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Maintaining Mental Health on the Job Hunt - Tech Talk with Linda Jean-Philippe

The Tech Academy
310 SW 4th Ave Suite 230
Portland, OR 97204, us (map)

This is a virtual event. Join us live on June 11th at 1pm Pacific Time in this google meet room: https://meet.google.com/erw-giij-ktv



The first Tech job is the hardest to land, and the process can be disheartening at times. That's why we invited Linda Jean-Philippe to come discuss how to maintain your mental health while on the job hunt. We will learn how to deal with being nervous, redeeming yourself after every rejection, and controlling what you can during the process.

Linda came to The Tech Academy from a non-technical background working in finance and healthcare. She graduated from the Python Developer Boot Camp in 2020 and works as a software engineer for CapGemini in Atlanta, GA. Let's all take a mental health break and gain some insight on getting through the job search from someone who's been there.

Join us on June 11th at 1pm Pacific time for networking, conversation and fun!

Register on Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/techacademy/events/277535103/

Register on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/150969001347

Can't make it live? Watch the recording on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheTechAcademyLearnCoding/


