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Viewing 0 current events matching “video game” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “video game” by Date.

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Oct 10, 2013
The Stumpquest Games Fest
through Art Institute of Portland

The Stumpquest Games Fest is a 4-day games festival celebrating the integration of games, design, art, and technology in collaboration with independent developers. Come participate in the multifaceted medium of games through design and play! In addition to attending, registration is open for volunteers and those who want to showcase their game projects.

Events include: Twine Workshop, Board Game Prototyping, Indie Games Tournament, Indie Games Arcade, Twine Jam, Film Screening

For full details, visit the Pixel Arts Game Education listing:

Jul 9, 2015
(Sp)Indie Game Development Night
Spin Laundry

Making video games. Getting clean. Living the dream.