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Viewing 0 current events matching “walk” by Date.

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Viewing 4 past events matching “walk” by Date.

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Mar 12, 2009
Portland car-free happy hour
Roots Organic Brewing [Out of business. *Sigh*]

What's your vision of sustainable transportation and how to make it happen for Portland and the greater world? How do you get around in Portland in and in the greater world? What are you working on? Please join Portland's first Car-free happy hour to discuss, mingle, and eat and drink.

When: 2nd Thursday of each month (First is March 12), 5-7pm

Where: Roots Organic Brewing Company, 1520 SE 7th Ave, Portland, OR

Who's invited: Bicyclists, transit riders, pedestrians, motorists looking for other options, carpoolers, activists, consultants, nerds, journalists, public agency employees, politicians, neighbors, and friends

What: Car-free happy hour is an informal venue to mingle participate in a social exchange of information, ideas, and connections. Let's put the ingredients together and see what happens.

May 9, 2009
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
Rose Quarter Commons

We're looking for volunteers to help with registration, advocacy, cheerleading and participant traffic directors (route monitors). If you're interested in volunteering, please email [email protected] by Wed., April 29th. If you're interested in having a team for the walk or walking as an individual, please call Amy Theberge at 503-795-3958 or email her at [email protected].

Sep 19, 2013
Cityscope presents Detour/Dérive
Dealers Supply Parcel 1 North

Six participants will present their findings from Detour/Dérive, an urban experiment presented by Project Cityscope, the non-profit organization of Works Partnership Architecture. The participants have engaged in separate walks by choosing a bus line to ride and getting off at a stop or stops they find intriguing. The task was to walk, document/record, and reflect within a 24-hour period. The aim of this project is to explore, project, and/or (mis)interpret narratives of the city that do not occur to us as critical to the urban landscape.

Oct 12, 2016
4K 4Charity Fun Run PDX 2016
Naito Legacy Fountain under the Burnside Bridge

The 4K 4Charity Fun Run PDX 2016 is a 4km (2.49-mile) run and walk event that celebrates the achievements of the growing technology community in Portland while promoting diversity, wellness and charitable giving in a fun, casual environment. All proceeds will benefit Rosemary Anderson High School (RAHS), an Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc. (OIC) community-based alternative high school.

The run and walk event is followed by a complimentary after-party at the finish line featuring music, food and beverages, and fun for the whole family. Register today!
