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Viewing 0 current events matching “ubuntu” by Event Name.

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Viewing 16 past events matching “ubuntu” by Event Name.

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Jun 16, 2012
Debian / Ubuntu Bug Squashing Party
Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09

Join us for another joint Debian / Ubuntu collaboration on bug-squashing!

We'll be focusing on multi-arch, bitesized bugs, and more.

Aug 22, 2012
Debian Beering + Ubuntu Hour
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come Join fellow Ubuntu Users and Debian Folk for beer, snacks and some good socializing surrounding open source. This event is being held at Lucky Lab and attendees should bring $$ for their own food/drink.

Nov 10, 2018
Learn Linux, You Must! What's Your Flavor?
Portland Community Church

Did you know Linux dominates the vast majority of web servers? It's an essential skill to learn if your an administrator, developer, or architect.

I'll share a demo of installing, setting up a filesystem, managing a firewall, run a hypervisor, and share the basic admin commands. If we have time we can include a discussion on Linux containers.

If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom If you want to listen, we're also on Facebook Live

Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration.

Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people.

The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session.

Sep 11, 2008
Luz Code Sprint - Ruby music visualization
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Luz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code internally!

This event is open to EVERYONE, from coders to artists to musicians, everyone's input and contributions will be super useful.

I'm especially eager to see:

  • 2d sketch artists
  • OpenGL enthusiasts
  • Cairo enthusiasts

Please don't hesitate to invite your friends! :)

We'll have some fun inputs to play with: a wacom tablet, a console with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and hopefully we'll be able to hook up to the projector.

If you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy. In Ubuntu:

1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb

Sep 6, 2008
Luz, the Ruby Music Visualizer, Code Sprint
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Luz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!)

We are holding the first-ever Luz code sprint:

  • Saturday, Sep 6th, 10am to 6pm at CubeSpace

(we had talked about doing it on sunday, but no: it's saturday)

This event is open to EVERYONE. Even if you don't know Ruby yet, there are plenty of ways to join in, from writing/improving the English descriptions for the 150+ existing plugins, to thinking of new plugins, or even just playing with Luz! :)

I'll bring all my gear for people to use: a wacom tablet, midi controller with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and we'll hook up to the projector.

Join us this Saturday! I really hope to see you there!


p.s. if you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy:

1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb

Mar 19, 2015
OpenStack Jumpstart - OSNW User Group

Getting up to speed in OpenStack can be challenging. Whether you're just getting involved or trying to find the deepest details on a given project, where to start is not obvious. Vern Hart (Director of Delivery at Solinea) will cover the landscape of training options available, as well providing a roundup of the best sources of OpenStack information out there. He'll also give some guidance on interacting with the community and how best to leverage the knowledge of the thousands of brilliant developers available via mailing list or IRC.

Vern Hart is the Director of Delivery at Solinea. He is a proven consultant specializing in open infrastructure and helping customers adopting new infrastructure architectures and solutions. Vern has over 20 years of systems administration experience. Prior to Solinea, He was CTO at three separate companies including his own which eventually merged with their largest competitor. Most recently Vern was Director of Support Operations and Training at Morphlabs where he was instrumental in the migration of Morphlabs onto OpenStack from Eucalyptus. He has proven success in both systems development and engineering roles.

Dinner & drinks provided.

Please note our gracious hosts code of conduct:

Nov 16, 2010
PLUG Advanced Topics: Artificial Neural Networks: Principles and Applications
Free Geek

Portland Linux/Unix User Group Meeting Announcement PLUG Advanced Topics for November 2010

Topic: "Artificial Neural Networks: Principles and Applications" by Cooper Stevenson

Date and Time: Tuesday, November 16th, 7PM Location: Free Geek, 1731 SE 10th Avenue

Cooper will emphasize the financial industry's use of ANN's as it is closest to what he does. However, he will be mindful to cover other areas where they are useful to as wide an audience as possible.

Cooper Stevenson's Bio: Cooper is a leading expert in Information Technology systems for business automation. His award winning designs focus on expanding business intelligence and automation for medium and large industry. He moved Legislation through the Oregon Legislature and has written over ten publications for online resources. He is also featured in CNET News, Linux Today, and Recently, Cooper developed the first automated artificial neural network system for predicting financial securities price fluctuations and business process intelligence.

