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DataPDX presents "Data Strategies as Cornerstone if you want to use AI in Advanced Analytics" with Marilu Lopez, SEGDA

Google Meet (RSVP for join code)

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Speaker Marilu Lopez, SEGDA

Marilu is the owner and data management consultant at SEGDA, specializing in data strategies and operating models. She co-founded and served as president of the DAMA Mexico Chapter, was the DAMA Regional Coordinator for Latin America, Presidents' Council Chairperson, and is currently DAMA Chapter Services VP. With a background of 30+ years in the financial sector, including 15 years in data management, Marilu holds a CDMP (Certified Data Management Professional) Master and CIMP certifications in Data Governance and Data Quality and is TOGAF-certified. She is the author of “Data Strategies for Data Governance” and an active speaker at international conferences like EDW, DGIQ, and DMZ.

Abstract Data Strategies are the cornerstone for driving AI in advanced analytics. Using a pragmatic, agile, and communicative (PAC) approach, organizations can anchor their Data Management priorities with a maturity model, then clearly define and communicate their strategic path forward using a concise strategy canvas.

Session Synopsis

A Pragmatic, Agile, and Communicative approach to defining the What, Who, and When of Data Management to have good data for AI.

Most organizations are living an urgency to get value out of their data. They are jumping directly to implement MDM initiatives, to move to the cloud, or to implement advanced analytics, and now, to adopt AI, without a real understanding of the problems that need to be solved and the priority to tackle them. There's though an increasing awareness of having to manage data in a better way, but there's no clear understanding of the path to follow. Data Strategy is the key element to prioritize and guide resource allocation in the best way. This session presents how to produce Data Strategies using the PAC (Pragmatic, Agile, and Communicable) (Pragmatic, Agile, and Communicable) Data Strategy Method.

Attendees will take away:

The relevance of a Data Management Maturity Model as an anchor for a Data Strategy The power of a Canvas to communicate Data Strategy The Data Strategies Framework The attainability of the Data Strategy PAC Method

Define your Data Strategies with the appropriate stakeholders in a very pragmatic and agile way and communicate them with the power of a Canvas.

