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Viewing 0 current events matching “susan rich” by Date.

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Viewing 1 past event matching “susan rich” by Date.

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Jul 19, 2010
Portland Ten & Mercy Corps NW Seminar: Write It Ritch!
Mercy Corps NW

Are you writing for the internet? Find out how to resonate with an invisible audience in this 1-hour workshop. Susan Rich, owner of RichWriting Inc., shows you how to organize thoughts and pick a key message. Together you’ll discuss what makes good content—do’s and don’ts to capture your market’s attention. Susan Rich is a business writer, editor, and writing consultant with 20+ years of experience.

$5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members. At the Mercy Corps NW office at 43 SW Naito Pkwy, downtown by the Burnside Bridge.

