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Viewing 3 past events matching “text mining” by Date.

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Apr 5, 2016
pdxrlang meetup: NLP meets Politics-Experiment­s w/ Word-Vectors and 2016 Campaign Debate Rhetoric

Speaker: Winston Saunders

Abstract: Word vectors, derived by deep learning algorithms applied to billions of words of text, provide powerful semantic models of language. Code in R, demonstrating [queen] + [man] - [woman] ~ [King] to about 90% accuracy will be reviewed. Building first on exploratory "bag of words" analysis of Presidential debate texts, we'll explore, using pre-computed GloVe vectors (Pennington et al, relationships like [sanders] + [trump] - [clinton] ~ [cruz] and how candidate positions align to rhetorical sentiment like [government] + [people] - [tax]. This analysis is work in progress. We'll also test empirical limits (aka failed experiments). Active feedback is both sought and welcome.


Doors open ~6 pm, talk starts at 6:30 pm

Doors are open at bottom, take elevator to 3rd floor, door should be open for suite 320

We'll visit a local watering hole afterwards.

May 10, 2016
pdxrlang meetup: Meet, Greet, Hack
WeWork Custom House

We have monthly meetups with someone(s) giving a talk(s) on some usually technical topic involving R. We also have a great set of meetings run by Audrey Julian going over Coursera R course material.

We want to have another set of meetings where pdxrlang meetup members can meet each other, chat, hack on R projects, learn from one another, etc. Basically anything goes.

This is our first meetup of this type. Everyone is welcome!

Time: 615pm - 8pm

Doors open at 6 - DON'T SHOW UP BEFORE 6 - we'll start at 615.

Jun 22, 2016
pdxrlang meetup: Meet, Greet, Hack
WeWork US Custom House

Aggregate meetup No. 3! Everyone is welcome!


• brief intro/R project or problem: We'll go around the room, each person talk about an R project they've been working on, or a data/data-science problem, or something they want to learn, etc.

• After going around the room, anyone can share some code they've been working on and want help with / want feedback on. Make sure to have this ready before the meeting. Discuss here

• Before arriving, use the pdxrlang/aggregate GitHub repository to discuss ideas for things to work on at aggregate - - One idea was proposed

• Do bring your computer (if you have one) in case you want to work on something.

Time: 630pm - 8pm

Doors open after 6 - DON'T SHOW UP BEFORE 6 - we'll start between 615 and 630.

Enter on the 8th Ave. entrance where there's gates - The gates may be locked, but a security person will let you in. If you have any trouble message me in the meetup app, or on Twitter at @pdxrlang or @sckottie