Food & Drink: At the last meeting we talked about having a Lucky Lab menu and calling in an order. With their dinner rush beginning at 6PM, you are welcome to call in and pay for your own order in the afternoon and pick it up before the meeting. Or bring whatever food you wish for that matter:

Lucky Lab on Hawthorne 503-236-3555

David Mandel (for Michael Dexter)

Oct 19, 2010
PLUG Advanced Topics: Ubuntu Release Engineering by Allison Randal
Free Geek

Ubuntu 10.10 arrived on 10/10/10 and work has already begun on Ubuntu 11.04, scheduled for April of 2011.

Allison Randal is the Technical Architect for Ubuntu at Canonical and will give a tour of how a Ubuntu release transforms from a download from to a production-ready ISO that is ready to be downloaded by millions of users around the world.

Allison will highlight how the Ubuntu community gets involved along the way during the release process.

Food & Drink: At the last meeting we talked about having a Lucky Lab menu and calling in an order. With their dinner rush beginning at 6PM, you are welcome to call in and pay for your own order in the afternoon and pick it up before the meeting. Or bring whatever food you wish for that matter:

Lucky Lab on Hawthorne 503-236-3555

Nov 9, 2018
SeaGL: Seattle GNU Linux conference
through Seattle Central College

The 2018 Seattle GNU/Linux Conference is scheduled for November 9th and 10th at Seattle Central College. 9am-5:30pm both days.

SeaGL is a grassroots technical conference dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about the GNU/Linux community and free/libre/open-source software/hardware. Our goal for SeaGL is to produce an event which is as enjoyable and informative for those who spend their days maintaining hundreds of servers as it is for a student who has only just started exploring technology options. SeaGL's first year was 2013.

The cost of attendance is free.

Attendee Registration will not require the use of non-free software.

You may attend SeaGL without identifying yourself, and you are encouraged to do so to protect your privacy.

Oct 22, 2011
Ubuntu 11.10 Release Party

I'm proud to announce Ubuntu Oregon's 11.10 Release Party will take place on October 22nd, 2011 at Backspace, 115 NW 5th Ave, Portland, Oregon. Although this will not be a catered event there will be plenty of food and beverage options for those who bring money. Backspace makes everything from Nachos to Hummus and has a wide variety of local non-alcoholic beverages. Additionally next door there is a very decent burger shop that sells domestic and micro brews and there is Chinese food and other options in close proximity.

It is pretty likely that we may break off into a group after the release party to grab a cocktail for those who are interested and during the event we will have access to free wifi and power!

I would like to take a quick second and thank Eucalyptus for sponsoring some custom Ubuntu Oregon Oneiric T-Shirts... We should have close to enough for everyone who attends but just in case I will say they are going to be given out on a first come first serve basis!

Feel free to bring a friend or relative and please RSVP at (You can RSVP last minute if need be) I'm hoping some of the local Canonical people will be able to attend and I'm going to ping them with this announcement so we shall see!

Apr 29, 2012
Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin Release Party
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

For every Ubuntu release we like to organise parties all over the world. At these parties everyone is welcome and we get together to celebrate, meet new friends and often introduce people new to Ubuntu to our community and our Operating System. Release parties are not only a great way to meet people but they are a lot of fun!

RSVP for the event is available here:

Oct 20, 2012
Ubuntu 12.10 Release Party
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Ubuntu Oregon will be holding a 12.10 Release Party at PuppetLabs.

Pizza, Soft Drinks and Beer are also being provided thanks to the folks at PuppetLabs.

Additionally the folks at InkTank will be sponsoring some 12.10 release shirts!

Mar 4, 2012
Ubuntu Global Jam
Free Geek

The Ubuntu Global Jam is an incredible opportunity for the Ubuntu community to unite together around the weekend of 2nd - 4th March 2012 to work together to improve Ubuntu. Everyone is able to contribute to the Jam, and everyone is welcome and encouraged to get involved. Curious about how to make a real difference to Ubuntu? This is a great chance to make that difference.

Mar 3, 2013
Ubuntu Global Jam
Free Geek

Ubuntu Oregon is at it again bringing Oregonians together to hack on bugs and learn about contributing to Ubuntu and the Community Flavors!

Come join us at FreeGeek on March 3rd from 1pm to 5:30pm.

May 17, 2012
Ubuntu Hour + Debian Beering
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come Join Fellow Ubuntu Users and some Debian Folk for a beer or snack and some good socializing surrounding open source. This event is being held at Lucky Lab and attendees should bring $$ for their own food/drink.

Apr 19, 2012
Using Windows Programs in Ubuntu Class
Free Geek

New to Ubuntu Linux and have a Windows program you just can't live without? Learn how to search for Linux equivalents or use programs like Wine to make your Windows programs compatible with your computer.
