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Dec 19, 2017
pdxrlang meetup: aggregate - meet, greet, learn, collaborate
US Custom House / WeWork

Aggregate meetup No. 16! Everyone is welcome!

We will not have pizza this time, but we will have some drinks.


• brief intro/R project or problem: We'll go around the room, each person talk about an R project they've been working on, or a data/data-science problem, or something they want to learn, etc.

• After going around the room, anyone can share some code they've been working on and want help with / want feedback on. Make sure to have this ready before the meeting. Discuss here

• Before arriving, use the pdxrlang/aggregate GitHub repository to discuss ideas for things to work on at aggregate -

• Do bring your computer (if you have one) in case you want to demo something.

• Time: 630pm - 8pm

Jan 23, 2018
pdxrlang meetup: aggregate - Shiny workshop
US Custom House / WeWork

Aggregate meetup No. 17! Everyone is welcome!

shiny ( is a popular web application framework for making interactive visualizations and dashboards, allowing R users to share their analyses in an interactive format with minimal web programming expertise. In this workshop, we will produce a simple data exploration dashboard with tooltips using the shiny, ggplot2 and flexDashboard packages. I will introduce the basic concepts behind programming a shiny application, as well as some useful design patterns (reactives, tooltips, observe/update/isolate). Basic familiarity with R programming concepts and ggplot2 are suggested

We will not have pizza this time, but we will have some drinks, and perhaps some light snacks.


• Bring your computer!

• Time: 630pm - 8pm
