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Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Life as a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer

The Tech Academy
310 SW 4th Ave Suite 412
Portland, OR 97204, USA (map)



Featured Speaker: Johnny Reaser, Senior Quality Assurance Engineer

Johnny has 20+ years experience in software testing. Since his first position at Microsoft in 1997 he has been involved in all aspects of system development life cycle and application evolution using agile methodology, object-oriented design, and iterative development.

Johnny is a graduate of The Tech Academy.

Find out what it's like to work as a Senior QA Engineer: The pluses, the minuses, and everything in between!

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

12:45 Doors Open
1:00 Talk Begins
1:30 Q&A


