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Oct 18, 2017
Jira in Action: Software Development & Project Management
CENTRL East Side Location

Two Jira users walk into a bar... What do they find? Each other and a whole lot of ways to use Jira to solve problems. This month two local users will share how they use Jira and other products to collaborate and manage internal projects from technical to business. Come to learn from their successes, failures, and everything in between. Ask questions and collaborate; our hope is that you'll walk away with answers to your burning challenges, or at least feel like you have a local Bat-line to call for help.

We'll also report out on the latest from Atlassian, including announcements from Summit in San Jose. If you attended, we'd love for you to share your most-memorable moment and what you learned.

Event Details:

Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Time: 5:30-7 PM PDT

Location: Centrl Office Eastside - 329 NE Couch St, Portland, OR 97232

Other things and things: Food and social lubricant provided, cheers!
