Viewing 0 current events matching “tutorial” by Location.
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Viewing 12 past events matching “tutorial” by Location.
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Mar 22, 2014
Soft Circuits at Lovecraft, An LED Crafty Workshop – Lovecraft Bar Join Cacophonous Creations for another edition of introductory lessons into the world of soft circuits! Who: Anyone 21+ years old, who wants to learn how to add an LED and switch to an article of clothing, stuffed animal, or fabric based accessory. All skill levels of sewing and electronics are welcome! Cost: $5 covers basic materials + sliding scale workshop fee $5-15 Things to bring with you: A stuffed animal, article of clothing, or fabric based accessory, or anything else you want to add some electronic bling to (non- stretchy materials work best) Scissors Needle nose pliers Head lamp (I have a few lamps. However, we are sewing in a bar with limited lighting and your eyes may appreciate additional light.) non-conductive cotton or polyester thread that coordinates with your fabric. |
Apr 26, 2014
Soft Circuits at Lovecraft, An LED Crafty Workshop – Lovecraft Bar Join us for another edition of introductory lessons into the world of soft circuits! Who: Anyone 21+ years old, who wants to learn how to add an LED and switch to an article of clothing, stuffed animal, or fabric based accessory. All skill levels of sewing and electronics are welcome! Cost: $5 covers basic materials + sliding scale workshop fee $5-15 Things to bring with you: A stuffed animal, article of clothing, or fabric based accessory, or anything else you want to add some electronic bling to (non- stretchy materials work best) Scissors Needle nose pliers Head lamp (I have a few lamps. However, we are sewing in a bar with limited lighting and your eyes may appreciate additional light.) non-conductive cotton or polyester thread that coordinates with your fabric. |
May 24, 2014
Soft Circuits at Lovecraft, An LED Crafty Workshop – Lovecraft Bar Join us for another edition of introductory lessons into the world of soft circuits! Who: Anyone 21+ years old, who wants to learn how to add an LED and switch to an article of clothing, stuffed animal, or fabric based accessory. All skill levels of sewing and electronics are welcome! Cost: $5 covers basic materials + sliding scale workshop fee $5-15 Things to bring with you: A stuffed animal, article of clothing, or fabric based accessory, or anything else you want to add some electronic bling to (non- stretchy materials work best) Scissors Needle nose pliers Head lamp (I have a few lamps. However, we are sewing in a bar with limited lighting and your eyes may appreciate additional light.) non-conductive cotton or polyester thread that coordinates with your fabric. |
May 19, 2018
Where Do Good Ideas Come From? – TVF&R Station 67 Steve Buss will share how innovation works by inspiration from Steven Johnson's book "Where Good Ideas Come from: The Natural History of Innovation" Learn and share your passion in a supportive community. Free Knowledge Mission is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. Join us online for desktop or mobile at Join us at TVF&R Station 67 in Beaverton every Saturday at 11 AM for Music/Art and 1 PM for Science/Tech. |
May 29, 2018
Do You Want to Collaborate with other Music Artists in our Community? – TVF&R Station 67 Join us online for desktop or mobile at Visit and join our fun and positive music community. Garrett will share what he has learned and play some songs his guitar. Share your passion in a supportive community. Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Jun 2, 2018
Why JavaScript? Join us on Zoom. – TVF&R Station 67 Join us online for desktop or mobile at Garrett will share some basics to help you get started with JavaScript. We encourage you to share your experience with us too.oo. Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Free Knowledge Mission is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. Join us at TVF&R Station 67 in Beaverton every Saturday at 11 AM for Music/Art and 1 PM for Science/Tech. |
Jun 5, 2018
Do You Want to be a part of a Music Community and Learn the Guitar? – TVF&R Station 67 Join us online for desktop or mobile at Visit and join our fun and positive music community. Garrett will share what he has learned and play some songs his guitar. Share your passion in a supportive community. Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Jun 9, 2018
Check out how to Make Music with JavaScript and Node.js Join us on Zoom. – TVF&R Station 67 Join us online for desktop or mobile at We'll have a demo of the Github project Scribbletunes that uses JavaScript and Node.js. Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Jun 12, 2018
