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Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)

Lucky Lab Brew Pub
915 Se Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, OR 97214, US (map)



We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts! Bring your C++ questions, stories of coding adventure, and tales of debugger derring-do!

Our group has a particular focus on "modern C++": that is, we closely follow the current and evolving language standards and place emphasis on discussing and demonstrating newer, practical techniques that have evolved over the decades since C++ was introduced.

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub on SE Hawthorne.

-- Your PDXCPP Organizers
