Viewing 0 current events matching “gpl” by Event Name.
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Viewing 2 past events matching “gpl” by Event Name.
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Apr 7, 2011
The ACM@PSU Presents: Richard Stallman - Free Software and Your Freedom – Portland State University - Native American Student and Community Center Abstract: The Free Software Movement campaigns for computer users' freedom to cooperate and control their own computing. The Free Software Movement developed the GNU operating system, typically used with the Linux kernel, specifically to make these freedoms possible. The Portland State University Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Department are proud to welcome Richard Stallman to PSU for this general-interest talk. Mr. Stallman is the father of the free software movement and the concept of 'copyleft', the original author of GNU Emacs, the GNU Compiler Collection, and many of the utilities used in the GNU/Linux operating system. This event is free and open to the general public. Mr. Stallman will be available for a brief Q&A session following the talk. Doors open at 7pm, the talk begins at 7:30pm. |
Sep 18, 2012
PLUG AT: Embedded GNU/Linux and GPL compliance – Free Geek Portland Linux/Unix Group Advanced Topics: Embedded GNU/Linux and GPL compliance. How not to make a mess of things by Beth Flanagan of Intel As GNU/Linux becomes more and more common in the consumer device market, the number of GPL violations found by various compliance organizations have increased dramatically. We'll discuss how violations occur, what to do if you find yourself in violation and how the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core helps you to avoid a costly GPL violation action. Beth 'pidge' Flanagan is the maintainer of the licensing infrastructure for the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core, maintainer of the yocto-autobuilder and build and release engineer for the Yocto Project. She has spoken on a wide range of topics over the years, from GPL compliance in the embedded world to open source firearms. She works full time on the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core for Intel's Open Source Technologies Center. Many will head to the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne after the meeting. |