Do You Want to Collaborate with other Music Artists in our Community? – TVF&R Station 67 Join us online for desktop or mobile at Visit and join our fun and positive music community. Garrett will share what he has learned and play some songs his guitar. Share your passion in a supportive community. Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Jun 30, 2018
Interested in a Tours of Rasberri Pi, Ardiuno, and IoT? – TVF&R Station 67 Join us online for desktop or mobile at Michael Wild will show us the latest IoT devices and how you can use them in your project. Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Mar 29, 2014
Flask by Example: A PyCon Tutorial Practice Session – Urban Airship Inc Join us as Miguel Grinberg runs through his PyCon 2014 Tutorial Session: Flask by Example. Refreshments sponsored by, who have launched a new network to help people everywhere connect and take action on any issue that concerns them, locally or globally, online and in person. Help Miguel prepare for PyCon by being an audience member, and providing helpful feedback afterwards. ** While anyone is welcome to attend, please note that this session is an Intermediate-level tutorial. It will be most accessible and useful to those who already know Python fairly well and are looking to learn about the Flask framework. About Flask Flask is a web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. It is considered a micro-framework, but don't get the "micro" part fool you; Flask can do everything others can do, many times in a simpler, leaner way. In this tutorial session you will follow me as I write a complete web application in front of your eyes using the core framework and a handful of extensions. About this Session Flask is a small and easy to use, yet fully featured open source web framework written in Python. Its code is concise and well written, you can read it all and understand it. In this session you will learn the Flask way by watching me build a complete application in front of your eyes. Session Schedule 12:00pm ... Doors open 12:30pm ... Tutorial begins 2:00pm ... Stretch break 2:20pm ... Session resumes 3:50pm ... Q & A and Feedback 4:30pm ... Session ends Some of the topics included in this tutorial: • Single-file applications • Multi-file structure for larger applications • Templates • Web forms • Databases • User Authentication • Administration Panel • Social features (followers, timeline pages) • Ajax and RESTful APIs • Deployment options In addition to the Flask core modules (Flask itself, Jinja 2 template engine, Werkzeug) you will learn how to use a number of Flask extensions such as: • Flask-WTF for web form handling • Flask-SQLAlchemy for database management • Flask-Login for user authentication • Flask-Bootstrap for CSS styling • Flask-RESTful for APIs |
Sep 26, 2015
Flask by Example: A PyCon Tutorial Practice Session – Urban Airship Inc Join us as Miguel Grinberg runs through his PyCon 2014 Tutorial Session: Flask by Example. Refreshments sponsored by, who have launched a new network to help people everywhere connect and take action on any issue that concerns them, locally or globally, online and in person. Help Miguel prepare for PyCon by being an audience member, and providing helpful feedback afterwards. ** While anyone is welcome to attend, please note that this session is an Intermediate-level tutorial. It will be most accessible and useful to those who already know Python fairly well and are looking to learn about the Flask framework. About Flask Flask is a web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. It is considered a micro-framework, but don't get the "micro" part fool you; Flask can do everything others can do, many times in a simpler, leaner way. In this tutorial session you will follow me as I write a complete web application in front of your eyes using the core framework and a handful of extensions. About this Session Flask is a small and easy to use, yet fully featured open source web framework written in Python. Its code is concise and well written, you can read it all and understand it. In this session you will learn the Flask way by watching me build a complete application in front of your eyes. Session Schedule 12:00pm ... Doors open 12:30pm ... Tutorial begins 2:00pm ... Stretch break 2:20pm ... Session resumes 3:50pm ... Q & A and Feedback 4:30pm ... Session ends Some of the topics included in this tutorial: • Single-file applications • Multi-file structure for larger applications • Templates • Web forms • Databases • User Authentication • Administration Panel • Social features (followers, timeline pages) • Ajax and RESTful APIs • Deployment options In addition to the Flask core modules (Flask itself, Jinja 2 template engine, Werkzeug) you will learn how to use a number of Flask extensions such as: • Flask-WTF for web form handling • Flask-SQLAlchemy for database management • Flask-Login for user authentication • Flask-Bootstrap for CSS styling • Flask-RESTful for APIs |