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Jan 23, 2016
Karaoke Research Council ep. 3 TAPING: Futel + music by The Occupant
Open Signal (Formerly Portland Community Media)

COME BE IN OUR STUDIO AUDIENCE!!! Taping starts at 2 sharp.

Karaoke Research Council is a medium-silly TV show devoted to showing off Portlanders who are using the arts and/or technology to increase human connection in cool ways. And, of course, Karaoke research.

Karl Anderson and Elijah St. Clair of Futel join Ross live in Studio A to discuss and demonstrate their DIY telephone company Futel. Futel's been putting up free pay phones around town that are more than they appear. Check 'em out at

Musical guest is The Occupant. With a sound that is simultaneously engrossing, abstract, and playful, The Occupant promises to confuse and delight. Listen here:

PLUS: -We'll continue our research into next-generation Karaoke with a new online demo of singalong.js that you can play at home with your friends

-E minor drone yoga
