscape architecture, the plazas laid the earliest foundations for the ecologically and socially responsive urbanism on the rise today. Replete with historic photographs and Halprin’s notebook drawings, Where the Revolution Began is a historically complete document of how this pivotal moment in urban landscape history came to be, from concept to fruition. All proceeds from sales benefit the Halprin Landscape Conservancy, a nonprofit organization devoted to educating the public and preserving the Portland Open Space Sequence.
end_time nil 2009-12-05 15:30:00 -0800
id nil 1250458037
start_time nil 2009-12-05 14:00:00 -0800
title nil Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space
url nil
venue_id nil 202391856
Change #1174

create Calagator::Venue 202392412 Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue Roll back

id nil 202391856
title nil Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue
Change #1173

update Calagator::Venue 202391855 Concordia Coffee House Roll back

address nil 2909 NE Alberta Portland, OR 97211
closed nil false
country nil US
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 1
latitude nil 45.5591
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6357
postal_code nil 97211
region nil OR
street_address nil 2909 NE Alberta
telephone nil (503) 810-2279
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #1172

update Calagator::Event 1250458031 Portland Semantic Web Interest Group Roll back

locked nil false
venue_id 202390081 202391855
Change #1171

create Calagator::Venue 202391855 Concordia Coffee House Roll back

id nil 202391855
title nil Concordia Coffee House
Change #1170

update Calagator::Venue 202391854 University Club Roll back

address nil 1225 SW 6th Avenue
country nil US
description nil
email nil
latitude nil 45.517
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6733
postal_code nil 97204
region nil OR
telephone nil
title University Club University Club of Portland
url nil
Change #1169

create Calagator::Event 1250458036 Portland Female Executives Wall of Wine Benefit Gala Roll back

description nil On Tuesday, December 8, plan to mix and mingle with friends, colleagues, and Portland's female business leaders at the historic University Club of Portland for the Portland Female Executives (PDXfX) Wall-of-Wine Benefit Gala & Fundraiser. Our annual events are consistent smash hits. Whether you stop by after work in your holiday best or go all out with lots of sparkle and a great black dress or jacket, you'll enjoy delightful holiday cheer, complimentary hors d'oeuvres and wine, and best of all, plenty of fun and the opportunity to go home with some absolutely wonderful bottles of wine. Enjoy the surprise – and help women succeed! Here's how the wall-of-wine works. Buy by number (all labels will be hidden) at a flat $25 per bottle or $100 for five bottles. Your "lucky number" could yield any number of outstanding local and international wines. Proceeds benefit the Portland affiliate chapter of Girl’s Inc, an organization that inspires girls ages 8 to 18, to be strong, smart, and bold, and PDXfX, a non-profit organization supporting the advancement of women in business. Member appreciation PDXfX members are invited to enjoy the evening at a reduced rate of $15.00. Guests, spouses, friends, and colleagues are warmly welcomed at $30 per person. RSVP & Other Details What: PDXfX Member Appreciation & Wall-of-Wine Benefit Gala Where: The University Club of Portland (Gold Room) When: Tuesday, December 8; 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Tickets: $15 for PDXfX members, $30 for all others RSVP: Registration Now Open @ The online Registration will close at 3:00 pm day of event. However you can still attend by paying at the door. Please note we have a 48 hour cancellation policy prior to events.
end_time nil 2009-12-08 20:30:00 -0800
id nil 1250458036
start_time nil 2009-12-08 17:30:00 -0800
title nil Portland Female Executives Wall of Wine Benefit Gala
url nil
venue_id nil 202391854
Change #1168

create Calagator::Venue 202391854 University Club Roll back

id nil 202391854
title nil University Club
Change #1167

update Calagator::Event 1250457806 Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting Roll back

description Topics include: * Markus Roberts presents some particularly puzzling code. * Maher Hawash presents BrowseCMS. * Igal Koshevoy presents ActiveScaffold and home-brewed Snippets. * Other Ruby-based CMS/blog discussions. * ...your great talk here! * And many other topics that come up at the meeting. <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i> Meeting topics: * Markus Roberts presents some particularly puzzling code. * Maher Hawash presents BrowseCMS. * Igal Koshevoy presents ActiveScaffold and home-brewed Snippets. * Other Ruby-based CMS/blog discussions. * ...your great talk here! * And many other topics that come up at the meeting. <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i>
locked nil false
Change #1166

update Calagator::Event 1250457765 Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition Roll back

description We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Bring something yummy to the potluck -- <a href="">tell us what you're bringing</a>. Come and eat with us -- <a href="">see what others are bringing</a> <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Bring something yummy to the potluck: <a href="">tell us what you're bringing</a>. Come and eat with us: <a href="">see what others are bringing</a> <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a>
Change #1165

update Calagator::Event 1250457765 Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition Roll back

description We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! Bring something yummy to the potluck -- <a href="">tell us what you're bringing</a>. Come and eat with us -- <a href="">see what others are bringing</a> <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Bring something yummy to the potluck -- <a href="">tell us what you're bringing</a>. Come and eat with us -- <a href="">see what others are bringing</a> <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a>
Change #1164

update Calagator::Event 1250457765 Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition Roll back

description We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> Bring something yummy to the potluck -- <a href="">tell us what you're bringing</a>. Come and eat with us -- <a href="">see what others are bringing</a> We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! Bring something yummy to the potluck -- <a href="">tell us what you're bringing</a>. Come and eat with us -- <a href="">see what others are bringing</a> <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a>
Change #1163

update Calagator::Event 1250457765 Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition Roll back

description We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> Bring something yummy to the potluck, tell us what here: See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck: We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> Bring something yummy to the potluck -- <a href="">tell us what you're bringing</a>. Come and eat with us -- <a href="">see what others are bringing</a>
Change #1162

update Calagator::Event 1250457765 Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition Roll back

description We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> Bring something to the potluck! See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck: We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> Bring something yummy to the potluck, tell us what here: See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck:
Change #1161

update Calagator::Event 1250457806 Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting Roll back

description Topics include: * Markus Roberts presents some particularly puzzling code. * Maher Hawash presents BrowseCMS. * Igal Koshevoy presents ActiveScaffold * Other Ruby-based CMS/blog discussions. * ...your great talk here! * And many other topics that come up at the meeting. <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i> Topics include: * Markus Roberts presents some particularly puzzling code. * Maher Hawash presents BrowseCMS. * Igal Koshevoy presents ActiveScaffold and home-brewed Snippets. * Other Ruby-based CMS/blog discussions. * ...your great talk here! * And many other topics that come up at the meeting. <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i>
Change #1160

update Calagator::Event 1250457806 Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting Roll back

description <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i> Topics include: * Markus Roberts presents some particularly puzzling code. * Maher Hawash presents BrowseCMS. * Igal Koshevoy presents ActiveScaffold * Other Ruby-based CMS/blog discussions. * ...your great talk here! * And many other topics that come up at the meeting. <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i>
Change #1159

update Calagator::Event 1250457765 Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition Roll back

description We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> Bring something to the potluck! See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck: We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> Bring something to the potluck! See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck:
Change #1158

update Calagator::Event 1250457765 Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition Roll back

description We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! <h3>This Year's Sponsors:</h3> <a href=""><strong>Nedspace</strong></a><br/>And <a href=""><img src="" /></a> Bring something to the potluck! See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck:
Change #1157

update Calagator::Event 1250458035 Chat with Allen alley Roll back

title Chat with Allen alley Chat with Allen Alley
Change #1156

update Calagator::Venue 202390557 Stoel Rives Roll back

address nil 900 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 2600 Portland, OR
closed nil false
country nil US
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 18
id 202391853 202390557
latitude nil 45.517
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.678
postal_code nil 97204
region nil OR
street_address nil 900 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 2600
telephone nil (503) 224-3380
title Stoel Rives Stoel Rives LLP
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #1155

create Calagator::Event 1250458035 Chat with Allen alley Roll back

description nil Over 30 years Allen Alley has built an experience base that spans multiple disciplines from engineering to marketing, venture capital, entrepreneurship and most recently, public service. In January 1997 he co-founded Pixelworks where he still serves as Chairman of the Board. Pixelworks (NASDAQ:PXLW), a fabless semiconductor company, is a leading provider of system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry. Pixelworks' solutions provide the intelligence for advanced televisions, multimedia projectors and flat panel monitors by processing and optimizing video and computer graphics signals to produce high quality images. Many of the world's leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and computer display products utilize our technology to enhance image quality and ease of use of their products. Under Allen’s leadership as President, CEO and Chairman for 10 years, Pixelworks has achieved many major accomplishments, including: • Growing Pixelworks into a global company with approximately 250 employees at offices in Portland, San Jose, Tokyo, Taipei and Shanghai. •Leading a successful initial public offering in May 2000 raising $66.1 million which was the top semiconductor IPO of 2000. • Exceeding $1 billion in cumulative revenue since founding in 1997 and $171 million in annual revenue in 2005. Join us on Dec 2nd to hear about Allen Alley’s entrepreneurial journey.
end_time nil 2009-12-02 19:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250458035
start_time nil 2009-12-02 17:30:00 -0800
title nil Chat with Allen alley
url nil
venue_id nil 202391853
Change #1154

create Calagator::Venue 202390557 Stoel Rives Roll back

id nil 202391853
title nil Stoel Rives
Change #1153

create Calagator::Event 1250458034 PDX Weekly Hackathon Roll back

description nil Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.
end_time nil 2009-12-03 22:30:00 -0800
id nil 1250458034
start_time nil 2009-12-03 18:30:00 -0800
title nil PDX Weekly Hackathon
url nil
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #1152

update Calagator::Event 1250457925 Oregon Training Network: Managing Virtual Teams Roll back

duplicate_of_id nil 1250458021
locked nil false
Change #1151

update Calagator::Venue 202391852 Roll back

closed nil false
country nil US
events_count nil 1
latitude nil 45.4755
locality Beaverton, Beaverton
longitude nil -122.7805
title Portland Tech Shop
wifi nil false
Change #1150

update Calagator::Venue 202391852 Roll back

address nil
description nil
email nil
locality nil Beaverton,
postal_code nil 97005
region nil OR
street_address nil 10100 SW Allen Blvd.
telephone nil (503) 643-SHOP
url nil
Change #1149

create Calagator::Event 1250458033 PARTS hackaton @ opentechspace Roll back

description nil Hi folks, At Monty's suggestion, we agreed to start having every-other-week meetings, starting Monday November 16 at 7pm, at Techshop in Beaverton, in their meeting room. This coming Monday is the second such meeting. What is the purpose of this meeting? Good question! I think it is to get together to work on projects while offering help and getting help from others. I won't be teaching classes or giving a lecture, though if others want to, feel free. There is no agenda. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A TECHSHOP MEMBER TO ATTEND THESE MEETINGS, though you do need to be a member to use their equipment -- except for the following caveat. Monty, correct me if I'm wrong, but, I believe you said that the Open Tech Space corner at TechShop IS available to non-TechShop members, which is awesome. This gives you access to test equipment, soldering stations, and work benches. Do you have any other input on this, Monty? We'll probably stay until 8pm, perhaps longer if enough people show up and there is staff on hand. See: for details about TechShop, including a map. And: for details about Open Tech Space. The address is: 10100 SW Allen Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97005 (503) 643-SHOP -Pete
end_time nil 2009-11-30 21:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250458033
start_time nil 2009-11-30 19:00:00 -0800
title nil PARTS hackaton @ opentechspace
url nil
venue_id nil 202391852
Change #1148

create Calagator::Venue 202391852 Roll back

id nil 202391852
title nil