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Viewing 11 past events matching “sre” by Event Name.

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Sep 10, 2019
DevOpsDays Portland
through Oregon Convention Center

DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Each event is entirely volunteer run and feature a combination of self-organized open space content and curated talks around automation, testing, security, and organizational culture.

We will have a half day of workshops on the 10th, followed by 2 days of talks and unconference-style open spaces including

Full length talks:

  • Gene Kim - The Unicorn Project And The Five Ideals
  • Kenzie Woodbridge - Everyone's a player (in a mid-90s MUD)
  • Thai Wood - Everything I know about incident response I learned on an ambulance
  • Andy Fleener - Here's your Pager, GLHF
  • Jennifer Davis - Prioritizing Trust while Creating Applications
  • Courtney Eckhardt - How to have an operational incident (a crash course)
  • Deepak Giridharagopal - The Dark Side of Scale
  • Dave Stanke - Continuous Integration Testing: Fully test your microservices application, early and often
  • Paige Bernier - Best Vends: The How and Why to befriend your vendors
  • Aaron Aldrich - Continuous Improvement: DevOps and Mental Illness


  • Allie Richards - Alice's Adventures in Devopsland
  • Matty Stratton - Hot Takes, Myths, And Other Falsehoods - Why Everyone Is Wrong About DevOps Except For Me
  • Ashina Sipiora - Negotiating your Next Job in Tech
  • Aaron Aldrich - Observability Observed
  • Dawn Parzych - 10 Things I Hate About DevOps
  • Josh Berkus - How Fast Was My Kubernetes?
  • Matt Busche - Web Performance - Where to start?
  • Jay Gordon - What I Learned From A Dress, an On-Call Nightmare
  • Laura Janusek - Get Your Poker Face On: How to Use Scrum Poker to Slay Project Estimations
  • Terri Haber - Product Owners are Reliabilibuddies

Open Spaces:

  • You decide!

Please see the website for the most up-to-date program and the workshops as they are confirmed:

Register to attend here: or sign up to volunteer and attend for free by filling out

Nov 9, 2017
Nike Tech Talks
Nike Decathlon Club Cafe

Join Nike Digital for the Nike Tech Talks on November 9th!

Lisa Phillips, VP of Site Reliability Engineering at Fastly, will be giving a talk on the Incident Command protocol.

Food and beverages will be served at the event and there will be time to network before and after the talk.

Learn more and RSVP at:

Apr 3, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

At the next Portland PUG meeting we’ll be talking about Hiera 5, formerly known as the lookup function. We'll be getting a demo from Mike Smith, a Technical Solutions Engineer at Puppet. If you've not followed this topic closely it will be a great way to get up to speed on the changes.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 Hiera 5 demo, Mike Smith

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

May 1, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

At the next Portland PUG meeting we’ll be talking about Terraform, HashiCorp's popular provisioning tool, and how it relates to Puppet. Rich Burroughs from Puppet's SRE team will be speaking and doing a demo. If you're interested in Terraform please bring your thoughts and contribute to the discussion.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 Terraform and Puppet, Rich Burroughs

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

Jun 5, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

At the next Portland PUG meeting we'll be taking a look at some of the new features in Puppet Enterprise 2017.2. Sean Techavatnavisal will be showing us the new Package Inspector, and the new feature that lets you run the Puppet agent on nodes from the UI. Sean is a Technical Solutions Engineer at Puppet.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 Package Inspector and Puppet Jobs, Sean Techavatnavisal

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

Jul 10, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

The Puppet office will be closed on 7/3, so the July PUG meeting will be held on Monday 7/10.

Corey Osman will be talking about the Puppet Debugger, a tool he wrote to help people get instant feedback about what their Puppet code is doing. With the Puppet Debugger you can set breakpoints, inspect variables, run functions, test datatypes, and much more. Corey will walk us through how to setup the debugger and show serval real world scenarios involving everyday problems found in most puppet shops. Corey is a software consultant with a lot of Puppet experience, and he’s one of the organizers of our PUG.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:15 Puppet Debugger, Corey Osman

7:00-7:45 Mingling

7:45-8 End Meeting

Aug 7, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

We have two presentations for the August PUG. Glenn Sarti from the Puppet Engineering team has a lightning talk about the new Puppet plugin for Visual Studio Code. Code is becoming a very popular editor, and the new plugin has some great features.

Gene Liverman from the Puppet SRE team will be giving an overview of doing Puppet on Windows. Gene will be covering topics like DSC, Chocolatey, and using Powershell.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-6:50 Puppet plugin for VS Code, Glenn Sarti

6:50-7:30 Puppet on Windows, Gene Liverman 

7:30-8:00 Mingling

8:00 End Meeting 

Oct 2, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

We have two presentations for the October PUG. Lindsey Smith + Jesse Scott from the Puppet Product and Engineering team (respectively) will be sharing the Puppet Development Kit with us. It's a great session for folks getting started with the PDK or just eager to learn more.

Corey Osman from the community will be presenting on puppet-retrospec and the differences and overlaps between the PDK.

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-6:55 Puppet Development Kit, Lindsey Smith + Jesse Scott

6:55-7:20 Puppet-Retrospec, Corey Osman

7:20-8:00 Mingling

8:00 End Meeting

Nov 6, 2017
Portland Puppet User Group
Puppet HQ

Hi everyone,

We have a PuppetConf 2017 Recap for the October PUG. Elizabeth Plumb, PNW Sales Engineer from Sales Engineering team will be talking about all the exciting new announcements that were made in SF a few weeks ago. We will also have community member Corey Osman showing us how to test across multiple Puppet versions. This will be super useful information for folks interested in the new release and upgrading to the most current versions of Open Source and Enterprise!

We hope to see you there :)


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-7:00 PuppetConf Recap, Elizabeth Plumb

7:00-7:30 Testing across multiple Puppet versions, Corey Osman

7:30-8:00 Mingling

8:00 End Meeting

Apr 12, 2017
Site Reliability Engineering at Dropbox
PSU Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) - Room 2500

Please RSVP on Eventbrite

Join us on April 12th to learn about Site Reliability Engineering at Dropbox!

Dropbox's Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team is a hybrid software/systems group which works with traditional software engineering, capacity engineering, and infrastructure teams to ensure that Dropbox runs smoothly.

Thank you Nike and Portland State University for sponsoring this awesome event!

Mar 26, 2019
The Kinds of Uptime Worth Wanting
Squarespace PDX

Consistency, Durability, Scalability, and Availability and your data stores: a review of various distributed database topologies, and a discussion of what problems they are best suited to solve.

Today's admin and SRE teams may find themselves afloat in a sea of acronyms and carefully worded promises when they consider how to scale their database layer without sacrificing critical uptime and consistency guarantees.

Developed to provide a North Star for our own teams when they look at scaling any particular workflow, come listen to our presentation 'On The Kinds of Uptime Worth Wanting'. Robust discussion and refreshments to follow.

Pizza and Refreshments will be provided.
