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Friday, September 5, 2014 at 11:38am.
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Past events that happened here
TuesdayDec 6 2016GraphQLPDX Presentation night–
AppNexusFirst ever GraphQL meetup! I'll give a talk on how we use GraphQL at AppNexus and some of the gotchas. We can open it up for lightening talks as well (show is your cool stuff)!
Current plan is to host at AppNexus, but this may change. Hope to see you there!
ThursdaySep 10 2015Monthly Meetup: The Most Difficult Audience
Presenter: Eric Redmond - Solutions Architect at Nike
Networking: 6:30 - 7:00
Presentation: 7:00 - 8:00The most difficult audience members when presenting or writing for are not the ones we all fear, the smarty-pants, know-it-alls. Much more difficult are attempting to communicate with those that have no context or basic knowledge at all. This talk is about how to break down those walls, and cover topics on the proper audience level. Cartoons help.
ThursdayAug 20 2015Women Navigate IT: Empathy in Tech–
AppNexusWhy does tech shy away from empathy with customers (or employees for that matter)? Lately the new thing has been to "bring empathy to the customer process" - which isn't really a new thing at all. In fact, development decisions as well as business decisions can rely on empathy as a compass.
This short workshop will take you through the process of creating a customer journey & empathy map that will help you question the status quo, build great tech, and grow in your career.
The workshop will be lead by Kristen Gallagher, the founder of education design firm Edify. We will also have an interactive section. You will leave with tools to navigate your career more successfully.
ThursdayJul 9 2015PDX Web & Design Meetup–
(Catfish: To lure someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona.)
In the love game of marketing and user profiling, a common occurrence is surfacing—your audience is catfishing you… and you’re falling for it.
You rely on your audience’s profiles to describe themselves: male or female, median household income, and interests. Your narrow questions lead to vast assumptions. Unknowingly, individuals are defining their entire online persona with just a single answer, an answer which then defines your segmentation and content strategy. You speak to, and create content for, a stereotype rather than a real human being.
By using non-intrusive tactics, you’ll learn how to carefully mine out your audience's true desires and needs as individuals, allowing their actions to speak for them. Listening to those actions, you’ll be able to create strategic segmentations, and provide more personalized content, that will help to drive authentic brand engagement.
When you ring the doorbell, make sure you know who’s on the other side.
This presentation is lead by two members of the eROI team...
Cher Fuller - Digital Strategist Tatiana Mac - Design Lead
MondayFeb 23 2015ChickTech Indiegogo Campaign Release Party–
AppNexusJoin us at ChickTech to celebrate the release of our Indiegogo Campaign and to participate in spreading the word!
We need your help to make this campaign a success. Join us for some pizza and beer, watch our Indiegogo video, and bring your laptops and smartphones to help us spread the word about this campaign to anyone and everyone.
ThursdayOct 9 2014AppNexus Tech Talk: Powering 300+ Web Services on LAMP and Beyond–
AppNexusPowering 300+ Web Services on LAMP and Beyond
In less than seven years, AppNexus has grown from a big idea into the largest independent AdTech company in the world. Join us on October 9th as Principal Engineer, Larry Finn, discusses the architectural and engineering challenges of achieving this scale.
Doors open at 6:00pm – enjoy some food and beer with us before the program begins at 6:30pm.
Space is limited so please RSVP at the link below to reserve your space
TuesdaySep 30 2014AppNexus Tech Event–
AppNexusAppNexus is hosting a Tech Event to talk about JavaScript! Come see how we use this language for automation, command-line tools, and more!
Please learn more and RSVP at the link below.