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Viewing 7 past events matching “IT automation” by Date.

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Dec 7, 2015
RESCHEDULED FOR DEC.14th DUE TO FLOODING December 7th Portland Puppet User Group Meeting

Join us for an evening of talks about Puppet!

We'll have Rich Burroughs from Yesmail Interactive speaking about how to use Gareth Rushgrove's Module Skeleton. Rich works on developing automation as part of an Operations team, mainly using Puppet. He's lead on the efforts to roll out a new greenfield Puppet Enterprise deployment.

We'll also have Puppet Labs engineer, Ethan Brown here to speak about Managing Windows with Puppet. Ethan is the technical lead for the Puppet Windows team, devoted to improving the Puppet Windows experience. Prior to joining the Puppet team, he spent 15+ years building and architecting applications using a wide range of Microsoft technology from the desktop to the web and everything in between.


  • 6:00-6:30 pm Pizza and salad (vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options)

  • 6:30- 7:15 pm Managing Windows with Puppet, PowerShell and DSC - Ethan Brown, Puppet Labs

  • 7:15-7:45 pm Using Gareth's Module Skeleton - Rich Burroughs, Operations Engineer, Yesmail Interactive.

  • 7:45-8:15 pm Plan for next time and mingle

Extra Details: The office is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. There is bike parking on the street and just inside the parking garage at the corner of SW Stark and SW 1st Ave. Parking is available on the street or at one of the many pay to park lots near the office

Dec 14, 2015
Portland Puppet User Group Meeting

Join us for an evening of talks about Puppet!

We'll have Rich Burroughs from Yesmail Interactive speaking about how to use Gareth Rushgrove's Module Skeleton. Rich works on developing automation as part of an Operations team, mainly using Puppet. He's lead on the efforts to roll out a new greenfield Puppet Enterprise deployment.

We'll also have Puppet Labs engineer, Ethan Brown here to speak about Managing Windows with Puppet. Ethan is the technical lead for the Puppet Windows team, devoted to improving the Puppet Windows experience. Prior to joining the Puppet team, he spent 15+ years building and architecting applications using a wide range of Microsoft technology from the desktop to the web and everything in between.


  • 6:00-6:30 pm Pizza and salad (vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options)

  • 6:30- 7:15 pm Managing Windows with Puppet, PowerShell and DSC - Ethan Brown, Puppet Labs

  • 7:15-7:45 pm Using Gareth's Module Skeleton - Rich Burroughs, Operations Engineer, Yesmail Interactive.

  • 7:45-8:15 pm Plan for next time and mingle

Extra Details: The office is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. There is bike parking on the street and just inside the parking garage at the corner of SW Stark and SW 1st Ave. Parking is available on the street or at one of the many pay to park lots near the office

Jan 4, 2016
**CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER Portland Puppet User Group Meeting

Please join us for an evening of Puppet talks!

We'll have Ryan Whitehurst, SysOps Engineer to talk about what he learned from the recent move of our internal Puppet deployment from PE 3.2 (Puppet 3.4.3) to PE 2015.2 (Puppet 4.2). He'll cover the successes, troubles, and tricks we used to make this transition. Ryan works on the SysOps team at Puppet Labs. His current primary responsibility is the development and maintenance of our internal Puppet Enterprise deployment.


  • 6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

  • 6:30-7:15 Moving from Puppet 3 to Puppet 4 - Ryan Whitehurst, Puppet Labs

  • 7:15-7:45 Discussion about challenges that you've experienced moving your Puppet deployments

  • 7:45-8:15 Mingle & plan for the next meeting

Extra Details: The office is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. There is bike parking on the street and just inside the parking garage at the corner of SW Stark and SW 1st Ave. Parking is available on the street or at one of the many pay to park lots near the office

Feb 1, 2016
Portland Puppet User Group Meeting

Please join us for an evening of Puppet talks!

