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The Importance of Unit Testing with Lyman McBride

The Tech Academy
310 Southwest 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

This is a virtual event, please go to this google meet room at the time of the event: http://meet.google.com/vad-wsca-ggn



Lyman McBride is a professional trombone player who became a software engineer in 2021. Currently a full stack engineer on the integrations team at JobNimbus LLC, he enjoys the process of creating clean, efficient, and maintainable code. Unit testing is not only an every day part of a software engineer's life, but is often part of the interview process, making it a vital concept for the aspiring engineer to understand.

Lyman's talk will cover concepts of: -The what and why of Unit Testing -Unit test anatomy -Assertions -Clean code and readability -Preventing Tech Debt

Join us Friday, March 25th, at 1pm Pacific Time (2p MT, 3p CT, 4p ET) in our Google Meet room.

Can't make it live? We will be posting the recording to our Tech Talks playlist on our YouTube Channel: bit.ly/TTA-techtalks

Don't miss this great opportunity to learn about the importance of unit testing


