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Friday, September 5, 2008 at 1:13am.
Luz, the Ruby Music Visualizer, Code Sprint
This venue is no longer open for business.
Luz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!)
We are holding the first-ever Luz code sprint:
- Saturday, Sep 6th, 10am to 6pm at CubeSpace
(we had talked about doing it on sunday, but no: it's saturday)
This event is open to EVERYONE. Even if you don't know Ruby yet, there are plenty of ways to join in, from writing/improving the English descriptions for the 150+ existing plugins, to thinking of new plugins, or even just playing with Luz! :)
I'll bring all my gear for people to use: a wacom tablet, midi controller with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and we'll hook up to the projector.
Join us this Saturday! I really hope to see you there!
p.s. if you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy:
1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ian-mcintosh/luz/trunk luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb