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PacMap at the Park Blocks

North Park Blocks Playground
NW Davis St & NW Park Ave
Portland, OR 97209 (map)



If you were at WhereCamp 2008 you might have had the opportunity to play Pacmanhattan. The game was epic and played by cell phones on the park blocks!

Come play a new version of the game using real-time location and GPS through the Geoloqi app! We'll be starting at 2Pm at the playground in the North Park blocks.

To play, you'll need Geoloqi for iPhone: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/geoloqi/id415603875?mt=8 or Android https://market.android.com/details?id=com.geoloqi.android1

We'll turn on the PacMap layer before the event, so all you need to do is bring some comfortable running/walking shoes and a fully charged phone!

See you there!

