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Portland ReactJS - Portland ReactJs w/ Remote Talks: React + Serverless by David Wells, and more

New Relic
111 SW 5th Ave, 27th floor, Portland, OR Select
Portland, OR 97240, us (map)



• What we'll do
Please note: this is a Thursday meetup and we will be meeting on the **27th** floor!

-=== Proposed Schedule ===-

David Wells: React + Serverless

Developer @ https://serverless.com/

Come learn how to build a robust multi-stage React application backed by a Serverless API, complete with user authentication & protected routes. 💸
He will walk through using React, AWS Lambda, custom authorizers, and Auth0 JWTs to create an infinitely scalable, pay per execution full stack app.
Open Source Repo: https://github.com/serverless/forms-service

Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGrGce6-cX4

-=== Event Details ===-

New Relic (http://newrelic.com/) has graciously offered their event space to host our meeting this month. If you are new to the group, welcome! We hope that you find this community a friendly and open one. To new and existing members, please take a look at the code of conduct (https://github.com/portland-react-js/meetup/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md) for our group.

-=== Other ===-

As a reminder, we're on Slack! You can join us here http://portlandreactjs.herokuapp.com to chat with other Reactivists all talking and helping each other with React!

• What to bring

• Important to know

