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TechAmerica Oregon - SEC Accounting Upate

Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room
4001 SW Canyon Rd.
Portland , OR 97221-9704, US (map)



About the Program During this session you will learn about current SEC and FASB hot topics as well as an update from the AICPA/SEC conference being held in December. Learn more about evolving guidance on fair value, asset impairments, revenue recognition and other current financial reporting topics. This technical update will feature Teresa Iannaconi, a senior technical partner at KPMG based in New York who serves in the SEC and Practice Advisory Group and is the Partner in Charge of KPMG’s Department of Professional Practice - Knowledge Sharing.

What You Will Learn? - Recent fair value reporting developments and other issues from the “credit crisis” and market conditions - Recent SEC activities including guidance on recent comments, international financial reporting, non-GAAP financial measures and management’s discussion and analysis - FASB & EITF Update

Who Should Attend: - CFO’s, Controllers, SEC reporting managers, Accounting Managers, Audit Committee members, and other executives who are seeking an update on current SEC/Accounting topics, as well as changes to the accounting and regulatory environment.

Speaker: - Teresa Iannaconi, Senior Partner, KPMG LLP

Event Details: Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010 Time: 7:30 - 10:30 a.m. 7:30 - 8:00 a.m - Networking/Breakfast, 8:00 - 10:30 a.m.- Program and Q&A Location: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR Fees: TechAmerica members and guests of KPMG $35, SAO and OEN industry members $35, non-members $95 CPE Credits: Pending Approval Register: Online or by calling TechAmerica Oregon, 503-624-4871

Thank you KPMG LLP for sponsoring this event.

