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Viewing 0 current events matching “board game” by Date.

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Viewing 5 past events matching “board game” by Date.

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Feb 26, 2010
Go Portland Tech

Go Portland Tech is a chance for everyone involved in Portland technology to come try their hand at Go, a game that is loved by geeks the world over.

Go is both thousands of years old, simple to learn, and poses interesting computer science problems (a computer player has yet to beat the best humans, and amateurs can still beat the bots too).

Regular Portland Go club meetups are held on Tuesdays and Saturdays (see: but this is a chance for tech folks that are seasoned players or absolute beginners to get together and share a game. No experience is necessary to attend.

Apr 30, 2010
Go Portland Tech

Go Portland Tech is a chance for everyone involved in Portland technology to come try their hand at Go, a game that is loved by geeks the world over.

Go is both thousands of years old, simple to learn, and poses interesting computer science problems (a computer player has yet to beat the best humans, and amateurs can still beat the bots too).

Regular Portland Go club meetups are held on Tuesdays and Saturdays (see: but this is a chance for tech folks that are seasoned players or absolute beginners to get together and share a game.

No experience is necessary to attend, and there will be drinks and snacks.

May 28, 2010
Go Portland Tech

Go Portland Tech is a chance for everyone involved in Portland technology to come try their hand at Go, a game that is loved by geeks the world over.

Go is both thousands of years old, simple to learn, and poses interesting computer science problems (a computer player has yet to beat the best humans, and amateurs can still beat the bots too).

Regular Portland Go club meetups are held on Tuesdays and Saturdays (see: but this is a chance for tech folks that are seasoned players or absolute beginners to get together and share a game.

No experience is necessary to attend, and there will be drinks and snacks.

Sep 1, 2011
Glass Plate Game and First Thursday Open House
Collective Agency Downtown

The Glass Plate Game, inspired by Hermann Hesse's Glass Bead Game, is essentially a conversation in the trappings of a board game. Hesse's game us alluded to as a The idea is to spark creative and interesting dialog as the players explore connections between ideas against a dynamic mosaic map. There are no winners or losers. There is no order of play. Conversation continues throughout, and anyone can make a move at any time. The end result is an artifact of the conversation. The "game board" makes it easy to follow the twists and turns of the conversation.

Co-creator Dunbar Aitkens will be visiting to help lead the session. We will begin with an introduction to the game followed by a period of idea card making to especially bring concepts from players' own projects and interests into the card deck, then launch right into playing. Stay for the 3rd hour, and we'll build Glass Plate Game sets for everyone who'd like one to take with them. The sets contain "idea cards" for composing the mosaic and wooden cubes and colored transparencies for tracking the thread of thought.

Come for fun, friends, and stimulating conversation.

Also, "Collective Agency" will be open continuously to the public, from 9am-9pm on September 1st. Regular hours are 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri.

Oct 10, 2013
The Stumpquest Games Fest
through Art Institute of Portland

The Stumpquest Games Fest is a 4-day games festival celebrating the integration of games, design, art, and technology in collaboration with independent developers. Come participate in the multifaceted medium of games through design and play! In addition to attending, registration is open for volunteers and those who want to showcase their game projects.

Events include: Twine Workshop, Board Game Prototyping, Indie Games Tournament, Indie Games Arcade, Twine Jam, Film Screening

For full details, visit the Pixel Arts Game Education listing:
