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PDX NodeBots Day: 2018

926 NW 13th Street
Portland, OR 97209, USA (map)



NodeBots Day is world wide event where people learn how to control the physical world with JavaScript. The focus of NodeBots Day is on sharing and enjoying each other's company and JavaScript - lots of JavaScript.

This year PDXNode and Women Who Code Portland are joining forces to host an awesome NodeBots Day in Portland. We want you to leave with the satisfaction of making something awesome!

Continuing in the spirit of the international NodeBots Day event: this is not a hackathon. It's about spending a day in an amazing workshop with good people and tinkering, hacking and generally putting tools where hardware would rather you didn't. Women Who Code Portland will be providing some hardware at the event, but feel free to bring your own!

We are very beginner and help is available. There will be seasoned Nodesters ready and available to help anyone with questions or advice throughout the event. NodeBots also has a online chat community where you can connect to other hackers around the world who are also exploring.

