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Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 11:39am.
Cryptography: What is it? How is it used? Why is it important?
This is a virtual event, please go to this Google Meet room at the time of the event: http://meet.google.com/vad-wsca-ggn
Details We are excited to have Dr. Brent Wilson back to discuss another Cyber Security topic!
This week we will be discussing Cryptography - the art of writing and solving codes. Codes have been used to protect information since ancient times and are the foundation of modern data encryption. Dr. Brent Wilson will be teaching us all about what cryptography is, how it's used, and why we should care.
Dr. Brent Wilson is a Professor of Computer Science and Cybersecurity at George Fox University. He has an incredible talent for presenting complex topics in a fun and understandable way.
Join us Friday, August 5th at 1pm Pacific Time (2p MT, 3p CT, 4p ET) in our google meet room.
RSVP on Meetup: https://bit.ly/TechTalk85 RSVP on Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/TechTalkE85
Can't make it live? We will be posting the recording to our Tech Talks playlist on our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/TTA-techtalks
Don't miss this great opportunity to learn and network!