We'll have Ryan Whitehurst, SysOps Engineer to talk about what he learned from the recent move of our internal Puppet deployment from PE 3.2 (Puppet 3.4.3) to PE 2015.2 (Puppet 4.2). He'll cover the successes, troubles, and tricks we used to make this transition. Ryan works on the SysOps team at Puppet Labs. His current primary responsibility is the development and maintenance of our internal Puppet Enterprise deployment.


  • 6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

  • 6:30-7:15 Moving from Puppet 3 to Puppet 4 - Ryan Whitehurst, Puppet Labs

  • 7:15-7:45 Discussion about challenges that you've experienced moving your Puppet deployments

  • 7:45-8:15 Mingle & plan for the next meeting

Extra Details: The office is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. There is bike parking on the street and just inside the parking garage at the corner of SW Stark and SW 1st Ave. Parking is available on the street or at one of the many pay to park lots near the office

Mar 7, 2016
Portland Puppet User Group Meeting

Please join us for an evening of Puppet talks!

We hope you'll join us for the next Puppet User Group meeting. We'll have a talk on Upgrading Puppet Agents with Less Magic (puppetlabs-puppet_agent).

More about the talk: Upgrading the version of a Puppet agent can be simple: create a package resource with the desired version. However, that only works with a few package managers, and you have to find the package repositories hosting those packages. Then there’s Puppet 4; upgrading to Puppet 4 comes with a lot of changes. It can be daunting to find the changes necessary to ensure your agent will talk to your Puppet master after upgrading to Puppet 4. The puppetlabs-puppet_agent module aims to address those problems and makes use of many new language features in Puppet 4 while doing so. This talk will walk through how it works.

Speaker Bio: Michael Smith has been writing software in C++ for 10 years, with an obsession for avoiding preventable mistakes. He’s currently a Sr. Software Engineer on the Open Source Client team at Puppet Labs.


  • 6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

  • 6:30-7:15 Upgrading Puppet Agents with Less Magic - Michael Smith, Puppet Labs

  • 7:15-7:45 Discussion about challenges that you've experienced upgrading

  • 7:45-8:15 Mingle & plan for the next meeting

Extra Details: The office is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. There is bike parking on the street and just inside the parking garage at the corner of SW Stark and SW 1st Ave. Parking is available on the street or at one of the many pay to park lots near the office

May 2, 2016
Portland Puppet User Group Meeting

Please join us for an evening of Puppet talks!

We hope you'll join us for the next Puppet User Group meeting. We'll have a talk a special security addition this month with Puppet engineers Ben Ford and Adrien Thebo.


  • 6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

  • 6:30-7:15 Talk on configuring and using hiera-yaml and node_encrypt by Ben Ford, Software Engineer (Puppet)

  • 7:15-7:45 Discussion with Ben, Software Engineer (Puppet) and Adrien, Software Engineer (Puppet)

  • 7:45-8:15 Mingle & plan for the next meeting

Extra Details: The office is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. There is bike parking on the street and just inside the parking garage at the corner of SW Stark and SW 1st Ave. Parking is available on the street or at one of the many pay to park lots near the office

Jun 6, 2016
Portland Puppet User Group Meeting

Join us this month for an informal hack night. Bring your questions, your modules, your ideas, your tools and lets work together on something fun and exciting.

We will split into small teams based on suggestions from you and either hack on something or just discuss the topic at hand. Think of this as an extreme pair programming experience. At the end of the meeting each group will give a brief summary of what they hacked on.


6:00-6:30 Pizza & salad, including vegan & gluten free options

6:30-6:45 News and Announcements

6:45-8:15 Break into small groups, hack, discuss, and learn

8:15-8:45 Lightning presentations from breakout groups

Please RSVP so we can know how much pizza to order:

Extra Details: The office is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. There is bike parking on the street and just inside the parking garage at the corner of SW Stark and SW 1st Ave. Parking is available on the street or at one of the many pay to park lots near the office
