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Viewing 3 past events matching “organizational development” by Date.

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Sep 17, 2008
The Internal Consultant's World: An Intimate Look
Portland State University Market Square Building

September 17th, 2008 -The Internal Consultant’s* World: An Intimate Look Four successful Organizational Development consultants give us an inside look at their world as employees working to make their organization better.

A few of the questions these internal consultants will address in a fast-paced interactive session:

* Their toughest challenges and how they deal with them?
* How do internal OD consultants find the “juice” to keep going? 
* Where’s the joy for an internal?
* Employment Security—does it exist?
* What really bugs internal consultants?
* What does an external consultant need to know to get in the door to the internal’s organization?  (What internals would love to tell externals but rarely do)

Join us for an engaging evening of learning and laughter as we explore the future of OD from the internal's perspective.

NEW TIME/DATE: 3rd Wednesday

* Informal Networking: 5:30-6:00p
* Meeting: 6:00p-7:45p
* Discussion Tables: 7:45-8:15p
     (for those that want to continue the conversation/connection)

NEW LOCATION: PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Market Square Building, Room 1054 1515 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97201

Sep 14, 2011
Strategy Execution: The Balanced Scorecard Approach (by ODN Oregon)

The Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map (BalSC-StratMap) combination is an increasingly popular strategic toolset that all OD practitioners should become familiar with. Not only is the BalSC-StratMap a powerful tool for turning strategies into executable realities, it is also liable to arrive in the OD practitioner's environment without warning (often by way of the CEO or a board member learning about it at a seminar and becoming enthusiastic). The prepared OD professional will be able to help make the BalSC-StratMap a success. Without significant OD assistance, BalSC-StratMap initiatives may flounder and fail.

Just as significantly, BalSC-StratMap approaches can directly assist in boosting individual productivity by providing three of the Five Preconditions of Top Performance. In this program, Tom Cox will elaborate on this relationship and lead us in creating a BalSC-StratMap for Oregon ODN. As a result of the session, participants will have an experience-based perspective on BalSC-StratMap and how it affects both organizational and individual performance. Multiple samples will be shared, along with templates and a bibliography of sources.

Cost: Free to current members in good standing of ODN, ASTD-Cascadia, PHRMA and PMI. The cost for non-members is $10. The $10 fee can be used to offset the annual membership investment of $75.00 if paid at the program.

About the Speaker

Tom Cox is a successful consultant, author and speaker. He has worked in industries ranging from retail to wholesale to manufacturing to government to business services -- for firms including IBM, Oracle, Tektronix, ODOT, Intel, Regence Blue Cross, Standard Insurance, OHSU and dozens of others.

Tom is the author of one book, countless articles, and he co-authored the chapter on Metrics and Performance Improvement for a textbook on Medical Trauma Care. A frequent writer, his column runs twice a month in Oregon Business Magazine’s online edition.

A graduate of the University of Chicago, Tom earned his four-year degree in psychology in just three years, with honors. Tom was the 2002 Libertarian candidate for Governor of Oregon.

May 3, 2017
Creating Magnetic Organizational Cultures

An Applied Improv Network Special Event: Creating Magnetic Organizational Cultures with Bård Brænde

“Moving from Parity to Differentiation: Creating Magnetic Cultures through Applied Improv”

AIN Portland is pleased to welcome Bård Brænde to present a special workshop in Portland, Oregon! Bård is a popular consultant, lecturer and mentor in his home country, working with some of Scandinavia’s leading brands and organizations to help them become thriving, magnetic cultures.

WHAT: AI Lecture and Workshop by visiting practitioner Bård Brænde WHEN: May 3, Wednesday, 6-9 pm. First half hour is social mixer. WHERE: ComedySportz,1963 NW Kearney St., Portland, OR COST: FREE and open to the public

Two decades in business consulting and AI led Bård to the creation of his core framework for transforming corporate cultures. In this session, Bård will introduce his 3-step framework and his methods, as well as lead a workshop on how everyone of us could use this as part of our own work/public speaking. The framework is designed to differentiate an organisation and truly develop a "best company in the world" mindset in its customers and internal staff. This is particularly useful to organizations going through a strategic transformation, building innovation capability, or adding diversity to the culture.

We hope to see you there!

Your event organizers Patricia Colley ([email protected]) Barbara Tint ([email protected]) Patrick Short ([email protected])

Want a preview? Read a google translated version of Bårds page at his management here:

Or check out the these English videos Bård created on cultivating great corporate culture.